Chapter 12: Do I know you?

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Sasuke shuffled along the street with Naruto on his back. It had gotten dark now, and only a few people were out and about. Sasuke, being too focused on getting Naruto home, didn't seem to notice the strange looks he was receiving. If he had, though, he wouldn't have cared.
Sasuke has never truly cared for anyone but himself. He's never brought himself to worry on someone else's behalf, nonetheless nurture them in a time of need. His number one focus was to get revenge for his clan... but with all of that behind him, he had no true goal anymore. He and Naruto were reaching the end of their teen years as shinobi, and entering adulthood. He knew he had to start thinking of his future. Would he want a family? To settle down with someone?
Would he want to stay with Naruto?
Sasuke's face warmed up with awkwardness. He'd never had any strong feelings for anyone before, especially positive ones. Despite their estranged rivalry, Sasuke always respected Naruto. He was determined, knew what he wanted, and stood up for himself. When Sasuke watched as Naruto was confronted by the school children earlier that day, he didn't see the Naruto he'd known his whole life. Naruto was more damaged than he had known. A part of Sasuke wanted to protect that. Naruto didn't deserve to be treated like a monster, if anything, he's a hero, right? That nine-tailed fox being sealed inside him saved the village from further destruction, didn't it? So why treat Naruto like the demon itself? He's a human being.
Sasuke sighed. His emotions had been all over the place since he got that message from Naruto that night, on the walkie talkies.
The things they did together.. it made Sasuke smile. Knowing how much Naruto depended on him in those moments.. it made him feel important. The girls in the village only like Sasuke because he's mysteriously handsome, and he's strong. They never cared to truly know him, it was like Sasuke was some kind of prize.
With Naruto, Sasuke feels different. He feels alive. He'd never done anything before like he had recently, with Naruto. He wondered what other things they'd do together. And what else they do to each other...
As weird as it was to admit, Sasuke was still intact with his innocence. Not exactly the "first kiss" kind of innocence, since Naruto had already claimed that accidentally before, but in the biblical sense. Sasuke would never say it out loud, but he was a virgin. On top of that, his mind begged to know the same of Naruto. Had he been with anyone before? Kissed anyone before?
"" Sasuke said, quietly. "Are you.. still a virgin..?" He almost muttered. Naruto didn't answer, probably asleep. Sasuke was half relived, and he kept on walking.
The sound of small pebbles being kicked along the ground filled the air, as Sasuke rounded a corner toward Naruto's apartment. He felt Naruto's breath on his neck, and it somehow made him feel at ease.
They have arrived at Naruto's apartment building, and Sasuke started up the steps. He reached the correct place, and entered. After properly closing and locking the door, he laid Naruto back down onto the futon, and a shiver flared up in Naruto. Sasuke quickly relit the fire, and laid beside Naruto. In his tired state, Naruto turned his head, and his eyes opened slowly. Sasuke laid in awe of Naruto's eyes. They were like no other, so blue and breathtaking.
"You wanna change into something to wear to bed?" Sasuke stated, softly. Naruto coined a cheeky grin.
"What if I sleep naked?" He whispered. Sasuke's eyes grew wide.
"I know for certain you do not."
"How? You watch me sleep or something?"
Sasuke scoffed, annoyed at his stupid reply, knowing full well that he does not watch Naruto sleep. Naruto laughed at him.
"No way. You've got a bunch of chicks who would give anything you to be with you, but you watch me sleep?" Sasuke rolled his eyes, but let them retreat back to staring at Naruto.
"Hah! The guy that all the girls stalk, stalks me! That's hilarious," Naruto chuckled. His body would twitch, randomly, from the cold. Sasuke could tell that Naruto was trying his hardest to cover it up.
Naruto's laughter died down, and the room was quiet for a moment.
"You're not a monster." Sasuke said, plainly. Naruto sat up quickly and looked to him, surprised and confused.
"The hell you say?" Naruto's voice was impatient.
"I said, you're not a monster. Those kids don't know you." Sasuke stated again. Naruto laid back down, his forearm resting on his forehead. He looked at the ceiling, and shuddered.
"Yeah, well. You don't kn-know me either."
"Yes I do. And you know me." Naruto took a deep breath.
"Of course I know you, dumbass. You're Sasuke Uchiha. You survived the massacre of the Uchiha clan and everyone says its b-because you're strong. But in reality, it's because your brother spared you. You thought he was your enemy but found out he was your hero. But you found out too late. And n-now you hold guilt for the rest of your life, while everyone else tr...-treats you like you're their savior." Naruto paused, and let out a sigh. "And I.. I know you have survivors guilt. C-Cause you were allowed to live, out of everyone. And you'll never underst-tand why."
Sasuke felt a tear fall down his face. Naruto was dead on, for everything. He even stated some things that Sasuke wasn't even sure about, but came to realize. He just confirmed what Sasuke already knew: Naruto knows him better than he knows himself. He saved him, after all. With Orochimaru, and his brother.. Naruto saved him. From all of them, and from himself.
"But you're wrong." Naruto said, with defeat noticeable in his voice. "You don't know me."
Sasuke reached his hand to Naruto's face and turned it toward himself. Naruto looked to him with panic, and fear.
"I want to." Sasuke pleaded.
Naruto broke down. He sat up and shoved his face into his hands.
"No!" He gasped. "No you don't!"
Sasuke sat up with him, faintly caressing his back.
"You don't want to know shit! You don't wanna know about me or about how much PAIN I feel! You don't REALLY wanna know I can't walk down the damn street wi-without getting dirty looks! Or the th-THREATS!" He choked out. Sasuke rubbed his back, too afraid to say the wrong thing, and stayed silent.
"You don't wanna know about how much I hurt all the time! How much I CRY at night. All the-..." he gasped between breaths. "- all the time! At everything! But I still-.., I keep BEGGING for their a-approval! All the time! I-I'm crying again. It won't- I can't sto.. I can't stop." He shuddered and cried profusely.
"Naruto.. please-"
"NO! The only thing people know about me is what was done to me. The 9 tails. That's all they KNOW! So that's ALL THEY SEE! They see a reminder, a-A MONster. A FREAK!" He stifled a laugh. "They don't even care. They don't want to care. I-I didn't ask for this! I didn't w-w..want.. to be.. THIS!" He gestured to himself. He looked to the floor. "I wish I were different." Sasuke grappled Naruto's face and squeezed.
"Stop." He stated. Naruto looked to Sasuke's face, frozen.
"You didn't deserve this. But you can show them how wrong they are." Sasuke rubbed Naruto's face, as he calmed down. "When you become Hokage. They'll see that you aren't a monster. You're Naruto Uzumaki, savior of the Hidden Leaf Village." Naruto rubbed his nose with his sleeve.
"You're my savior." Sasuke spoke, softly. Naruto looked to Sasuke, and had only now noticed that he cried too. There was a small streak down his face. He quickly grabbed Sasuke's face and wiped away his tears, his eyes spastically looking around for anything else he could wipe away. Sasuke then did what he hasn't done in a while. He smiled.
"I know you." He said. Naruto tilted his head in surprise. Then he pulled Sasuke toward him and hugged him.
"Thank you." Naruto whispered. Sasuke held Naruto tight.

End of Chapter 12.
i cried writing this BYE
anyway, 1400 words!! IM A BOSS!!
i hope you all enjoyed this bittersweet chapter! please let me know ;)
<3 sugarski

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