.013 [ TOM KAULITZ ]

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AS THE WORLD'S idol supermodel of the year 2008, she was honored to present the MTV's video music awards that night.
The stage was her favorite place, her entire childhood and adolescence filled with flashing lights and designer.

Only having turned 18 the year prior, she was looking forward to exploring the modeling world as a talented and young adult.
The venue was large, the stage lined with LED lights and a sparkly tile.

She smiled as she was greeted by a cheer as she walked carefully up the stairs of the stage.

There were a million ways to greet a crowd of hundreds of people, aspiring artists waiting for their successful climb to fame to be announced, and artists already on top waiting for their successful crush of new artists to be given an award.
[Y/N] smiled brightly at the crowd, "Congratulations Britney Spears, Linkin Park, and so many more so far," She said into the mic, her hands on the stand as she looked at the envelope on it. "So with that, let's continue giving awards to the ones who worked hard to deserve them."

A few awards had already been given out, [Y/N] now about to present the 10th one.
The crowd cheered, [Y/N] taking the envelope on the stand and slowly opening it.

There were many of her favorite artists in the crowd, though she had to admit she was away from the world of music for a while in her career. Especially when she took a years hiatus to enjoy the last of her teen years before her 18th birthday.
Therefore there were many people in the crowd if not the majority she didn't know.

"And MTV Video Music's award for 'Best New Artist' goes to.." [Y/N] announced, building up suspense while taking a pause.
She fully uncovered the letter, smiling knowingly as she read the name on the paper.

"Tokio Hotel!" She exclaimed.

The crowd erupted in cheers and whistles, [Y/N] smiled widely as she scanned the crowd for the lucky artist or artists to stand up and claim their award.

Immediately, a rather tall boy in the one of the back rows stood up, all smiles and in disbelief as he held a hand over his mouth with a surprised expression.
He was young, his black hair in spikes and dressed alternatively.

[Y/N] smiled, trying to make out his face and waiting for him to approach the stage.
He wasn't the only one who stood up, to her surprise, three other boys stood up to follow him.
They all hugged each other, ecstatic and jumping up and down as they made their way to the stage as they chatted amongst themselves.

She offered her hand to shake to the black haired one, which by the name tags they all wore with a lanyard around their neck she learned who's name was 'Bill'.

Bill pulled her in for a hug instead, obviously jittery and full of excitement. [Y/N] laughed and returned the hug, pulling away and smiling at him.
"Congratulations, Bill." She smiled, Bill smiling and nodding.

"Thank you." He replied, his voice a little more on the high pitched end with an accent.

His bandmates followed, [Y/N] shook all their hands. Gustav, who was the shortest out of all of them, who were pretty tall to begin with.
Gustav was kind, gently shaking her hand before going to stand next to Bill.

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