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Twenty-first century. Tokyo

Morning for Ahane was no different from the usual. Everything as usual.

Her parents died more than years ago when she was ten together with her older sister in a car accident. That day, only she could survive.

Why is she? Why, for example, did not mother and sister survive? She still asks this question to this day. Why was she given this chance? How is she different from other people to give her a chance to live on?

No doubt, she is beautiful. Only a blind person can say she's ugly. But that's about it. She is not kinder than other people. She does not mock the weak just because it does not make sense and stands up for them only for this reason.

They wanted to send her to an orphanage, but at the last moment her aunt got into this situation and took custody of her.

My aunt had no children or a husband. She is constantly at work and Ahane has a lot of free time. She used to go to clubs, extra classes and was the best in her studies. But now she spends all her free time from school at home, listening to music, and sleeping.

She became average in her studies. Studying never interested her, but Ahane did not want to anger her parents and therefore tried her sister. I tried hard.

Her parents wanted her to be just like her sister. Despite the fact that her sister was seven years older than her, those around her said that Ahane was her copy.

So it was and has become.

By seventeen, Ahane looked exactly like her sister. The same height, facial features, skin color, hair, eyes, lips.

One has only to look at the photo of her sister, and she can calculate that the person in the photo is her.

She stormed out and slammed the door loudly. She attended an academy for girls. The academy itself was very close to the Sekirei girl's Academy.

“Uzui is so cool!” exclaimed a girl unfamiliar to her.

- He showed the middle finger and choked the reporters. Rude - honestly said the black-haired guy

She remembered exactly. One arrogant, handsome man named Uzui Tenma behaved terribly towards the reporters. She would not want to face this man in her life. And how can this girl talk about him so lovingly? This girl's IQ is definitely lower than that of a high school student.

- It's all their fault! If you are beautiful, everything is allowed to you.

What kind of nonsense is she talking about? Is she also a fool? She had never heard such a delusional worldview.

-A? What is this news?

- Look on your phone!

She remembered her soulmate, who died a few months ago. The guy was four years older than her, but he had a fatal disease from which he died. After his death, she did not go to school for another two weeks, mourning her lover.

The eyes turned red. No, you can't cry here. Holding back the flow of tears, she again looked at those guys.

- I'm not dumb!

At the same moment, she noticed two beauties with ribbons in their hair.

She didn't know their identity, but she did know that they were from the nearby girl's academy. A petite girl with two-tone hair looks like her in that she also wears a bun.

Distracted by the charming girls, she did not notice how these girls and the stupid girl with the black-haired guy had already left.

Well, the usual gray days will begin. She doesn't know if anyone else will color as her soul mate, but she moves forward firmly. Perhaps one would have to commit suicide immediately after the death of their soulmate. Maybe she can fall in love again. In ancient times, people would be horrified that now people can marry each other when your fiancé or fiancée is not your soulmate. But now the new century and many do not care about it. Only the most devout consider this unacceptable and not normal. She can only wait. Time will show.

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