Chapter 22: The Reckoning

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Zac was a mild tempered man...

Who did a many trite things for his enjoyment.
He walked among the corn stalks of his generational given farm. He'd sit up in his barn, listen to all of the crickets and tranquil delights of livestock that he did care so much for.

His pass time hobby, although a bit outlandish for a strong farm hand such as himself was drawing.
Yes, in his hand made home, he had shelves dedicated to his hard earned, long practiced gallery of personal art, sketch books, small hand drawn cartoons, funny sayings, even drawings of the animals around the farm, carefully critiqued to the most minute details.

Today was different though, today Zac sat out on the porch, his small hammock swaying along in the crisp night air, the cows made their calls, the chickens made their clucks and coo's but Zac had his mind on somethings else.

A few days back when traveling to the country's capital, (ungrinsted) he'd seen posters, posters of a great deal of money, money that he could use to fix up his broken down shed of rusty farm tools, and a handidown tractor, his good were already being distributed as he would dare speak, as the town merchants relied on him and his produce so readily that he at one point in time needed to redistribute all of his wealth into better machinery and usable supplies to benefit his family but also his community.

Zac lived on a farm slightly alone, as his beloved wife left him months before leaving him with their daughter agracia. He'd done everything he could to make sure he knew how to take care of her, foods and care, so much that his work had started to teeter along with quality instead of in quantity. Something that farmers of his particular standing try to avoid. Reputation is everything, if people were to hear that he had been selling good products, that his tomatoes were rotten, or his zucchini wasn't fresh, he'd be out of business and his daughter would starve.

So he sat on his porch, his mind swimming with overall thoughts of how he'd take on the quest to get the money, a thought came to his head, he'd lay a trap, flawlessly intertwine the victim into his net. He knew what needed to be done.

Zac packed a few things, laid his daughter into his back harness and set off into the night, leaving one note on his netted shutter door.

"Be back soon, there's a reckoning to be had".

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