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Kaveh pov


Nothing hurts more then looking at a test I have studied for over 5 hours for ...with only a 67%

The red ink killed my soul as he let out a internal scream and I hit my head on the desk.
Making people around my jump.

Sure..a 67 isn't that bad and hostly I'd take the fact I passed but it hurt when I was trying to aim for a 80 or even a 90.

"You alright?"
I hear Tighnari say as he looks back in his seat

I look up as my blonde hair all messed up now that was from me slamming my head against the table

"Yeah..I just - I studied over 5 hours and I ..I haven't slept in "
I try say but Tighnari pulled his hand up as if to say I'm done listen and or shut up

I blink and stare at him so he can finish his point.

"You probably stressed out to much, I told you to study in parts not just one big study session. You always trying to study everything in one night. No wonder you stress yourself out"
Tighnari said but I stoped listening as he just stare at him and nod even though I can not tell him what he was saying

I hum saying I understand

Tighnari sigh and give me an annoyed look

"Are you listening?"


"Really? What did you eat yesterday?'


Tighnari pinched the bridge of his nose
"Kaveh- how long did you sleep last night?"

I still for a moment and resist the urge t use my fingers to count

"Like- maybe ..5 or 4"

I answered hoping that was a good answer

"4 or 5 ..so does that mean 3"
Tighnari asks and I wince on how he's damn fucking accurate.


Tighnari rolled his eyes and fixed his posture
"Your helpless, why cant you take help you need"

That kinda struck deep and made my stomach sink

"I don't really need help though, I have good grades and Im well liked-"

Tighnari gives a look and nodded

"Sure kaveh"

I sigh and put the test turned down so I don't have to look at it

"So how did you do?"
I ask with a smile

"I got a 94"
Tighnari said with a slight smile

"94? What's it like to be a genius?"
I say as I pat Tighnaris shoulder

I've been friends with him since grade 5, he and I would nerd over butterfly's and other house plants. Mostly me saying how they were so pretty and him explain what they names were

We even had a brief moment where I lived with him,I still almost do since I was still currently looking for a place and my mother had already left out the country. I slept over there alot, every night usually

Tighnari laughs lightly
"I am anything but a genius but thank you"

I laugh along with him and I feel my mood lift

"Hey you know I got some cash on me, how about I buy you a snack for break? It would be a victory snack!"
I say more excited then Tighnari

He nerrowed his eyes
"Don't you need that money?"

I did

I needed for transport since the bus didn't run past here after school

"Nope, I don't need this money"

I say as I still smile

Tighnari sighs

"Okey I'll let you buy but are you sure? I don't need you wasting your money again"
He said and gave me a stare

I laugh nervously
"Well I like to spend my money on friends,is that a bad thing? -no it isn't"
I say not letting him finish

"Fine but I swear to fuck Kaveh I find out you needed that money I'll beat you up"

He said but it only made me laugh

"Beat me up?"

I snicker
"Will you meet me in the parking lot?"

Tighnari rolled his eyes
"Okey- no you know I won't but I am serious about the other part"

I nod
"Yes and don't worry I don't need this money"

I really do.

(Time skip)

I watch as everyone rushed to get out the schools gates and I stand behind and put my headphones on as I walk over to the art center. It's usually open for art students to finish projects or other stuff.

Walking I make sure not to bump into anyone
Right- the money

How am I going to get home? I could walk- I mean it's one hell of a walk but maybe I could do it
I can't do it

I let out a tired sigh and closed my eyes as I start to stress

I feel a impact as he gets knocked back and almost fall the floor
-shit! Did I run into to someone

"Oh- shit I'm really sorry I didn't look where I was- ..oh "
As I panicly try explain myself I look up to see who I walked in
And there stode the last thing I wanted to see today

A gray haired tall mother fucker with the most arrogant expression on his face.
Al Haitham.

I hate him

I feel my eye twitch
"Ah- it's such a disappointment to run into you"
I snare and cross my arms
He does the same
"You're the one who walked into me, keep your eyes open and maybe you can see who you're running into"
He said with his annoying monotone voice

I roll my eyes
"I was - thinking so shush!"

He took off his noise canceling headphones and raise an eyebrow
"Well keep your mind out the clouds"

This mother fucker. Lord give me strength. .. please!!!

"Fine! Okey god! I am sorry for bumping into you, your majesty"
I say attempting to get under the skin

He let out a mixture of a huff and laugh
"Great. And my sir is fine"

I bring my hands up to chock him, but hold myself back
"Oh! You- "

He puts on his headphones and began to walk away
"Huh? Wait! Hey!! I HATE YOU , YOU CAN'T JUST WALK-"
I give up trying to yell as him and my eye twitches.

Great- my afternoon is ruined.

Word count:1042

Kavetham/haikaveh modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now