At the top of the hill...

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Thunderous noise burst through the sky, carrying with it rainbow-colored wisps of light, to the corners of Equestria. The shockwave was followed by gusts of wind that shook the treetops violently, swaying their branches, until twigs and leaves rained down onto the forest floor. The creatures inhabiting the area scattered away from the sound, creating a ruckus of shrieks and chirps. After the noise died down, the critters and the birds were drawn back by the lights dancing overhead. Life was heard throughout the forest- save for a small meadow, where the last of the sun's rays penetrated the branches.

The only sound there was the cracking of stone. At the top of a tiny hill stood a structure made of old, worn stone, and atop it was a pony statue- whose surface was chipping off, piece by piece. As it broke away, their skin, mane, and feathers were exposed to the world. The pony lost their balance from the base, falling onto the grass below with a hollow thud. Only the creatures witnessed it from the safety of the thicket.

A long breath of life woke the pony, lying face up on the earth. Her first sight was the sky, beautifully mixed with fading blues and purples and pinks, with dark clouds sliding by. Her head tilted back as she followed the clouds until they slipped behind the treetops. As it did, the grass below shifted and tickled her cheek. Taking her eyes off the sky, she observed the surrounding space and noticed that the clearing was nearly walled in by thick trees and brush, throwing off her sense of direction.

When she sat up, it caused the jewelry on her chest to shift. 'What the... where did I get this?' The fanciful body harness, made of very thin chains and embedded with tiny gems, was the least of her concerns. Instead, she returned her gaze to the meadow.

'What is this place? And why am I alone in the middle of the woods?' Thoughts flowed through her head, making her look up to the sky again. The clouds had scurried to the edge of the clearing so quickly that it caused her to wonder. After turning around, she gasped. An aurora swept across the sky like ribbons, infiltrating that desolate spot in the forest. Watching the lights flicker put her at ease, restoring some of her strength. It felt like the magic of Equestria was inside her again, just as it had always been. But the feeling didn't last forever.

Tracking the aurora's movement, the pegasus discovered a beam of light reaching up to the heavens. It reflected the same rainbow of colors, but appeared like some sort of signal.

'If I follow it, will I find other ponies? And if I do, what kind of ponies will they be?' The unknown made her tense once again, but it was a risk she was willing to take. Summoning all of her strength, the mare stood up.

Any hope she had diminished when a harsh jolt of pain racked her body until she stood on shaking legs. 'What was that?' Even her inner voice trembled. The fuzzy sensation of fog began to rise from her hooves, into her legs, and then up to her wings until she ceased to feel anything. Whatever it was, the ability to move any of her limbs failed. Her head became heavy as a boulder, and her eyes struggled to stay open. Not even the adrenaline coursing through could counter the fog taking over. Yet, she noticed when her hooves stepped forward anyway. Before closing her eyes for good, the pegasus watched as the edge of the meadow came closer and closer, then the shadows of the forest engulfed her.


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