The Church

521 21 1

Azriel Huang

The a/c was a constant low whir, the lights of the gym blaring down from above, highlighting specks of sweat splayed out on the floor around the large punching bag. I huffed a labored breath, bracing my hands against my bare knees, my skin warm and sticky with perspiration. My shins screamed in protest as I straightened, the surface of them red and angry with irritation.

"Again, this time rotate with your lead foot more as you kick." Sasha instructed from where he leaned against a nearby pillar, his arms crossed around his broad chest. I simply nodded, pushing back my damp hair with a steady hand. Sasha had aided me since early November with refining my combat skills. He was well-versed in numerous martial arts but Muay Thai was his undeniable forte. He had drilled the stances and strikes of the combat style into my brain, every time I saw him I fought the urge to straighten.

It had been a month since I had started, the snow piling up as the end of December was a short four weeks away, along with my birthday. Even in that short amount of time I had improved substantially, the power of my ancestry and physical form flourishing. I was only slightly more muscular but it was barely noticeable, solely gaining a bit more mass in the arms and a more defined abdomen.

Taking a spare glance at Sasha's awaiting gaze, I readied my stance, quickly rotating my lead foot and using the momentum to slam my shin into the bag. It shook with the force applied, the bag straying away from my leg like it was afraid of it. The chain clanked stubbornly, swaying side to side before settling in to stillness. I bit back a whimper, my leg feeling like it had splintered, much like fractured glass. I attempted to stand upright but faltered, groaning at the pain. Sasha only smirked in satisfaction, his expression lit up with approval.

"Good, now you-"

"Excuse me." A demure looking girl had interrupted from her stance at the entrance, her head tilted downward, brown eyes trained on mine. I nearly slumped in relief, her words cutting Sasha's command to start my next drill short.

"Your mother requires your presence immediately, she waits for you in her office." She continued, nodding her head in respect before turning on heel and exiting the room. I stiffened at the words, wiping the sweat that had gathered on my face with the towel discarded on the bench to my left.

"That sounds like wonderful news." I grumbled softly, patting off my neck before throwing the rag back onto the seat.

"Could be." Sasha hummed earnestly, following my lead as I stalked from the room. The halls were neat and bright as ever, even as the sky was a constant bleary grey, and the the snow violently piled up on the skylights over head. The dark wood floors creaked softly beneath us as we traveled down winding halls and stairs. Eventually we landed in the direction of my mother's office, the entrance to it was made to be inconspicuous. The simple single door with a black metal nob, looking similar to a linen closet.

Before I could knock, the door creaked open, my mother looking on me with tired eyes, her fair white tresses mused with work. She stepped back, allowing me entrance before closing the door after Sasha. Usually Sasha stayed outside of the office and waited for me but apparently he was allowed to be present today. Her office had low lights, the area smaller but still spacious. Papers and books littered her crafted wooden desk and walls filled with shelves of books. There wasn't a window in sight, the only source of light being a few candles lit on her desk and small sconces nailed into the walls.

My mom promptly took a seat behind her desk, smoothing her flyaways behind an ear. I remained standing mainly because the chairs across from her were currently occupied by a thick stack of documents. I gnawed on my bottom lip, the more the silence stretched on, the more nervous I got.

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