Part 38

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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

It's LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it or just block it.

So here you all go and enjoy reading

Flashback of that day

Taehee: Taehyung marry Jungkook or I will do something with myself(said while holding knife near her wrist)

Tae: noona please keep that knife away you will hurt yourself

Taehee:than marry Jungkook

Tae:o..ok i..i wi…will marry Jungkook

Flashback Over

Jungkook gulp down the glass of water and left to his room
With Taehyung

Taehyung was sitting in his room on the bed while thinking about whatever he said to Jungkook and why he was questioning himself again and again like why he said that and why but he himself doesn’t know why

Tae:why I said that???it’s not like I love Jungkook right??but…but why does it feels so right I’m so confused

And than he messed his hairs and closed his eyes but later he opened his eyes and saw Jungkook standing in front of him which surely have Taehyung a mini heart attack

Tae:are you mad??who comes like this huh!!!and how did you entered the room I locked the door

Taehyung asked while looking at the door

JK:did you really locked the door??

Jungkook question Taehyung

Tae: ofcourse I remembered locking the door

JK:than I also remember when I was coming door was open and not little, full it was fully opened

Tae:means I didn’t locked the door??

Taehyung asked Jungkook who was glaring at him for some reason

JK: ofcourse you didn’t idiot

Said and smack Taehyung’s head

Tae:yahh!!what was that for??

JK:for not locking the door

Jungkook said and sat beside Taehyung on bed

JK: Taehyung you should be careful with your surroundings what if some stranger came in and did something to you huh!!!

Tae:but that wasn’t intentional

JK:I know Taehyung I’m just worried what if something happened to you huh!!!what I’m gonna say to your parents huh!!!

Tae:I don’t know you say

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with done look

Tae:I seriously don’t know

JK: don’t forget if something happens to you than your parents wouldn’t be able to live, first cause of Taehee and second cause of your silliness idiot

Tae:I’m sorry I was just lost somewhere

JK:and where were you lost huh!!!

Tae:I was thinking why I said that about our marriage and all that

JK: you were busy in thinking about that but can’t think about your safety huh!!!

Taehyung got annoyed hearing this again and again from Jungkook

Tae:why are you getting worried huh!!!and for you who am I???huh!!tell me Jungkook who am I to you??

JK:why are you asking me this huh!!

Tae:tell me for you whom am i??

JK:you are my husband Jeon Jungkook’s husband Jeon Taehyung got it

Jungkook said while emphasizing his and Taehyung’s name

Tae:did you accept me as your husband??

JK: what you think??

Tae:you say

JK:the day I married you I accepted you as my husband, I know in what situation we got married but still for me relationships are not any joke specially marriage cause it’s not a game when you want get married and when you want break it

Tae:means you are willing to live your whole life with me Jungkook???

JK: ofcourse Taehyung

Tae:than what if noona came back and our parents make us separate??

JK: nothing will happen like this Taehyung and I already accepted you and my fate

Tae:but in marriage two persons should love each other than what about you, me, us???

JK:for now maybe I don’t see you in that way but about future I can’t say???

Tae:than we should get divorce right??

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a intense stare making Taehyung nervous out of sudden

JK:if for you our marriage doesn’t work than you are free from my side but(stopped)


JK:but if in future I feel something for you than I will do anything to win your heart and you as mine Jeon Taehyung

Tae:what if I reject you??

JK:for that first fall in love with me

Jungkook said with chuckle and left to washroom

Tae:why the hell I was talking like that??

In Washroom

JK:I will never let someone hurt my family neither you Wooshik nor you Minwoo

Jungkook said while getting himself wet in shower and closed his eyes while remembering something from few minutes before but than opened his eyes and looked at himself than started to open his shirts button while going outside and saw Taehyung with a pout

Jungkook started at Taehyung for few seconds

JK: what happened huh!!!

Taehyung looked at Jungkook but later wide his eyes seeing Jungkook all wet and shirts button opened making him look so hot while Taehyung was gulping down nervously

JK:stop staring at me and say what happened??

Tae:I wasn’t staring at you

Taehyung said while looking away

JK:yeah yeah I saw that a while ago

Tae: just shut up and do you wanna get sick or what huh!!!

Taehyung said while throwing towel at Jungkook who catch it without any effort

Tae:get yourself change and I will also get freshen up
Taehyung said while getting his clothes and than moving towards washroom’s door but stopped when Jungkook pulled Taehyung to himself

Tae:jun….gko..ok wh..what ar..are

Taehyung shuttered while asking Jungkook

JK:what you think I’m doing??

Jungkook asked in his deep voice

Tae: please leave me

JK:never and clear your mind from all the things cause I want you to prepare well for your exams Taehyung I want you to score well for now forget about our marriage just forget you live in my house as my husband just think you are my friend and living there cause you doesn’t have anyone here ok??

Tae:but why??

JK: cause I want you to focus on your studies Taehyung please??

Tae:ok I will forget it fine now Mr friend leave me and remember this friends are not this much close to someone

Hearing Taehyung’s word Jungkook pulled Taehyung to himself causing Taehyung to rest his both hands on Jungkook’s chest

JK:I just said and you follow my words this much fast hope from tomorrow you will do same when I’m going to teach you

Tae:what’s tomorrow??

JK:doesn’t wanna go back???

Tae:two weeks got over

JK:no but from company I got call that’s why

Tae:ok I will pack our bags after getting freshen up ok??

JK:I will help you now go and get fresh up

Tae:ok but for that leave me first

JK:here you go

And left Taehyung and Jungkook go and get his clothes
Taehyung also get in washroom to get a shower and after twenty minutes he came out and saw Jungkook lying on bed with phone in his hand and he also noticed there bag was all packed
I hope you enjoy reading this fiction.
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Love you all💜💜

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