Before it begins... (A/N)

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- Thank you for taking the time to read! -

Hello and welcome everyone to my first amateur fanfiction! My goal for it was to bridge the gaps between the two generations in with a personal twist. The main character, unnamed for spoiler reasons, is very dear to me and has qualities that reflect my own personality. As for the main five, I did my best to capture their personalities from the show and the youtube series. I hope it comes across that way!

A little about me, I belong to many fandoms including this one, MLP generation 4 and 5. After this work, my next project is on the way: the first novella of a trilogy (this one is going to be furry-themed, for those who are interested!). 

Please feel free to leave comments and share if you are moved by the story! I'd love to hear feedback on how I can improve my craft. And for those willing to support a small creator/writer, please support me on my ko-fi account, .

~ Karasu and the Bubble 'Roos

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