Part 6: Alison

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I send a smirk Aisha's way as she hurried us down the dirt road away from the village"I knew that would get you up," I say as Aisha pushes us. She gives me a look that looks flustered and tells me to shut my big mouth. But that look didn't stop me then and it won't stop me now."Just shut up and get moving you idiot, and don't come back until she is home safe." Aisha looked serious so I agreed and we started our journey.We walk in silence for what feels like hours. "I know it doesn't seem like it but she cares for you as a friend. She just doesnt show it freely nowaday." At this she stops and stares at me in disbelief. "Wait, what do you mean?" She speaks as if she doesn't understand. The utter confusion on her face makes it so hard for me not to laugh, but I have to remember that she doesn't see my ex the way I see her. "Listen, she just doesnt show it. It's been hard for her the past few years but I promise she cares for you as a friend." I say as we continue to walk being sympathetic to the fellow human. I hear a crow and look up to see that there is a note strapped to its leg. 'Please tell me that isn't for aish.... I thought she quit...' I thought to myself sadly

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