Reggie’s P.O.V
     I woke up and groaned. Everything hurt and my body was still buzzing. I check my shoulder and sit up. Steve is in the bathroom and our parents are already yelling at each other. I take stock of my body before I get up and take off my shirt. The back is slightly bloodied. I dig in my shirt drawer for a new shirt and the bandages. I reapplied antibiotics and bandaged my torso. Once I finish I put on the new shirt. I get ready for the day and prepare Steve’s bag. After last night my punishment went up. I can’t be seen by my parents on top of not eating. I get out some assignments and do them waiting for Steve to finish in the bathroom. My bag remains ready to go. “Reggie?” I look up. “Your bruises are swollen.” I look at my arm, noticing it is bigger and more painful.
    “Oh. I’ll take care of it a bit. Your bag is ready. Mother is taking you to school. She’s leaving soon.” He hugs me. “I’ll be okay buddy.” He nods; dressing for school. I focus on my assignments. Once the yelling stops and Steve is gone I pack away my assignments and go to the stairs. I listen for my father before stepping onto the stairs. I exit the house, locking it behind me and walking toward school for several blocks before turning away and heading for the studio. When I get there Bobby is getting ready for after school. I set my bag down and picked up my bass. “Hey Bobby.”
    “Hey.” He looks at me and gasps. “What happened to you? You look like you were dragged through a torcher chamber.” I chuckled. “Reggie I swear. What happened last night?” I mindlessly tuned my bass.
    “Nothing. Hit my arm on the doorframe.” He looked unimpressed. “Didn’t sleep well either.” He sighs. “I’m just going to hang out here instead of going to school today. If that’s okay.” He nods, patting my shoulder as he leaves.
    “Stay safe.” I nodded. I watched him leave then set down my bass. I get out my assignments again. Finishing them. Once they're done I attempt to play a bit. I sigh and bring my amp outside. It was sunny for a bit. Once I started taking it apart it started raining. I decided to keep fixing it. I got shocked instead and I had to quickly finish doing it so I could get back inside. After that adventure I decided to take a nap. I slept on the couch using Luke's jacket as a blanket. When I woke up it was almost time for rehearsal. I sat up and put Luke's jacket back when I found it and plugged in my amp. I hear the others walking down to the studio. I smile getting in my spot. “Oh yeah Reggie is already here, something about not feeling like going to school.” I turned red, my gut twisting as Luke suddenly burst into the room and tackled me. I dropped my bass and hugged back. He began checking me. I slowly took off my flannel and he frowned.
    “Whoa Reg what did you do?” I bit my lip.
    “Set up, we're going to take care of this.” The others nodded and I set my instrument down. He walked me to the bathroom and set me on the counter. “Shirt off.” I slowly reached for the hem. I got it pulled up partly before I dropped it and held my shoulder. “Reggie why didn’t you tell me it was this bad.” I let him help me and then allowed him to take the bandages off. “You’re lucky we keep first aid out here.” I nodded sitting cross legged with my back to him.
    “I’m sorry Luke. I didn’t want to worry you.” He hugs me putting his chin on my shoulder.
    “I’m always worried about you. You should get help. I’m worried about both of you. I hate just letting you both go back there.” I nod, tearing up. He wipes my cheeks then returns to fixing me up. I allow him, keeping my eyes fixed on the counter. Once he finishes he puts gauze and an ace bandage on me helping me put my shirt back on. “Look at me.” I look at him. “I’m here for you. Remember that.” I nod softly hugging him. I’m the first to leave the bathroom. I pick up my bass and start mindlessly strumming.

Luke’s P.O.V
    I frowned as he left the bathroom. I knew his dad hated the band and fought with him and his mom often but for it to lead to abuse I couldn’t help worrying. I remember the first time I saw him with a bruise. He said it was from a bike riding accident but I knew better. He didn’t own a bike and they weren’t really allowed to be outside being kids. It took several days for him to tell the truth but when it came out it shattered me. He was struck protecting his brother from a punishment. Something about a homework assignment or something. All I knew was that he took the fall for everything. I had also noticed he was extremely tired and even any yelling set him on edge. It was like watching a war vet flinch at a gunshot or explosion. He’s also thinner than the rest of us by a good solid twenty thirty pounds. That’s not healthy. His fatigue and weight have to be linked to it somehow. He hasn’t told me yet but I’ll figure it out. I follow him out of the bathroom and pick up my guitar. “Let's start guys. Reg has to be home soon.” He looks at me sadly and I smile back. That look broke my heart.
    “What song?” I look away from Reggie finally acknowledging the others.
    “Uh Now or Never.” Everyone nodded and got cued up. I took my place and looked at Reggie. He looked exhausted and his face had sunken in a little adding to his already disheveled look. Something wasn't right and I'd get to the bottom of this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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