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 "Oh? What's this?" A voice laughed as a figure entered the conference room

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"Oh? What's this?" A voice laughed as a figure entered the conference room. The camera then focused onto her, revealing the trainee's identity; Yeona. "Wait, are we filming something?" She asked, her laugh sounding more nervous. "Please find a seat as we wait for the other trainees to arrive." The staff instructed her from behind the camera. Yeona silently nods and sits down.

Soon, another trainee enters. Violet cautiously entered, first peeking in then opening the door wider. She froze for a second when she spotted the cameras, nodding her head in greeting before sitting down next to Yeona. The two girls (and staff) were completely silent making the atmosphere a little awkward. Perhaps it was the presence of the cameras that was making it a little tense?

Next comes in Blair, her eyes lit up when she spotted the duo, making a beeline to sit next to them. "What do you think they're gonna do?" She whispered. Violet bit her bottom lip in thought and shrugged. "I have no idea." "They aren't going to kick us out, are they?" Yeona whispered back, looking a little anxious, her word's causing Violet; who was sitting closest to her, slap her lightly on the shoulder, making Yeona yelp out. "Oh come on, there's no way they are kicking all 3 of us out at the same time like this in this setting."

After a few minutes of hushed whispers, Juniper comes in, greeting the staff and takes a seat on Yeona's other side. "Nothing happened yet right?" She asked, which the girls shook their head to. Silence over took them again, all of them staring at the door, awaiting the arrival of whoever was to come next.

Soon enough Daileee comes in and sits with the girls. "I hope I'm not late?" She asked Blair who was closest to her. Blair shook her head with a smile and patted the empty seat next to her, signalling for the newcomer to sit. "Not at all"


After a few minutes of waiting in silence, the CEO finally comes in which made all 5 girls stand up and bow in greeting. The CEO nodded back at the girls and signalled them to sit down. The CEO then sat on a chair facing them and looked at each of them before finally saying, "I'm sure you five are wondering what you are here for, yes?" The girls nod in unison.

"You five are to debut in an upcoming girl group and you will be named Eclair

"You five are to debut in an upcoming girl group and you will be named Eclair

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