.012 [ TOM KAULITZ ]

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Fixing up a few loose strands in her hair, she took a deep breath as she looked past the slightly open curtain that separated the backstage and stage.

Her skin crawled with excitement, though a little scared as well.
Stage fright wasn't something she had, though she did get a little nervous at times.

Especially when it came to live interviews.

"What's on your mind?" A voice asked, [Y/N] turning around quickly, startled.
"Jesus, you scared me." She whisper shouted, lightly punching Tom's chest as he laughed. "Where did you learn to say that?" She added, her voice a little muffled as Tom hugged her tightly to keep her from punching him.

"What?" Tom asked, "I can adapt to American slang."
[Y/N] pulled away and looked at him, her face twisted in disgust, hearing Tom say difficult words was like a nightmare coming true.
"Okay, stop. Also you said adapt wrong." The singer said, brushing past him as she headed for the refreshment table.

A water was all she needed to get rid of the nervousness — is what she wanted to believe, at least.
She picked a water bottle off the table, "Is this yours?" She asked Tom, who followed close behind.

Tom nodded, "Yeah, it was the last—"

[Y/N] chugged it, throwing the empty bottle in the trash as she exhaled deeply.
Tom watched in utter pain as he watched the last water disappear. Though he'd had enough interviews with [Y/N] to know why.

"Nervous?" He laughed, "You're really good at hiding it you know, brave."
[Y/N] glared at him, sitting on the flimsy couch beside the table.

"Aren't you my boyfriend? Can you act like it?" She replied.

Besides dating for almost two years now, [Y/N] liked to throw the word lousy around when it came to talking about her boyfriend.
Though she knew he was just fine as a lover, despite the reputation of being a player the first year or so of their peak fame.

That reputation was the same reason she'd rejected Tom 8 times, twice for each year they'd known each other. That was before she finally had a change of heart, having looked past his past and trusted him.
It was a risk, but so was welcoming an American girl into a German boyband, so she ruled it out as even.

"Do you need a new one?" Bill interrupted, retracting the curtains of his dressing room. His eavesdropping was a common factor around the band, Tom glaring at him as he sat down next to [Y/N].

"She doesn't." He replied, Bill laughing and looking at himself in the hand mirror he had in his hand.

"Bill doesn't want anyone but himself." [Y/N] joked, leaning back on the couch.
Bill shrugged, "There's nobody who I think could be a better fit for me."

He turned to look at the couple on the couch, "—But I can think of a few people a better fit for [Y/N] if you don't treat her right." He added.
"Thank you, Bill." [Y/N] smiled, turning to look at Tom with the same smile, only Tom saw it as menacing.
He wrapped an arm around [Y/N]'s shoulders, pulling her close, "I treat her just fine, right?" He asked [Y/N] to back him up, [Y/N] stayed silent.

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