Chapter Nine

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I'm so tired, I can't wait to finish work so I can go home and get some sleep. I wanted to finish the book I was reading so I didn't sleep until three. As a side hustle I offer to be hired as a family photographer. I've had quite a few jobs and make decent money. I advertise on Facebook and Instagram. I rent a studio in town whenever I need to. Jack's mum owns it so I get a good deal on the place. It's a huge room with a massive window that lets in loads of natural lighting. It comes with a lot of photography equipment like lights and backdrops, the only thing I need to bring is props, if needed, my camera and laptop. I think I'd like to become a photographer when I'm older and possibly go into family photography, it's where my specialty lies. I like being able to help the families I work with capture memories they can treasure forever. The photoshoot I'm doing today is with two parents, their two-year-old daughter and their new-born baby boy. I've been here since ten o'clock this morning, I had to arrive extra early as it's very overcast today so I needed to set up some studio lights, and it's currently five in the afternoon. I'm so tired. These photoshoots don't usually take this long but this one is taking extra-long as there has been so many complications. The two-year-old keeps having temper tantrums and the baby keeps crying and pooping, which is understandable. The baby at one point did such a big poop that it stank out the entire studio and actually managed to leak through his clothes, luckily the parents had brought extra clothes. I don't mind having to do the extra hours, it's hard to work with kids sometimes especially babies and the parents offered to pay me extra for having to work extra hours. Plus, I know how important it is to get a family portrait. The family expressed how important this shoot is to them as they got a portrait done before when their first child was born and again when she turned one. This is a big tradition for them.

Another hour goes by and I'm finally done. I think the photos came out really well and the family really likes them which is what really matters. I don't offer printing so I copy the photos onto a memory stick and give it to the family. "Thank you love," the mum whispers as the kids have fallen asleep. The silence is so good to hear after hours of screaming and crying.

"You're welcome," I smile.

"Here's your money."

"Thank you."

"Bye." I wave bye back. I turn my attention to my laptop and start scrolling through my photos. Even though they're staged, the family still look really happy and so natural. There's quite a lot of photos showing the kids in a negative mood. I even caught a photo of the exact moment the mum, who was holding the baby, smelt the babies poop. I still got some really good photographs though. I'm glad I was able to give the family a family portrait that they like and can cherish forever. It's why I enjoy my job so much.

"They look really good." A voice behind me says scaring the absolute life out of me. I swung to defend myself but the person caught my fist moments before it hit the face.

"Peter!" I turn around and look at Peter stood there looking at my photos. "What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?"

"I saw you come in here earlier so figured you were working. I'm on my break so came in to say hello as I'm bored out of my mind." Peter says. I forgot that Peter works at the restaurant next door. He's been working there for a while now. Josh goes in there a lot to try to get free food off Peter. I didn't know he was working today.

"Fair enough then." I say not really knowing what else to say. Peter starts wandering round the room looking at all my equipment. What is he doing? He walks onto my backdrop and starts to smirk. He randomly starts to make really stupid poses and cheeses at me. "What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Posing. Duh." Peter laughs.


"Well, I'm waiting for my photo to be taken," Peter says exaggerating his pose even more.

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