Part 78

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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

It's LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it or just block it.

I hope you enjoy reading this fiction.
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So here you all go ,enjoy reading and ignore my mistakes


Mr and Mrs Jeon left somewhere with Grandma and TaeKook were alone in the Jeon Mansion and right now it’s already noon so they were thinking what to eat in lunch

Tae: should we order food????

Taehyung asked Jungkook who was working on his laptop

JK:no it’s not good for health

Jungkook said without even looking at Taehyung

Tae:but I’m hungry

Said with a pout and Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smiles

JK: don’t pout princess or the consequences wouldn’t be good

Said in a teasing tone making Taehyung shy

Tae:sh…u..t u..p I’m n…ot pri…nce…sss

JK: ofcourse you are not princess you are queen My Queen

Tae:shut up Jungkook and tell me what should I do with this hunger huh!!!! I’m feeling so hungry

Said while trying to change the topic

JK:no need to change the topic just wait for few minutes I will be done with this

Tae:you are saying the same thing from the last thirty minutes Jungkook please I’m feeling so hungry

JK:just give me ten minutes than I will be done

Tae:just ten minutes ok??

JK:ok my queen

Said while pecking his lips and stood up with his laptop in his hand as his work was almost done so he left to his office which is the mansion

Tae:come back fast

JK:I will be back after keeping the laptop

Saying that Jungkook left from there

Tae:let me cut vegetables till than atleast this way I will get myself busy with it and wouldn’t get bored

Saying that Taehyung also left to kitchen he takes few vegetables and started to cut them

Tae:I will be so careful with it and I will do it slowly

Started to cut them slowly as we know if he get hurt Jungkook would scold him for being careless but we also know that Taehyung isn’t really good in this

As Taehyung was cutting the vegetables he heard Jungkook’s voice and he knows if Jungkook saw him in kitchen he is gone so in hurry to left from there he accidentally got cut on his palm as his eyes were on the kitchen door

Tae:ahhhh!!!! It hurts so bad

Taehyung saw how big cut he got cause of his carelessness but it wasn’t deep and tears also formed in his eyes cause of the pain and like that he started to cry

And listening to Taehyung’s shout Jungkook also came in kitchen and saw Taehyung’s hand which was bleeding

JK:what the hell do you think you were doing huh!!!!

Said while keeping his hanky on the his palm

Taehyung didn’t said anything just kept crying

JK:now what’s the use of crying huh!!!! Let’s go to hospital it’s not small cut

Tae:no please I’m not going to hospital

Said while crying more

JK: like I will listen to you huh!!!

Said while tying the hanky around his palm

Tae:I’m not going to hospital

Saying that he ran away from Jungkook

JK:what the hell

He also ran behind Taehyung who was trying to hide himself from Jungkook

Tae:I’m not going anywhere

JK: Taehyung come here or it will bleed more

Tae:no I’m not going to hospital

JK:and why????

Tae:I’m not going they give injections

Said while standing away from Jungkook but still crying

While Jungkook doesn’t know how to react whether to laugh at Taehyung’s reason or worry for his bleeding hand

JK:ok I’m not taking you to hospital come here

Said while standing on the same place

Tae: promise me you wouldn’t take me to hospital

JK:I promise I wouldn’t take you to hospital now come here

Jungkook sat on the sofa and Taehyung slowly went to Jungkook who made Taehyung sat on his lap and held his waist carefully

JK:look Taehyung cut is deep but not that deep so why are you afraid to go to hospital hmm???

Said while caressing his hairs while Taehyung rest his head on Jungkook’s shoulder

Tae:I’m scared of injection it hurt so much

JK: don’t worry we aren’t going to hospital I’m calling the doctor here only hmm


JK:don’t worry I will be with you only

Taehyung calm down but still he is sitting on Jungkook’s lap while Jungkook already called the doctor and he was just rubbing Taehyung’s back softly and lovingly

Tae:I wouldn’t get any injection

JK: ofcourse you wouldn’t if it’s not needed

Taehyung looked at Jungkook’s face and again tears started to roll down

Tae:I don’t want any injection

JK:it’s not needed than you wouldn’t get Taehyung and if it’s necessary than I can’t help you with it

Tae: Jungkook please no injection

Jungkook just wipe his eyes

JK: Taehyung I can’t compromise with your health so please listen to me ok???

Tae:no please it hurts

JK:it wouldn’t I’m with you right

Saying that Jungkook hugged Taehyung and trying to calm him down while saying soothing words

And in few minutes Taehyung slept due to crying and feeling pain in his hands but still Jungkook was sitting on the sofa with Taehyung on his lap and admiring his face

JK:why he is beautiful and cute at the same time????

And just than doctor entered

JK: doctor please check my husband’s hand

Said while removing his hanky from Taehyung’s hand

Doctor:how he got this cut???

Said while checking Taehyung’s hand carefully

JK:he was cutting vegetables but I don’t know how he got cut as I wasn’t their with him

Doctor:cut isn’t that deep but still he should be careful with it

Said while cleaning the blood and looking carefully

JK:don’t worry I’m here for him

Doctor:your husband is really lucky to have you as his husband

Said with a smile and was done with the bandage

JK:I’m the one who is lucky to have him as my husband

Said with a smile

Doctor: make sure he doesn’t put pressure on his hand and it would be better if you help your husband in his work or his wound wouldn’t heal early

JK:I will be careful with that

Doctor:than I will take my leave take care of your husband

JK: thank you for coming here

Doctor just smile at Jungkook and left from there

Jungkook started at Taehyung’s face and than his wounded hand after staring at Taehyung for few minutes more he carried Taehyung in his arms and left to his room

Jungkook made Taehyung lay on the bed and carefully placed Taehyung’s wounded hand on the pillow also covered him with a blanket and left to downstairs


Jungkook was sitting in the living room and was doing his office work which was left a little and after completing his work in thirty minutes he left to the kitchen and saw the mess which was created after Taehyung hurted his hand

JK:now first I should clean this mess

Saying that Jungkook started to clean the kitchen and placed the vegetables on their place and after cleaning he started to think what to make

JK:what should I make???

Thought for a while

JK:ramen or soup?? No I should make something healthy for Taehyung so let I will make soup for him but he wouldn’t have soup if I said him to have it

As Jungkook was thinking what to make for Taehyung he suddenly felt hands on his waist and saw Taehyung who was hugging him with closed eyes resting his face in his neck

JK:why you woke up??? You should sleep a little more

Jungkook said while caressing Taehyung’s hand softly

Tae:you weren’t with me so I woke up and why you left me alone in our room????

Said with a pout on his lips

Hearing Taehyung, Jungkook chuckled at him and break the hug while facing Taehyung

JK:I left you alone in our room so I could make something for us to eat as you were so hungry and than you hurted your hand

Said while caressing Taehyung’s hair and than pulled him towards himself by his waist making Taehyung place his hand on Jungkook’s chest

JK:you look so beautiful

And pecked his lips and smiles

JK:why are you so pretty my princess???

Said while caressing Taehyung’s right cheek

Tae:wh…at ar..e yo…u do…in..g Ju..ngko…ok???

Said nervously

JK:you say what I’m doing???

Said while holding Taehyung a little tightly by his waist making Taehyung gulp down nervously while Taehyung was looking here and there avoiding eye contact with Jungkook

Tae:I’m hungry

Said while looking down and playing with Jungkook’s shirt’s button while Jungkook just chuckled

JK:here I’m doing romance with you and you just

Tae:you can do your romance later but right now I’m hungry

Said feeling so hungry

JK:ok than I will continue my romance afterwards

And pecked Taehyung’s lips and made him sit on the counter

Tae:why you made me sit here???

Trying to get up but Jungkook didn’t let him

JK:just sit here while I’m cooking and you eat this

And gave Taehyung strawberries to eat


Jungkook glared at Taehyung which made him shut knowing he can’t win against the great Jeon Jungkook

JK:wanna have soup???

Said while tying the apron around himself and folded his shirt’s sleeves till his elbow

Tae:no I don’t want soup

Said while eating strawberries with a pout making Jungkook started at him but he quickly diverted his eyes to otherside

JK in mind: aishh!!! Why he is so cute???

Tae:make something fast I’m feeling so hungry

JK:than wanna have some ramen??

Hearing this Taehyung choked and looked at Jungkook with wide and shocked eyes


JK:ramen??wanna have ramen???

Taehyung just lick his lips nervously and looked down

JK:ok than let’s have ramen

Saying that he started to do his work means he started to cut few vegetables

Tae in mind:why I thought that only??? He was just asking me about eating and here my mind thought something else

JK:but I know exactly what you thought about when I asked wanna have some ramen???

Said while cutting the vegetables and smirking at Taehyung’s red face

Tae:sh…ut u..p Ju…ngk…ook

Said nervously

Jungkook just chuckled at Taehyung’s nervousness and than he concentrated on his work while Jungkook was cutting vegetables Taehyung started to think

Tae in mind:god he looks so hot even when he is doing nothing but cooking for me….god his veiny hands also looks so hot god must have thought a lot about making my man…his tattoos also look so good on him…why he is so handsome, hot, sexy at the same time….don’t know when I fall for this man but still I’m not regretting it I really happy…to have Jungkook as my husband he is so understanding, caring and loving

Here Taehyung was checking his husband who was busy in making ramen for both of them but Jungkook knew what his princess I mean what his husband Jeon Taehyung is doing

JK: princess eat strawberries first and later you can eat me

Taehyung wide his eyes hearing Jungkook

Tae:yo…u foc…us o..n mak….ing fo…od

JK:I’m doing that only but you are the one who is staring at me like you will eat me here right now at this moment only

Jungkook said while looking in Taehyung’s eyes with a smirk

Tae:so…so what huh!!! You are my husband I can do anything with you whether I stare at you or not you just shut up

Said while avoiding Jungkook who just smile

JK:yeah yeah do whatever you want to do with me I wouldn’t say anything not even a single thing you continue

And again Jungkook diverted his eyes to make ramen and he was almost done and in few minutes he served it to Taehyung

JK:here you go my princess

Said while placing the bowl towards Taehyung

Tae:but how I will eat???

Looked at his hand

JK:am I here for a show off huh!!! Ofcourse I will help you and doctor also said this to me that I should help my husband with everything

While talking with eachother both had ramen and Jungkook was helping Taehyung with everything like he even made him drink water by his (JK)hands and carried Taehyung to their room

Tae: Jungkook my hand is hurted on my legs I can walk

JK:so what??? I will do everything and you just enjoy your this princess treatment ok??

Said while making Taehyung sit on the bed and he also sat beside him

Tae:aishh!!! Ok do whatever you want to do but let me go to washroom

And again Jungkook carried Taehyung to washroom making Taehyung sigh deeply

JK: should I help you???

Tae: shut up Jungkook

Shut the door making Jungkook laugh while Taehyung just sigh

Love you all

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