Part 32

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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

It's LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it or just block it.

So here you all go and enjoy reading

Tae:I’m sorry for today Jungkook (and slept unknowingly)

Next Day
Jungkook was the first one to wake up and he look at his side and saw Taehyung sleeping with a pout and Taehyung’s right hand was on his(Jungkook)waist
Jungkook was looking at Taehyung for few seconds and remembered their fight from yesterday and he just deeply sigh
JK in mind:I thought his mind will be refresh from all the things but didn’t knew it would get more ruined……I can’t believe Taehee can do this she just ran away like she did on our marriage……what could be the reason for her this behaviour
Jungkook was thinking this all and in mean time Taehyung woke up who looked at Jungkook thinking what Jungkook is doing while looking at ceiling without blinking
Taehyung shaked Jungkook who looks at Taehyung in confusion
Tae: Jungkookiee are you still angry on me for yesterday
Taehyung said while whiningly
JK in mind:he shouted at me and he says I get angry on silly things than what he did wasn’t that silly too
Jungkook rolled his eyes and Taehyung saw this
Tae:means you didn’t forgive me I knew it I knew it I hurted you so bad right??
JK in mind:I already forgiven him than why he is asking me these stupid questions
Tae:why are you not saying anything huh!!!are you going to ignore me??
Jungkook didn’t said anything but he was just looking at ceiling totally ignoring Taehyung
Tae:you really going to ignore me, wait is this my punishment for shouting at you and hurting you so badly??
Taehyung asked with a most innocent face while Jungkook controlled himself from chuckling at him
JK in mind:it wouldn’t be wrong if I ignored him for a while right???he literally asked me to never show myself to him
Jungkook was thinking to tease Taehyung but his thoughts cut off when suddenly he saw Taehyung sitting on his stomach and seeing this Jungkook wide his eyes in shock but still didn’t said anything
Tae:tell me na are you seriously going to ignore your cute and sweet husband huh!!!
Taehyung said making a cute face
JK in mind:he is so freaking cute god!!!please god I can’t smile at him right now if I did than how I’m going to ignore him
Tae: Jungkook??
Jungkook looked at Taehyung with question eyes
Tae: please talk to me (said with a pout)
Jungkook just looked away from Taehyung
Tae:why are you not looking at me huh!! Please look at me
JK: yesterday you yourself said “never show me your face “ now what happened huh!!!
Jungkook  mimics Taehyung
Tae:I was angry that time and I already said sorry na please forgive me
JK:get up from me I have to get fresh up (said coldly)
Tae: Jungahhh
Taehyung couldn’t speak further as Jungkook pushed Taehyung away and now Taehyung was laying under Jungkook while Jungkook pinned his hands
Tae:I’m sorry
JK: keep your sorry to yourself
Jungkook said while getting up from him and left to washroom to do his morning routine
Taehyung sit properly on bed and looked at washroom’s door and than thought
Tae: yesterday he said he forgive me than what happened suddenly???did he said that to stop me from crying and to make me eat something???that means he still didn’t forgive me
Tae:I should do something to make him forgive me but what should I do???
Taehyung was thinking with a pout
While Jungkook came out from washroom wearing bathrobe and in his left hand he was holding towel….seeing Taehyung lost in something he threw towel towards him and towel landed on Taehyung’s face who looked at Jungkook
Tae:just be thankful I’m thinking how to make you forgive me or else I will kick you out of this room
Taehyung said while getting up from bed and goes to washroom
And Jungkook chuckled at him and got his clothes from wardrobe and started to tie his hairs in a bun
Taehyung came out from washroom and he looked so shocked seeing Jungkook’s tattoos(JK was wearing sleeveless t-shirt) and his hairs tied in bun

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