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That night was like a farewell party for our first semester of school, now it was time for summer vacation, I was certainly very excited I had prepared everything to go spend the summer with Jay, I certainly still had to keep up character as my mother I thought I was going to summer camp, I hope the girls didn't have problems with their dads either. Anyway, I had packed my bags and was ready to go, before I left my mother looked at me right away, I saw her with a deep look just saying that she was going to feel a slight emptiness, of course my mother and I had several conflicts, but I still felt bad leaving her alone, and even more so for the fact that I hadn't been completely honest, after all we only had each other, since my sisters left and my mother had been each other's only company, and though we didn't show it I knew she was all I had. At that moment I just hugged her and said that even though I was far away, I could never forget how important she was to me, we just hugged and I said that everything was going to be fine, and that I would be back in two weeks.
After saying goodbye to my mother I went straight to Amber's house, and of course she and Rachel would obviously be waiting for me, we were ready to enjoy our week at the beach with the boys, Amber as always a bit over the top, she had done two huge suitcases
"You know we're only going to spend two weeks at the beach, right? – Rachel as careful as ever, she seemed even too straight, and although that was a little annoying most of the time, I knew that deep down I partially agreed with her, sometimes I thought Amber was a little too immature, it was like I it was the big scales of justice, having to hold the weight of both of us, but surely I knew there was a reason we became friends, as long as I can remember Amber and I have been friends I think forever, I remember in kindergarten when we met, another girl had put gum in her hair and she started to cry, and I remember that I was the one who told the teacher, at the same time we had that girl expelled, Rachel, I remember well how we met ,
"Okay, that's enough you two-"
- Amber, you didn't have to bring that many bags -
- And Rachel, you have to relax a little, we're on vacation - And once again I had stopped
them from almost trying to destroy themselves or worse.
After all that fuss, we saw the boys arrive in a convertible, and it was so
beautiful, it was just the kind of car that made all the other teenagers die of envy, and I couldn't believe how much more they managed to surprise us.

– Hey, ready for two weeks of fun – They really had all their cards up their sleeves, and we were certainly anxious and to see what they had prepared for us in the next few days, it was certain that there was clearly going to be big surprises.
It was late afternoon and we had left in the car excited and heading to Venice, for a trip beyond exciting, and on the way we still stopped in several impressive places, while we were just enjoying the trip, it could even seem that we were in a video clip, and if I could choose, it would be Summer by Calvin Harris, after a long trip, after a long day we were exhausted, who would have thought that a trip of just 20km would be so tiring, or maybe it was just the fact that we were a little of sleep, after all it was more than 8 hours, we ended up falling asleep in the car, and the next day we woke up together in a super luxurious room, I even thought maybe it could be a dream, we woke up and saw the kids preparing breakfast, and then we asked what had happened last night
– Don't you remember –
– The last thing I remember is us taking a lot of selfies –
- Well, that's right, and you ended up sleeping in the car - – Yeah, we carried you last night –
– We are very sorry –
"Sorry for having to make you guys carry us—"
Although we felt a bit bad, the boys didn't seem upset, and we took advantage and asked where we were, and they had told us that we were at Jay's beach house, I was soon shocked, I went directly to ask Jayden
– Why didn't you tell me you had a house on the beach – – I didn't think it was important information –
– That's why you suggested we go to Venice –
– I didn't think you would mind –
I was clearly impressed but at the same time worried, I didn't want Jay to think I was taking advantage of him, whenever I met him he surprised me even more, and I was curious, I mean even though I knew everything about him, I was I asked what she thinks about me, so that's when I decided to find out, I pulled Amber and Rachel aside and told them how I was feeling and they said they would help me figure out how Jay felt about me. That morning after breakfast we had all gone to the beach together, and as soon as I had a plan in place, Amber said that she had the perfect way of knowing what Jay thought about me, even if it wasn't very conventional.
- Have you thought about asking him - Rachel had suggested to me and soon after Amber had already cut her off.
– Of course not, that would be too obvious – Although I actually agreed with Rachel a little bit, it would be easier for me to just go ahead and ask, but I knew deep down that if I asked maybe he would think I was feeling insecure or something. like, so I decided to go with Amber's plan, but it was obvious that she wasn't going to tell me what the plan was at first, because according to herself she said that she wanted to make the plan seem more realistic, she just asked us just very short to the beach normally.
The boys were getting ready to surf and we were certainly blown away by how sexy they looked, with those well defined abs and well structured, I could see why they hadn't complained about carrying us, I know I've seen Jay without shirt before, but it was completely unavoidable to look at, and every time I came back with that feeling of feeling my chest

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