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KEEPING HER CAREER afloat was not an easy task, finding small jobs here and there wasn't a piece of cake.
Though with the new outburst of many artists, she'd lucked out as she got booked for the next few months.

Squealing in joy, she closed her planner as she spun around in her chair.
She'd been hired for a semi-permanent job as a makeup artist for a new band that had recently arrived in the U.S.

"Someone's excited," Her roommate commented, a small smirk on her face as she entered the room.
[Y/N] smiled, "How could i not? I just got hired!"

Her roommate's eyes widened, "That's amazing, with who?"
The girl shrugged, turning back to her desk as she began to pull out supplies from her drawers. "A band, they're pretty hot right now." She answered, "Tokio Hotel?"

She didn't really remember all the details, her mind filled with excitement.
She couldn't possibly think of anything else in that moment.

After a long drive, [Y/N] arrived at the venue. She'd brought a fair amount of luggage, though her actual makeup kit was rather small.
After learning what work she'd be doing, she opted for just a few items.

Still, it felt surreal to have been hired for her dream position.
She was soon knocked out of her daydream when a guitar neck bashed her forearm, letting her kit fall to the floor.
"Ah, Sorry! Sorry." A voice called. When [Y/N] turned, she saw a boy about her age, his hair tied into a ponytail behind his cap.

His clothes were at least 2 sizes too big, and the guitar hanging from his neck swung as he turned to look at her.
"It's okay," She smiled quickly, picking up her things in a hurry as she checked the time.

The boy put his guitar down, reaching to help her grab a few things that rolled under her vehicle.
"Thank you." [Y/N] said quickly, closing the kit.

"You are make-up artist?" The boy asked, picking his guitar back up. "My manager mentioned you."
His voice was laced with an accent not too thick, and of course, his english not too perfect, with that [Y/N] was able to connect the dots. T
he guitar, accent, and mention of a manager told her everything, her eyes widened as she fixed her hair.
"Yeah, that's me." She smiled, "I'm a little early, i know- I'm [Y/N]."

The boy smiled, "Tom."

Finally getting situated, [Y/N] sighed as she fought the urge to plop on the couch. She was in the common area backstage, a vanity beside her as she organized her things.
Tom had shown her the way, being extremely friendly and all. Of course, they chatted a lot and even though she was early, she realized the time and started to rush a bit.
She was set for 7:00 P.M., and her wristwatch showed she had 5 minutes left.

[Y/N] turned around to grab a few things from her bag when she met eyes with a boy standing behind her.
She jumped, again startled by his sudden appearance.
Just how quiet did this boy walk?

He noticed her being startled and laughed.
"Didn't mean to scare you." He said, smiling. He put his hand out, "I'm Bill."
His hand was cold, making her shiver as she shook it.
"I'm [Y/N]," The girl smiled, "Nice hair." She complimented.
Before the boy could reply, she motioned to the chair set in front of the lit vanity, to which the boy hesitated for just a second before sitting down.

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