After hours

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Lou's pov

We grabbed some ice in a cooler before heading out to the beach. They unfortunately hadn't bought anything to mix the drinks. So we're all just drinking them straight which shall prove to be exciting. We sit on one big blanket in a makeshift circle as we talk. Piper seems to be fitting in well which I knew she would but it's still great to see. They all blend really well which was important for me. I want her to get along well with my friends of course. "So, Piper. Do you believe in god?" Sarah asks her, already a bit more than tipsy as we've been out here for an hour.

"Alright" Sandy sighs taking her glass and setting it away from her. "Hey" she pouts trying to reach for it but Sandra swats her hand away. "No, I don't" she replies which isn't a surprise to me though we haven't explicitly talked about it. "Really? Do you believe in anything?" she continues, "Sarah" Sandy lightly scolds her. "It's fine. I do believe in some sort of higher power, I'm just not sure what exactly. I mean I think fate and destiny is real but I don't know where it comes from" she says. Looking as though she's thinking about it as it comes out her mouth.

"Do you think it's destiny that you met Lou?" Hellie chimes in, leaning in looking curious to know her answer. I look to her as well as she seems to think about it. "Guys I think that's enough badgering" I joke, chuckling nervously. "I do" she says simply as she glances at me. "Awww" they say together making me blush and she just leans in to give me a peck on the lips. "God imagine the ruckus those two will make" Sar says. "Shut. Up" Sandy says nudging her and I blush again.

"Sorry" Sarah says rubbing her arm a bit from where Sandy pushed her. "I just wanna get to know her" she pouts, "it's fine, I don't mind. I promise" Piper giggles and I can tell she's a bit tipsy but not pissed quite yet. "How about we head inside?" I suggest and Sandy nods in agreement. "But we didn't get to play any games, Sar promised games" Hellie notes. "Oh yeah I did say that" Sarah remembers. "Maybe another night" Sandy weighs in, "No I wanna play now" Sarah says.

"Sweetie. We don't throw tantrums" Sandy mocks her. "Oh shut up" she replies standing up a bit wobbly but quickly getting her balance. "Sorry Annie, I swear I'm not as drunk as I look" Sar says. Piper just giggles and stands up as well. All of us following their lead and standing to our feet. Sandy and I wrapping up the blanket while Piper offers to carry the cooler. "You sure?" I ask her and she nods picking it up. We all head back to the house, the sounds of crickets singing into the night. Even distant owls can be heard.

Once back in the safety of the house, we migrate towards the kitchen. Putting away the alcohol and dispensing the glasses in the sink. "I'll wash them in the morning- oh shit I forgot dinner!" Sandy remembers and we all erupt in laughter. "It's fine. I think we forgot too and I'm not hungry but we could order in if you guys are" I offer. "Meh" Helena says and I look to Piper who shrugs. "How about we get a pizza? I can run out and get it since I was supposed to cook" Sandy offers.

We all agree thinking we shouldn't go to bed on an empty stomach. So Sandy heads off in the car she rented, to get pizza from a nearby village. The rest of us sit in the living room and share stories while we wait. Piper still sipping on her drink from earlier and I can tell she's starting to feel it now. She glances over at me with half-lidded eyes and smiles softly. I feel a tingle spread through my body as her eyes rake over me. "Louie? You good?" Helena asks, "hmm? Yep" I answer and look over at Sarah.

She just looks at me and smirks, motioning toward Piper with her eyes and wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes back at her and she giggles to herself. Sandy comes back with the pizza and we all take pieces until it's gone. Afterwards, retiring to our rooms for the night to be well rested for tomorrow's activities.

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