Meeting the Flame Hashira

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Just rewatched demon slayer szn 2... missing Rengoku hours 😓 anyways here's a random fic based on szn 2 episode 1! It's kinda long...

     It was late at the night at the train station. Most of the bento sellers had left already, so this was my best chance to get some scraps of foot before the humans filled the station. I could never borrow during the daytime. There were so many people at the train station that I was bound to be seen if I went out during the day. So, I came out at night, grabbing scraps of food wherever I could.
     I was a borrower, standing at the tiny height of 2 inches tall. I had lived in the train station since I was sixteen. I was eighteen now, and had gotten used to the regular flow of life living in the shadows and out of sight. Of course, I had my close calls, but nothing like this.
     As I was getting a few crumbs from a half eaten bento, heard footsteps coming my way. They sounded soft, but like there were two people approaching. They must be bento sellers. I stuffed the last of what I could into my bag and ran into the shadows. I walked along the wall back to my home, hoping they couldn't see me.
     I could now see that it was an old lady and her granddaughter. While not a threatening pair, they were still very dangerous to me if I were to be seen. I kept walking towards my little hole in the wall facing backwards, keeping my eyes on them the entire time. One could never be too careful.
     Suddenly, a blue flash tore through the train station, whipping wind everywhere. I fought to stay against the wall as the wind tried to blow me away. What was that? I opened my eyes to see a tall blue and grey human-like creature. The claws and fangs that he sported made him seem much less like a human. I froze in terror. What was going on?
     The creature went to attack the little girl. Her grandma threw a bento at the monster to give the granddaughter time to run. It was futile, as once the girl made it out onto the platform, the demon sped after her at an inhuman speed. I watched the entire seen unfold, mouth agape, and tried to process what was going on.
     I turned to look at the grandma, keeping myself hidden in the shadows. She had fallen to her knees and began tearing up at the thought of losing her daughter. Then, a loud noise was heard from outside. I covered my tiny ears; it was too loud for me. A loud, decisive voice rang out from outside, "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"
     I couldn't hear anything else, but could tell there was now a fourth person at the station. This was going to be a lot of people for me to avoid. If I could move, that is. I was still glued to the spot, petrified and unsure of what was even going on around me.
     The demon came back into the station and focused his attention on the old woman. She backed away on her hands and knees, looking just as terrified as I was. Soon after, another figure appeared in the doorway. It was a tall human, with bright yellow and red hair. He had red and yellow eyes to match, and had a serious yet confident expression on his face. He wore a a black suit and a white cape with red and yellow flames decorating the bottom.
     "I told you not to get too cocky," the yellow-haired man spoke. I curled into a ball at his voice. It was so loud and explosive! My ears rang. I saw the little girl from before peeking out from behind him. Did he save her?
     The demon spoke in response. "Let's have a competition then. Who's faster: can I slash her neck first or will you slash mine?" He said, gesturing to the grandmother who was trembling on the floor. I didn't want to watch, but was unable to look away from the stand off that was occurring.
     The man smiled. "There's no need for that," he said calmly. In an instant, I watched him unsheath a sword I didn't notice he had. Bright orange flames came out of his sword and before I could even tell what had happened, the creature's head had fallen off and was rolling in my direction. It stopped in front of me, blocking my way to my home. "Because you're slow," the man finished. He sheathed his sword and stood up calmly.
     My eyes were filled with terror. What did I watch just now? What happened? Who was this crazy strong person? The creature's head and body began to disintegrate slowly before my eyes, only leaving me more scared and with more unanswered questions. I looked back towards the old woman and found that the man was at her side, helping her off the floor.
     She thanked him profusely, as did her granddaughter. The man waved it off, as if he did things like this every day. Just who was this guy? Whoever he was, he was certainly the most dangerous human I had ever seen in my life. I would rather be dead than caught by him. The man loudly declared that he would buy the rest of the bento from their stock before they went home for the night. The pair rejoiced while I winced again at how loud he was.
     They packed up all of his bento and continued on their way home. The man, however, did not leave the station. 'Please, why won't you leave the station so I can go home?' I said in my head, slightly annoyed. Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, he turned and looked at me. I stopped breathing. There was no way he knew I was there, right?
     "There's no point in hiding. Come out where I can see you," he said, his loud voice echoing in the station. I remained frozen against the wall. Was he talking to me? Or was there another one of those demons around? Either way, I knew going out there was a death sentence.
     The man took a few steps closer to where I was. His hand hovered over the hilt of his sword, which was enough to send me into a panic. "Come on, I'm not going to hurt you," he said evenly. His voice was even louder up close. I could feel his voice in my chest. I began to tremble, knowing that I had to come out if I didn't want to make him impatient.
     I shakily stepped out into the moonlight, keeping my gaze fixed on the floor and my head down. I knew I would completely freak out if I looked up at him. I stood there, wringing my hands together waiting for something, anything to happen.
     I heard shifting and the sound of clothing moving. Oh no... was he crouching down? His knees thudded on the floor, shaking the ground beneath me. I didn't want to look up. At the same time, my anxiety was only growing. If I didn't look, I would never know what he was planning to do to me.
     I slowly brought my gaze upwards. I saw his huge knees that were only a few feet away from me. His white belt on his uniform. His broad, muscular chest and shoulders. And finally, my eyes reached his face.
     I couldn't move. His eyes, bright and attentive, were fixed on me. I trembled in place. "My name is Kyojuro Rengoku! Little one, are you alright?" the man asked in his loud voice. My hands flew up to cover my ears. It was too loud, too much. A few tears slipped down my cheeks as I realized the situation I was in.
     This man had just killed a monster with ease, and he was faster than I could ever be. I had no way to escape, and I knew I couldn't stop him if he wanted to do something to me. It was hopeless!
     "Sorry, my voice is too loud for you. I will speak quieter from now on. Are you alright?" He asked again at a lower volume. I lowered my hands and barely peeked up at him. I finally comprehended what he was saying and was now confused. He lowered his voice out of concern... for me. He doesn't even know me!
     His eyes were still looking at me expectantly. The smile on his face had not left since he walked over to me. I scrambled to think of an answer to his question since I hadn't responded. I knew I was too scared to talk; my throat was completely dry. I wasn't mentally okay, but physically, I was fine. That was all he needed to know.
     I nodded my head, even though my body language told a different story. He tilted his head slightly as my response. "Are you sure? You saw the entire fight, did you not?" He asked. I nodded silently as a shiver ran down my spine. He knew that I was there the whole time! The man—Rengoku— had very sharp senses.
     "I apologize if I scared you. I do not wish to harm you in any way," Rengoku said firmly. His perception was insane. He could read my feelings so easily! He started to move his hand towards me. My eyes darted to his hand immediately and I tensed up. I turned my head, shying away from his touch. His finger gently rested on my head, giving me a little tap. He then patted my back a few times as well.
     "There, there. It's alright now. Do you have a name?" Rengoku said in his usual tone. I was hesitant, but eventually I gave into his comfort. My shoulders relaxed, and I finally held eye contact with him. Slowly, I was starting to feel safer. My instincts weren't screaming at me to run away like they were before.
     "y/n..." I said quietly. One look at Rengoku told me that he did not hear me at all. "Y/n!" I repeated, talking louder this time. Kyojuro's smile widened.
     "That is a nice name. I'm sure you have lots of questions, y/n, but shall we get out of here first?" I looked around to see that the train station was now completely vacant. The shadows seemed more ominous than usual. I looked around warily. Had the train station always looked this eerie at night?
     At the same time, did I want to go with Rengoku? I barely knew him, after all. And he was still so huge to me. I had been pushing that nagging thought to the back of my brain. He was just so big and clearly in shape. The purposeful (or accidental) damage that he could cause to me was endless.
     "And... if I don't want to?" I asked hesitantly.
     "Well, I can't force you to come with me. It's your choice," Rengoku said honestly. His statement was truthful, without a hint of deception. I pondered for a moment. Rengoku has a trustworthy air around him. I knew what he was capable of, but I trusted that he wouldn't hurt me. He seemed so sincere in his words.
     And now that there were monsters or demons around, I didn't want to be here alone. I couldn't defend myself against something like that. I took a deep breath before making my decision. "Okay. Let's go," I said decisively, looking up at Rengoku with a nervous smile.
     "Alright! Let's go!" Rengoku said enthusiastically. He held his hand out flat in front of me. I carefully climbed onto his hand and sat cross legged in the middle of his palm. He lifted his hand off the ground and stood up. I gasped upon seeing just how tall he was and just how high I was off the ground.
     I wrapped my arms around his thumb, nervous that I would fall. Rengoku chuckled slightly. "Do not worry. You will not fall, and I will protect you," he said calmly. I nodded and relaxed in his hands. I believed him.

Author here :) I KNOW I HAVE REQUESTS IM SORRY! Also this ending is kinda mid I don't like it for some reason😓 anyways, Rengoku on top! He's my favorite demon slayer character, so enjoy this brain rot of mine‼️ Stay awesome!
2030 words

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