Steve’s P.O.V
     I waited patiently for Reggie to come back upstairs then I heard our parents come home. He would never tell me how he got those bruises and cuts but he always tried to play it off. I got in my bed. I heard footsteps come up the stairs then the door open. I sat up thinking it was Reggie. It wasn’t. It was mom. “Hey hon.” I pulled my knees up to my chest. “Don’t worry your brother will be back up shortly. He and your father are just talking.” I knew what that meant. They were yelling at each other. “Darling, it's just a conversation.” I nodded and laid down again. She kissed my head and left. I heard footsteps a few minutes later then the shower running. Not much later I heard the door open but again it wasn't my brother.
    “Hey bud. How was your day?” I sat up and looked at his figure.
    “It was fine. I went to school then with Reggie to band practice.” I watched as his face contorted into a sneer.
    “He took you with him to that “band?!”” I nodded slowly. He turned around and went to the bathroom door slamming it in. “Reginald downstairs now!” I watched in horror as Reggie ran down the stairs in nothing but a towel. There were marks on his back and he had a bruise on his shoulder. I watched in horror as he stumbled. Our dad picked him up and walked him out of sight. I panicked and got up following them down the stairs. Mom stopped me.
       “Stevie no. This is between them.” I looked at her then watched them disappear into the office. “You go back to bed. Your brother will be up shortly.” I nod slowly and go back to our bedroom. About an hour later he came stumbling into the bedroom. He was silent and didn't bother turning the lights on. I sat up and turned on the lamp.
    “Reg what happened?” I look at him worried. He had bruises on his arm where dad grabbed him and along his throat. He was guarding his shoulder. “Please tell me.” He sits on my bed and smiles at me. “Reg…”
     “You know I love you right?” I nod. “Good. All of this happened because I love you.” I hugged him. “Steve, I promise when you get older you’ll understand. I did it to protect you.” I hug him tightly. He gasps and gingerly hugs me back. “I have to get dressed now buddy.” I let him go and he got up. “Go to sleep now.” I nod laying down as he turns off the lamp.

Reggie’s P.O.V
     Once I know he’s asleep I take my shirt and go to the bathroom. I put antibiotics on my back. A few of the marks are bleeding making it hurt worse. I baby my shoulder and pop it back into place. I bite back a gasp and baby it as I put my shirt on. I look at the bruises on my arm then put some cold water on them. I sneak over to the phone and take it out on the balcony. Luke. I had to call Luke. I couldn’t leave Steve with our parents but I couldn’t keep it all in. I dial his phone and sit with my legs hanging off the balcony. “Reggie? It’s the middle of the night. What’s wrong?” I held my breath. “Reggie you have to talk.”
     “Luke, it happened again. Worse this time. He dislocated my shoulder and my back is bleeding.” I hear his breathing catch. I shudder and let the tears fall. “I can’t keep doing this. He may kill me.” He goes silent. His end goes quiet then his mom is on the phone.
    “Do you need to come over honey? I can help with your injuries.” I sob. “Don’t cry, it will be alright.” I reach up to wipe my face forgetting about my shoulder and cry out in pain. “Honey, listen. You need to call help. You can bring your brother here with you. You can’t live with that abuse.” I nod, shaking.
    “I-I’ll try ma’am. I’ll try.” I take a shaky breath and wait for Luke to get back on. Once he is, I relax a bit, still shaking. “I’m sorry. I just needed to talk to someone.” He says nothing for a few minutes.
     “I know Reg I know.” I hold my breath. “We’ll figure it out I promise.” I nod. “I have to go. See you tomorrow.”
    “Okay. See you.” I hung up and sighed. I set the phone aside and just sat there. Maybe it was better I didn't say anything? I lay down and look at the stars. I make shapes and pinpoint constellations. “Maybe everything he does is for my own good.” I got up and went inside. I put the phone in its place and went to bed. I sat on my bed for a few minutes before laying down and falling asleep.

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