Chapter Twenty-one

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"What about this outfit?" Jack says as he shows me the hundredth outfit, it's a black glittery top. Me and Jack are currently in town, and have been for the past hour, looking for an outfit to wear for my birthday tomorrow. I was happy to wear whatever I could find in my wardrobe but Jack and my dad are forcing me to buy a new outfit as they said I should wear a nice, new outfit for such a big and special birthday. I think dad just wants me out of the house so he can decorate and set up for tomorrow as he also gave Josh some money to go to the arcade, my dad gave me thirty quid as well to pick something out. Josh bought a whole new outfit last week. Jack's reason is that he wants to go shopping and used me as an excuse. He's also treating me to a lunch at an all you can eat Chinese that we both really like. We're trying to find a nice, cropped top as I want to wear my black flare jeans. "It's alright," I reply in a sullen tone.

"Come on little one." Jack moans but not in a mean way but more in a sympathetic way.

"I just not in the shopping mood."

"It's okay. Maybe you just need some food in you. Food makes everyone happy."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope." Jack says as he puts the top down then proceeds to drag me out of the store.

We've been sat at the restaurant for twenty minutes and gone up to the buffet. I just got some chow mein, I'm not in the biggest food mood. I don't really want to be here; I want to go to bed. Jack filled his plate with various different types of food and also got a bowl of hot and sour soup. We also ordered peach tea that has unlimited refills which is really good, we both really like peach tea. Instead of eating I just push the food around my plate with my fork. "Not liking the food?" Jack asks but I don't hear him. "Alex?"


"I asked if you don't like the food."

"Oh, it's alright." Jack just looks at me instead of responding, he knows somethings wrong but is waiting for me to tell him rather than asking as I don't really like being asked what's wrong. I don't know why I don't. "I'm sorry, I'm just not really in the mood today."

"Is it because of what happened with Peter?" Jack asks already knowing the answer. It's been two days since I found out Peter is dating Rebecca. The second I got home I blocked Rebecca on everything then rang Jack to tell him everything. Jack was not happy. He went mental. He messaged Rebecca a long message mouthing off about how she's not loyal and a horrible friend. He then preceded to block her before she could respond. It's the Christmas break so we won't have to see her until January when school starts again. She didn't even have the decency to tell me. She was trying to hide it. We're supposed to be friends. Peter is in the wrong as well but me and him aren't talking anyways. "Yeah." I say.

"Well screw em. They suck. If you should be mad at anyone then you should be mad at me, I got your hopes up and convinced you that he liked you. I was so sure he was. There was so many signs. Something else is going on. I was so sure he liked you."

"It's okay Jack. I knew your heart was in the right place and maybe there were small moments where I thought maybe he could like me back. I was just being stupid. It's fine honestly. I just want to forget about it and move on." Which is the truth. It does really hurt but I don't want to waste any more time or energy crying over him.

"Good because you deserve so much better. You are effing Alex effing and you are awesome and any guy should be lucky to have you. And if they hurt you we use my shovel and just like that the problem is gone."

"What if we get caught?" I laugh.

"Then we make prison our bitch. We'll sit in our jail cell together laughing at how some stupid boy thought he could handle my girl." Jack smirks and I'm not really sure if he's joking or not. If he's not then at least I know how much he cares me and how far he's willing to go to support me. "I know what will cheer you up."

"What's that?"

"Your birthday present." Jack pulls out a small box wrapped in dark green wrapping from his backpack. He hands it to me but I'm hesitant to open it. "Open it then." I open the box and the second I do loads of glitter bursts out and goes everywhere including into my food. I knew it. Me and Jack always do this to each other and have for years. I don't know why we do it, it's just our fun little tradition to annoy each other and have some fun. I pull away the tissue paper to find my present. It's a gift card for £60 for The Works.

"Jack you've spent too much you didn't need to do this but thank you so much." I say, appreciative.

"I know but it's a big birthday and I love you."

"Can we go today?"

"We can but first you have to eat at least three plates of food."

"Do I have to?" I joke when in reality I'm really looking forward to my food.

"Yes now eat your glitter," Jack orders and I do.

After lunch we go book shopping and I spend at least an hour in there looking at books. I leave with sixteen books and I still have money left on the card. I'm so happy with my purchase and I can't wait to start reading them. I even got an entire six book set for only a fiver. One of the books I got I've been after for ages, it has a set time limit and sections that you read along to a playlist on Spotify, that's the one I'm going to read first. I also managed to find a burgundy crop top for my birthday which made Jack feel like he completed his mission.

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