Where to find a map...

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The darkness of her dream lifted rather quickly this time, portraying the same moonlit meadow, the carpet of grass, and the sensation of cold stone underhoof. The shapes of the forest appeared more clearly: the dark grass rippled like the waves of the sea, the branches playfully swayed in the wind, even the stars above became individual pinpricks in the sky. However, unlike the first dream, her visitor stood at the treeline as vividly as everything else. Into the meadow they crept slowly, with movements much easier to observe.

The moon ducked behind Viridian and cast her shadow onto the pony when they arrived at the foot of the stone base. A breath caught in her throat, and her chest tightened. Though their face was dark, it wasn't obscured anymore.

On the pony's face was a lost expression, one that showed nothing but strife and questions left unanswered. There was no smile, just an endless frown. Even though their colors were nearly drowned in the shadows, it was their eyes that she recognized. 'You... what are you doing here, in a place like this?'

Before she could croak out any words, Viridian's hooves came off the stone. Lifted up by magic, she didn't need to look behind this time to understand what was happening. She scrambled like a wriggling fish suspended in the air by a line. Her grunts and squeals descended into desperate cries, still daring not to look back. Without her blocking the moon, the stranger's face came into the light. The tears erupted from her alongside an anguished wail. Every muscle in her wanted to stand beside that pony she once knew for just a few minutes again. But her strength failed against the magic of her captor.

In the midst of writhing, Viridian peeked behind to spot the sinister figure shrouded in swirling fog. Their dark purple and blue colors, cruel, narrowed eyes, and venomous smile struck terror into her, grinding the struggle to a halt. But, as her eyes squeezed shut once again, the ghostly brush of a hoof against her cheek brought her senses back to the pony she longed for. Their cries grew faint as she was carried away, breaking her heart into countless pieces. Darkness closed in just as she began to lament, then wrenched her back into the living world. "Mon-!"

Thrusting forth out of her sleep caused a tension that made her muscles sting like fire. Viridian blinked rapidly, whipping back and forth to check for signs of the threatening pony. The Brighthouse was still dark, but the light of dawn glowing through the stained glass onto the walls helped calm her down. The pegasus sighed, rubbed her sleepy face, and finished her sentence, "soon."

"Are you ok? I'm sorry I woke you up, you were shouting in your sleep."

Viridian turned to see Sunny's face at the edge of the bed. Through the wave of exhaustion, embarrassment crept in.

"Yes, I'm alright. It was just a bad dream." She yawned, stretching to ignore the awkwardness. 'One that I was not I was ready for.'

"Oh, I hope it wasn't too bad, why don't you join me for breakfast? It might help you feel better." The orange pony invited, walking over to the table. The beckoning aroma of food guided Viridian out of bed, and they shared a delightful wrap of fruit jam, berries, and lettuce. Believing Sunny's words, she felt better after filling her belly.

"It's still early, may I ask what you're doing up?"

"Oh, sometimes I come down here for some alone time." Sunny's sweet smile gradually lowered with her eyes. "You know, this Brighthouse wasn't always here. It used to be just a regular, old lighthouse where my dad and I lived. Sometimes, during the night, I can come downstairs and it still feels like I'm back in my fillyhood home. Well, until the sun comes up and I can see that it isn't." Sympathy welled up inside Viridian, and her own eyes fell to the floor.

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