Reggie's P.O.V
You know it's funny that I joined a band. My dad called bands a waste of time and money. But I enjoyed it and so did my brother. I often brought him with me to rehearsals because of our parents fighting. No one really minded anyway they loved him. He loved them too. I found it funny when Luke would walk us home and carry Steve on his shoulders. Often though he would make him go inside and we would talk on the porch for another hour or more before he left. Then it was fend for the kid and myself. "So you like him a lot." I look at the six year old and smile.
"I do but it's not like that. He's just a friend." He just looked at me innocently before running up to our room. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to make dinner for the two of us. Thankfully our parents weren't home. Yet. Once dinner was finished I brought it up to Steve and we ate together enjoying the silence while it lasted. After dinner I made him go get ready for bed while I cleaned up dinner. The second I got to the sink I heard the lock click and my mother walking inside. She wasn't as bad as dad but it was still not a pleasant experience to be on the other end of her anger. "Hey mom." I looked at her turning on the water. "Was work okay?"
"I suppose it could have gone worse." I nodded adding soap to the dishes. "Is your brother home?" I nodded again grabbing a scrub brush. "You didn't leave him alone while you went to that band thing did you?" I started washing the plates.
"No. I brought him with me. The guys love him." She came up next to me, setting some vegetables on the counter. "He's showering now." I set the plates aside to dry. "Did you go shopping?"
"As long as he wasn't left alone." She began putting the fruits in strainers and setting out containers for them. "I did. Your brother has a school event coming up soon. They wanted both your father and I to bring in some kind of snack. We're too busy to make it. I need you to miss school to go to it." I finish the dishes and let her take the water, drying the dishes. "I know what you're going to argue Reginald. We don't ask you to skip that much." I start putting the dishes away.
"I know that mother." I went to walk away when I heard my father come into the kitchen. I bit my lip and kept my eyes down. "Hello father." He greets me with a grunt and digs in the refrigerator for some kind of dinner.
"Where is that leftover meatloaf?" I keep walking until I hear him call me back. "Do you know what happened to it?" I gulped. "Well Reginald?"
"I moved it to get something further back. Steve must've eaten it. I swear I didn't do it!" He glared at the stairs and I panicked. "I lied! I ate it! Just don't hurt him!" I begged. I knew the yelling would scare Steve into moving faster or sleep but if father even made it up the stairs the poor kid wouldn't see the light of day again. He stopped and glared at me, not even sparing a second glance at me as he walked to the home office. I knew what that meant.
"In here now." I held my breath and walked toward him. The home office is usually where they yelled at me and anywhere else they yelled at each other. But as of late the office usually meant I'd be punished. A black eye, a bruised rib or three, a broken ring or two. I put up with it all because Steve didn't deserve it. He was a kid. He made mistakes. No one was perfect. "You know what the punishment is for lying." I nodded, taking off my flannel and setting it on the floor. "And the punishment for touching food that isn't yours." I nodded slowly, stepping closer to him. "Say it." I gulped keeping my eyes low.
"The riding crop across my back and I can't have any food for a week." He smirks darkly making a turn around motion before picking up the riding crop. Why we had this I would never know but it hurt to be hit by. I turned around slowly, careful not to touch or disturb anything. I bit my lip waiting for him to strike me.
"How many strikes are in order?" I shivered clenching my fists. "I think fifteen." I nodded slowly even though I wanted to cry out. Making any sound would only double the punishment. "You know the rules. Count!" He brought it down on my back. Hard making me stumble.

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