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Right on Friday after school Amber had the bright idea of going shopping, she wanted to buy something new to meet the boys tomorrow, I shared some of the excitement she felt, but I also saw that Rachel wasn't as excited as we were, she had told me that she didn't feel very comfortable with having to go to a place with a lot of unknown guys, although I really wanted her company along with me and Amber, I told her not to go if she didn't want to, she understood and respected the fact that Amber and I still want to go.
"Guys, just be careful okay," Rachel had told us, and told her not to worry.
The next day my mother immediately asked me why I was spending so much time away from home, I had said that it was nothing much, just a few casual encounters with my friends, I know that lying is not the best way to deal with it with the situation itself, but I couldn't tell my mother that I was going out with an older guy, our relationship wasn't exactly the best, I can't even imagine what she would say if I said I was going out with a university guy. I took the moment to say I was going out that night with Amber, he clearly questioned me in a suspicious way but said it was fine, and conveniently Amber had arrived at the same time and confirmed my story that we were going out later, not convinced my mother soon asked us about Rachel,
That night Amber and I were getting ready to go meet Jay and his friends, and all I could think about was Rachel's absence, I wanted him to go with us too, after all at 3 we were always together in any situation but I resigned myself to the fact that he chose not to go, after all Rachel was my friend and we should always support our friends' decisions, while Amber and I were getting ready, Rachel was at home, her parents were out with her brothers and she was alone at home just looking out the window at the top of the stars, it was very obvious that Rachel was completely sorry for not being able to come with us and right after that she had just grabbed a coat and left and went to the Stellar Center parking lot to meet us, me and Amber we were ready,we had just left my house and the last thing I remember hearing was my mother's voice saying not to come back so late and to be careful, we went from my house straight to the Stellar Center parking lot, when I got there I had just come across a huge movie screen in that abandoned parking lot, Jay had shown up with just 2 of his friends Zack and Carter
- There is? What about your other friends Lane and Sam? Don't they come? –
– No, Sam had practice, and Lane said he had some business to attend to –
– But what about that other friend of yours... Rachel, right? - She... - before I could
even finish my speech I hear Rachel's voice behind me, saying that she had changed her mind and that she thought it wouldn't be nice to let her friends down, Amber and I, we had hugged her feeling happy that she was there, Zack and Carter had immediately paid attention to Rachel and Amber, Amber had found Zack "a cutie" as she had said, since Rachel was completely embarrassed in front of Carter, she had told them to relax and just enjoy the night, the boys had managed to

some cars so we could watch the movie, I was just a little worried about being there in an empty and abandoned place, even more so about to see a horror movie, I admit that I am more interested in comedy or romantic movies, Amber said for us that was no big deal and ran straight with Zack into one of the cars, Carter also accompanied Rachel to see the movie with him, and of course Jay and I were going to watch the movie together, we got in the car and continued watching, the movie i was completely freaked out, horror movies made me a bit tense and whenever i took my attention away from the movie jay just tried to calm me down, meanwhile rachel and amber seemed to be enjoying the company of zack and carter,every time I looked at the car next to them where they were, I could see how well they were together, in the end I even thought it was a good and nice idea on Jay's part to have invited my friends, and deep down I was almost sure how if only he had planned it, but it was nice to have our friends hang out too, at least now I could spend more time with Amber and Rachel as much as he spent more time with Zack and Carter, after the movie the boys wanted to take us to somewhere to eat and they took us to a place called De Lafaiette, an Italian restaurant where they used to go and it was so good to see my friends having a good time, which further reinforced the fact that I thought Jay had planned this so I could spend more time with them, we agreed that we were going to sleep at Amber's house and when we got back,all they talked about was how sweet and attentive Zack and Carter had been to them, and it looks like I wasn't the only one who had a crush on a boy right now.
We had spent a sleepless night just talking about how amazing the time we had spent with the boys had been, until a certain moment in the night we fell asleep, without even noticing the time, the next morning we thought about going to the cafeteria, we had woken up quite late that day, but there was probably still time for us to go there before it closed for the morning.
I immediately texted Jay, saying I had a great time last night, he just texted me saying: "thanks shorty, when you need it just call me"
– Seriously Nate, you start dating Jay, best thing that ever happened –
– Amber, we are not dating –
– Oh come on Nate, you know his friends, you guys are always together, he takes
you out, it's obvious he likes you Nate –
Well, I couldn't deny that there was really something going on between
me and Jay, even though he didn't say anything, but it's like they said, a gesture speaks louder than words, and I was willing not to take the risk of not spoiling everything. On Monday, when we got to school, the principal had announced that we were getting our first semester report cards that week, and I freaked out when I saw that I had gotten a D in physical education, technically not the worst grade in the world but I was still going. really bad in that subject, after class I went to beg Coach Miller to get my grade raised, he was very strict and it was certainly hard to convince him, until finally I actually managed to get him to raise my grade, well it wasn't easy,
Meanwhile, Rachel and Amber were planning where to spend their summer vacation, Amber said that her parents were going to Aspen to ski in the Alps, whereas Rachel and I didn't have any plans yet.
- I don't know, but I think I'm going to need a spa, after that PE note -

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