Just a Talk...

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"S-Sammy?" Ink Demon approached his prophet uncertainly. His whole body told him to stop. It said it was stupid, that Sammy literally ignored him. But the demon knew it had to happen anyway...

"Oh, hello my lord!" the inky man took his last sip of bacon soup, then set the can on the table and turned to his master.

"I wanted to... talk to you" the demon rubbed his other hand in embarrassment.

"Of course," the prophet looked at the table behind them. "Would you like to sit down? Or eat something?"

"Y...yes" replied Ink Demon slowly approaching the table.

He didn't sit, he waited for Sammy who brought him the Lost One heart. It seemed fresh to him. He wondered where the prophet got it from...

"So what did you want to talk about?" Ink heard the prophet's voice as he bit into the warm heart in his hands.

"Ehh... see... I've been feeling weird lately..." the human lord whispered "I don't usually feel anything like this..." he turned away from Sammy "I... badly need someone's attention Sam... no I know why"

The prophet stared at his master for a moment. Then he got up from his chair and walked over to the demon and grabbed his hand. The demon's heart was on fire - burning again, and again he didn't know why.

"My lord, tell me honestly - did you cry to get someone's attention?" Sammy asked.

Ink Demon was already taking a breath to say something... but what? His whole body focused only on the prophet's touch... even if only touching his hand. He swallowed the ink in his throat and forced himself to look at Sammy.

"Don't be afraid. I won't yell at you!" the prophet laughed.

Suddenly, the demon's tail straightened and his whole face was on fire. Sammy had just scratched his chin... the demon hoped the ink man hadn't heard his pounding heart.

"I-I" Ink pulled the prophet's hand away from his suddenly sensitive body "Yeah...I didn't see any other way..."

Sam stood silent for a while again, and finally moved, hugging the demon to himself and lightly scratching its back. Ink didn't know how to react. His heart was on fire, ink was dripping on the floor, legs were shaking... finally, unable to bear it, he let REAL tears run down his cheeks and cuddled up to the prophet, resting his head on one of his shoulders. Finally, after a few minutes, they looked at each other, Sammy wiped the gray tears from the Ink Demon's cheeks with his thumb and, slowly walking away, gave him one last look.

"If you ever need someone's attention my lord, don't be afraid to approach me. I'll always be by your side... we're friends... aren't we?"

Watching the prophet walk away, Ink Demon clutched where his heart had been, breathing through his open mouth. His tail, normally responsive to his emotions, now moved slowly and gently through the air.

They are friends.

Suddenly, a wave of anger flooded the demon and his entire body.

They are friends...

They are friends.

... You can only have one best friend

The demon clenched his hands and a growl escaped his throat.

I'll be Sammy's best friend. And nothing and no one will stop me on this path, the demon hissed in his mind as he walked through the portal to his throne room.

A\N - Oh my God, it's so short! I will try to do another chapter longer I promise ;-;

I wish I know what love is... //bendy x sammyWhere stories live. Discover now