Chapter 15: "He's with me"

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Naruto's eyes creeped open, the sunlight beaming in his face. He sighed, squinting at the ceiling, wondering what time it was. He felt heat against his neck, and turned to face the source.
Sasuke was laying next to him, half covered by the blanket that protected all of Naruto's body from the cold in the night. Naruto gazed for a moment, fascinated by the way Sasuke's shoulders twitched as he breathed. His hand seemed to move unprompted, as it reached for Sasuke's face. The moment that Naruto touched his cheek, he felt warmth. His skin was soft, there were no blemishes or acne, no dryness or excessive oils. His skin was perfect, smooth, soft. He then sat up, towering over Sasuke's unconscious body. His hands rubbed all around Sasuke's face, his neck, his hair, and so on. Every so often, Sasuke would shudder from the cold of Naruto's hands. Naruto found this amusing.
Sasuke had a way to make Naruto feel so important, so strong.. and Sasuke didn't even know what he was doing. Just laying there, allowing Naruto to touch his skin, not being repulsed by Naruto's presence; it gave Naruto a sense of ease. He felt like he belonged.
Sasuke then took a deep breath, and opened his eyes. He blinked repeatedly before realizing that Naruto was above him. Though, Sasuke was not alarmed, nor was he concerned or confused. He simply stared back at Naruto, who now remained still. Naruto's eyes remained relaxed, lazy even, half open and still gazing at Sasuke below. Sasuke moved his head to the side, and raised his hand, and caressed Naruto's cheek.
"You woke up before me," Sasuke said. Naruto responded by moving his hand to softly grasp at Sasuke's arm.
"I slept good," Naruto sighed. Sasuke's eyes wondered Naruto's body.
"Good. We should get you some medicine for the heat flashes you felt last night. I noticed you sweating pretty bad while you slept".
"Oh, I did? I don't remember..."
"How would you remember? You were unconscious, moron". Naruto scowled at his response.
"You can't call a sick guy a moron. Dick," Naruto spat. Sasuke stifled a smirk and rolled his eyes. He sat up, and looked around Naruto's small apartment. There were some clothes scattered around, and bits of charred wood that fell from the fire place. A few empty cups of ramen had fallen out of the overflowing trash can in the corner.
"We should clean," Sasuke suggested. Naruto sighed, and looked around the room. His hands noticeably shook, and as he scanned the room, Sasuke stared at his hands. He suddenly took them in his own, and clasped them around his own.
"We can do it later," Sasuke whispered. Naruto breathed out, loudly.
"Thank you," He whispered back.
Naruto slowly got up from the floor, fighting his shivers. He noticed a basket of clothes in the corner. Had Sasuke done his laundry? He shuffled over to the basket and looked inside. It had Sasuke's clothes in it.
"Did you bring your clothes here?" Naruto asked. Just then, he felt Sasuke against his back.
"Yes. I used a Summoning Jutsu. One of my snakes got them for me. You seem to find my shirts comfortable..." Sasuke nudged the back of Naruto's head with his cheek. Naruto hummed at the contact. "Let's get dressed now," Sasuke added.
The boys grabbed some of the folded clothes from the basket, Sasuke changed into some black loose fit pants and a grey long sleeve shirt. Naruto grabbed the only pair of grey sweatpants and shoved them on, and put on a black hoodie. As he pulled his arms through the sleeves, he looked to Sasuke as he fastened his pants. He noticed they almost wore matching clothes, but opposite clothing. Naruto with grey pants and a black top, Sasuke with black pants and a grey top. He smiled at this information, and finished putting on the hoodie.
They both headed to the bathroom, and Naruto passed Sasuke an extra toothbrush. After finishing their oral hygiene needs, they each washed their hands. Sasuke turned and nodded his head, signaling Naruto that he was ready to go. Naruto quickly grabbed his froggy wallet and followed behind him.
They exited the apartment, and Sasuke locked the door behind them. Naruto didn't recall seeing Sasuke grab his keys, but didn't care enough to comment. The boys walked down the stairs and onto the street, staying very close to each other. The weather was cool, but not freezing. Sasuke looked to Naruto as he shuddered. He responded by grabbing the hood on Naruto's jacket and pulling it over his head.
"Stay warm," He murmured. Naruto smiled, and nodded. They walked toward the town's only pharmacy store, which doubled as a fruit market. They entered, and Sasuke headed toward the stall on one ended where they kept the medicine.
"Naruto, see if there's any fruits you want to grab while I get some medicine for you," He stated. Naruto happily trotted to the fruit displays, somehow finding a way to stifle his freezing body temperature. As Sasuke spoke to the worker, Naruto browsed the fruit selection. He stopped at a table with fresh peaches, and picked one up. Surprisingly, it felt warm. He found himself being drawn to them, and he grabbed a bag on the side and filled it up with 4 peaches. The price showed a couple dollars per fruit, and Naruto had just enough. He placed the coins into the jar next to the table, and took his bag. He quickly turned around, excited to show Sasuke what he decided on getting, but bumped into the last person he wanted to see.
"Oh my god. No way! Naruto!? What are you doing here?!" Sakura questioned. Naruto swallowed his spit, as the coldness on his skin quickly became more apparent.
"I-.. I was just-"
"I thought you were sick or something. How is it that you get to skip out on work and go and buy fruit while the rest of us are busting our asses!?" She poked at his chest, angrily.
"Naruto," A voice behind Sakura spoke. Sakura spun around, and saw Sasuke standing behind her, with a bag of his own.
"Oh! Sasuke! Oh my gosh, hey! How are you?? I didn't realize you were here!!" She exclaimed, cheerfully. Sasuke glared at her.
"Naruto, this what they gave me. It's a broth you can eat for lunch, she said it should help," Sasuke stated, walking toward Naruto and completely ignoring Sakura's existence. Sakura stared, dumbfounded. Naruto nodded, and they combined their bags into one, and left one at the table with the peaches. Sasuke took the bag and placed his hand on Naruto's upper back.
"I wanted to go by Tsunade's office too. Come on," He added. Naruto and Sasuke then walked away from the store, leaving Sakura in an intense state of confusion and embarrassment. Naruto looked behind, and saw her mouth hanging open, watching them leave her behind.
A part of him felt a little bad for her, but the other part was laughing it's ass off.

End of Chapter 15

hey guysss I've updated this again 😀 (not me being half a year late haha)
a total of 1100 wordssss
i love sticking it to Sakura >:]
I hope you enjoyed!
<3 sugar ski

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