Part 29

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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

It's LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it or just block it.

So here you all go and enjoy reading

In TaeKook’s Room
As in their room there was a mini fridge so Jungkook kept icecream their and Taehyung saw this and asked why
JK:as a sorry so am I forgiven now???
Tae:you are(said with a boxy smile)

Time Skip To Their Honeymoon*Vacation*

Its Night Time
TaeKook came Paris as their parents already arranged everything so yeah now they both were in their hotel room
Taehyung was resting on bed as they arrived thirty minutes ago in their room and from that moment Taehyung is lying on bed but he wasn’t sleeping he just laid on bed with closed eyes but before that he already gave order for food
And about Jungkook so he is taking shower as he thought to get fresh up first, it’s not like he didn’t asked Taehyung he asked him to take shower first but Taehyung refused him saying he is tired and so he just want to sleep and Jungkook thought to take a shower than and now Jungkook came out from washroom just towel wrapped around his waist, his upper body wasn’t covered with anything
Taehyung heard door opening of washroom so he spoke
Tae:you cam—
Taehyung wasn’t able to complete his sentence and he was just looking at Jungkook with wide eyes and opened mouth, still he isn’t used to see half naked Jungkook i meant Taehyung have seen Jungkook shirtless when they both go to gym but still he isn't used to see Jungkook like this
After gathering courage Taehyung finally decided to speak
Tae:can’t you wear your clothes huh!!!
JK:I was tired Taehyung so I didn’t bothered to open my luggage
Tae:so what huh!!!aren’t their bathrobes or what??wear that why always coming in front of me naked huh!!!
JK: naked???
Jungkook said while raising his both eyebrows
Tae: ofcourse (gulp down nervously)
JK:am I looking naked to you seriously Kim Taehyung???
Tae:who is Kim Taehyung huh!!!
Taehyung’s tone of speaking was angry but Jungkook was confused by this that like why
JK:wow!!!now you don’t even remember your own name
Jungkook said while clapping
Tae:My name is Jeon Taehyung not Kim Taehyung ok???
Taehyung said angrily and Jungkook looked at Taehyung amusingly
JK:Jeon Taehyung (mumbled to himself)
Tae:now what are you mumbling huh!!!
JK: nothing you say what were you saying
Tae:oh yeah!!so I was saying that let’s go back to the topic why are you still naked huh!!
JK:I have wrapped a towel around myself ok???
Tae: really???(chuckled)that towel of yours can fall too ok???
JK:yahh!!don’t speak like that
Tae: where’s the lie though???(rolled his eyes)
And than Taehyung saw Jungkook coming towards him but Jungkook stopped in between as his towel really fall down
Taehyung wide his eyes and looked away and Jungkook also quickly took the towel and wrapped around his waist again and held it so towel wouldn’t fall down again
JK:what happened to your tongue huh!!!(wide eyes)
Tae: nothing happened to my tongue
Taehyung said still back facing Jungkook
JK: earlier you yourself said my towel would fall down so no—I mean it really happened how huh!!!did you already know this or what???
Tae:I didn’t know this ok I just said randomly
JK:what randomly???i know you can see future that’s why you said and it really happened
Hearing Jungkook Taehyung turned towards him and come close to Jungkook who hurriedly move backwards but in this process Taehyung also started to move towards with Jungkook while saying
Tae: really Jungkook???i can’t see any future, mayahhhhh
Taehyung couldn’t complete his sentence as he himself and Jungkook fall down on bed
Taehyung was on top of Jungkook while Jungkook was securely held Taehyung’s waist, Taehyung’s face was in Jungkook’s neck and Jungkook could feel Taehyung’s breathe he(JK)gulp down nervously and spoke
JK:ar…are alright???(cursed himself for shuttering)
Taehyung slowly looked at Jungkook but still both were in same position but difference was now Taehyung and Jungkook were staring in each other’s eyes
After few seconds of staring both came to there senses after hearing door knocking sound both immediately got up from eachother Jungkook was about to open the door but got stopped by Taehyung
JK:now what happened??(said annoyingly)
Tae: stop getting annoyed and will you open door like this seriously Jungkook???
Taehyung's said while pointing his finger at his body
Jungkook looked at himself and realised he still didn’t wore his clothes
JK: sorry you open it(nervously giggle)
And Jungkook went inside the washroom and Taehyung opened the door and saw their food he thanked the hotel staff and after five minutes Jungkook came out wearing bathrobe and than they both decided to eat first as they were hungry and like this night came and Taehyung took shower after that they both slept

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