Chapter Twenty-three

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It's been ten minutes since Josh stormed out. Everyone's sat in silence not really knowing what to say or do. Only thing that can be heard is the sound of me crying. Jack is trying to calm me down but it's not working. My dad is trying to ring Josh but he won't pick up. Usually when Josh is angry or upset it's best to leave him be and let him calm himself down but this time it's different, this time it's really bad. I don't know what to do. I've ruined everything. I should've just kept lying to myself. None of this would have ever happened if I just remained oblivious. Peter wouldn't be mad at me. We wouldn't have crashed. Josh wouldn't be mad at me. I wouldn't have lost Josh. Everything is ruined. Love ruins everything. I hate love.

"Where's Joshy gone?" My cousin, Anthony, asks.

"I don't know." My dad answers.

"Is he coming home?" As soon as he asks the question gets answered. Josh comes bursting through the door with a weird expression on his face, it looks mad but also look happy as if he just won a game. What's the most surprising is the guest he's brought along with him; I say brought it's a more of a forcefully dragged. He pulls Peter through the doorway by the arm and practically chucks him in. Peter stumbles a bit and almost falls on the floor but manages to find his footing in time. Everyone stares at both of them wide eyed unable to saying anything. I don't think anyone knows what to say. I certainly don't. Why is Peter here? Why would Josh bring him here? "Tell her." Josh orders as he gives Peter a stern look. Peter remains silent looking at the ground as he kicks at the floors and stuffs his hands into his pockets, he looks like a little schoolboy being told off by his teacher. "Tell her Peter!" Josh demands.

"What's going on?" I ask as I wipe away my tears. No one answers me. "Josh? Peter?"

"You better tell her Peter or I will." Josh threats.

"Shut up. Just leave it." Peter finally speaks.

"Leave what? Someone tell me what's going on? Please." I'm practically begging as this point.

"I'm the reason Peter won't talk or go near you." Josh reveals.

"What?" Me and Jack say shocked, in unison. Josh is the reason Peter won't go near me but why? Josh has always been fine with me and Peter hanging out and talking so why the sudden change?

"I told Peter to stay away from you because of the crash. I blamed him for the crash and thought I was protecting you."

"I told you I caused the crash." I said.

"I know. I was stupid. I was just scared I was going to lose you. I also knew you told Peter you liked him."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I shout. My family are remaining dead silent. It's kind of awkward.

"How about we give the kids some privacy?" My gran finally says and thank god she did. Thank you gran because this conversation is already extremely awkward without having my entire family being witness. My family agree and leave, my dad is the first one to shoot out. Jack remains in his spot enjoying the show.

"I thought you only said it because you weren't in the right frame of mind. I had a suspicion that you do but I was so mad at Peter that I told him that I know my sister and I know you don't like him in that way." Josh says.

"Why not just tell me all of this?"

"Josh don't." Peter orders.

"Josh do." Jack says excitedly and I want to smack him round the head.

"Because Peter likes you and has for years and years. I've been telling him to ask you out for god knows how long. I had a feeling you liked him which is why I kept asking you. I thought he was finally going to tell you and kiss you the day he took you to the beach but he chickened out when he saw me in the doorway, I only wanted to come witness you two finally getting together. I honestly think you two would be so cute together and frankly there's no one I trust more to date and look after my sister than my best friend." Josh reveals in a big old rant that leaves him breathless.

"I bloody knew it." Jack shouts.

"I don't believe you." I state.

"Peter tell her because she's thinking really negative of herself and I hate her doing that."

"It can't be the truth because when I told Peter I liked him he seemed annoyed and disgusted."

Peter finally talks. "I wasn't. I was just shocked. Shocked that the girl of my dreams actually liked me. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say the perfect thing and be sweet but my mind went blank." Peter starts to slowly walk towards me, my stomach starts to flip and I can feel my cheeks warm up and turn red. "I just couldn't believe it that the girl I've been in love with for as long as I can remember actually liked weirdo me back. I was just so happy I couldn't think straight." His voices melts the wall I've built up around my heart to protect it from love.

"No, I can't believe it. This has to be all a joke. How could you possibly like me?"

"Because you're amazing and beautiful and when I'm with you all I want to do is make you laugh and smile because you have the most beautiful smile."

"But you're with Rebecca."

"I was just trying to move on from you and she knew that so she offered to try to help me move on."

"No. You're joking. You have to be." I can't believe any of this. Peter liked me the entire time and Josh knew. Not only did Josh know but he actually wanted us to get together, he even suspected that I like him. I thought Josh would be highly against it. It's the main reason I suppressed everything for so long, I didn't want to make him mad. I can't believe it. The guy of my dreams actually likes me. I can't breathe. My stomach is doing cartwheels. Jack was right and I know he's never going to let this down. What do I do now? I don't even know if I fully believe it? Where do we even go from here? Jack and Josh stood together with their eyes full of excitement and their smiles filling their faces, they're enjoying the show at least.

Peter takes my hand then puts his other hand on my cheek, he's inches away from me. Peter leans in, "just shut up. Maybe this will convince you." Peter's lips press against mine and I melt into his. He kisses me and I can't believe this is finally happening. Peter is actually kissing me. This is really happening. It feels so amazing. His lips feel so soft but also kind of chapped. He pulls me in closer and I wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss deepens but still remains soft. Being in his arms feels like home. This is the kind of kiss you'll remember forever. The kind of kiss that leaves a lasting imprint. I can't believe I'm kissing the boy I love.

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