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Right after I witnessed all that drama on my birthday, I found myself thinking about some colleges since we were almost done with high school after all, I already had my mind on trying to apply to UCLA, but it would also be a good idea to expand further on the my options itinerary, it would be safer and I would be less likely to run the risk of not being accepted, I thought of asking the girls what they thought, maybe they could help me with some options and also who knows if they are not thinking of going to same college as me, it would be amazing if it happened, I just know that I wanted to stay in Los Angeles, it wouldn't be ideal for me to move out of town right now that I was getting used to certain things, and leaving town at that point would be a decision extremely hard.
When I went to school on Monday and ran into Amber and Rachel, I immediately threw the subject straight at them, just like that, my anxiety was already killing me.
- Guys, I'm worried -
– It's no wonder then, after your drama on Saturday –
- What's wrong with your mother this time? –
- I wasn't going to talk about my mother, why did you think it was about that -
'Is it because you and she are a nervous wreck?' –
- What? Of course not this is ridiculous –
- Oh actually Nate as much as I hate to agree with Amber, she's right -
- See even Rachel agrees with me -
– But no... oh you know what, forget it, that wasn't exactly what I was going to talk about
"Actually, I wanted to talk about applying to college—"
– Oh no, don't tell me you changed your mind about UCLA, we promised we'd go together – - I'm not saying I won't, I just think we should be open to more options -
– And if we are not accepted – Look, we can talk about this another time –
Something didn't seem right, Rachel looked a little distressed, which is strange because she's usually the one who always helps us with anything, it even looked like she wanted to hide something, and that coming from her wasn't that common, Amber and I were worried about her, as in the middle of the conversation she just got up and left, certainly one more reason why we could see that she it wasn't ok, anyway we both just tried to give her some time, but still we didn't stop worrying about what was going on with her, we just tried to act natural. When I came home from school I found my mother on the couch and soon she noticed something strange and of course she came over to ask
– You opened the gift Mark gave you –
– I just opened the wrapping paper, but I didn't find it interesting –
- Didn't find the gift interesting or who gave it to you -
– The two, after all I already have a video game, right –
- Nate, what does Mark have that you don't like -
– He's cool mom – But he's not your father, is he? –
– No, he really isn't, my father left when I was 8 years old and never showed up again – - Nate, I know this subject is difficult for you, but you can't blame it on me -
- I know and I'm sorry, but it's not as simple as losing a mother puppy -
- I know, and I don't think it's ready yet, but when it is I'll be here -

My mom hugged me while my eyes were burning from crying, she was right talking about my dad wasn't exactly the easiest thing for me, whenever the subject came up I tried to get rid of it but this time I I felt like I needed to break it down with my mother after all, I think somehow she also felt bad about him leaving, but I knew it wasn't her fault, but it was still too much of a burden to bear. the two of us that we weren't going to talk about until we were both ready.
– Why don't you go out for some air, you can go see Jay if you want –
– I don't think I'd rather stay here, but I need to be alone for a bit – I went up to my
room and ended up falling asleep for a few hours, and only woke up with the noise of my cell phone and with almost 22 calls and missed messages from Jay, saying to meet him, when I called him back I asked if anything had happened, but he seemed very calm and just asked me what I was doing and said he would meet me in 5 minutes, and he hung up the phone without even time for me to say that it wasn't a good time and that I couldn't meet him now, but finally I changed clothes and waited for him at my bedroom window, some time later I see my cell phone vibrate with a message from Jay saying to me find it at the bus stop, I was a bit apprehensive, but I went anyway, I just took my coat and left,I told my mother that I was just going to see Jay and that I would be right back, when I saw Jay arriving I immediately told him that maybe it would be better to see each other another time, but according to him he said that he had something he needed from me and that he couldn't wait, so I went with Jay to his house.
– What do you have so important to show me anyway –
– It's a surprise, so I need you to close your eyes –
– Okay, but it better be something cool –
– Trust me you will love it –
- Right open your arms, and you can open your eyes -
When I went to look at what I had in my hands I was really extremely ecstatic with what Jay had given me, it was a puppy that I thought was very cute, it was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that looked like it was only about 3 or 4 months old with its fur kinda light brown, I think the correct term would be Blenheim, but anyway, I was amazed to see how adorable he was.
– I rescued him from the shelter today –
"And I felt kind of bad about not getting you anything for your birthday, so..."
- He's so cute, the prettiest little thing I've ever seen -
– I haven't named her yet, maybe you could give her one –
"Okay, um... how about Belle, it's Belle, Belle always was, my favorite princess—"
– I liked it, it combined a lot –
- That was really sweet Jay, but I don't know if I can keep her, what do I tell my mom - - It's okay, I can go with you and explain everything -
As much as I tried to tell Jay that it wasn't a very good idea he still walked me home, but I didn't let him in, my mom certainly wouldn't be okay with me taking a dog home anymore, if i arrived with jay it would definitely be even worse, he was a bit scared but i said i would be fine, of course i lied, and hid belle so my mum wouldn't see, i was going to tell her but when the time was right , for now I tried to hide her in my room, Jay had given me a pack of dog food, but I still needed to hydrate her, when I went down to get some water, I saw my mother in the kitchen preparing dinner while I was trying to disguise as much as possible so she didn't find out about Belle.
- Hey mom, what are you doing? –
- I'm preparing dinner -
"Oh sure, sure, mom, do you mind if I have dinner in my room tonight—"
- It's just that I'm feeling kind of weird, and I think I'd rather be alone for a bit - While I wrapped my mother up even more we could hear Belle barking in my room.
– What was that –
– It was nothing, it was just that I left the TV on, that's all, I was watching 101 Dalmatians – - Got it, just don't sleep late again this time, you have school tomorrow -
- Okay I promise, I'll come down to get my dinner when it's ready -
I ran upstairs and ended up spilling almost all the water, but there was still some left over for me to give Belle, when suddenly I see my mother enter the room and see the scene of me feeding the new puppy, she was speechless. reaction and ended up slipping in the water I had spilled and fell down the stairs, I was desperate at the time, I was so distressed that I just grabbed my cell phone and called Jay he was the only one that came to mind and I called desperately asking for help, he came
running to my house and carried my mother to the room, Jay said that she had just suffered a very bad blow but that she was going to be fine, meanwhile he just tried to calm me down and asked me just what had happened.
- I didn't tell her about Belle -
— And when she saw me feeding her in my room, she slipped and fell down the stairs —
– Slipped on what Nate? –
– I spilled some water on the ladder I was bringing Belle –
"Why didn't you just tell her about it?" –
– I wanted to tell at the right time, I wouldn't have thought she was going to fall down the stairs Jay–
– She's waking up – My mother had regained consciousness and didn't
remember much, I had just hugged her and told her I was glad she was okay.
- Nate what happened? And why is Jay here? –
– Mom you had fallen down the stairs and... I panicked so I called Jay and asked for help –
– He carried you to your room –
"It's okay, Mrs. Hernandez, if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way out too -
– Have a good night – Jay, wait, I appreciate your help –
- And since you're here, why don't you have dinner with us today -
- I appreciate it, but I don't want to be a bother -
– Imagine I insist – Ah all right then –
- Oh mom, there's something else we have to tell you, I... - Before I could finish talking, Jay interrupted me and told me exactly what I was going to tell him.
– I gave Nate a puppy –
– I rescued her from the shelter and felt bad that I didn't get Nate a birthday present – – So I gave it to him as a gift –
– Mom, before you say anything I just... –
"Okay," my mom said before I even finished talking.
– You can keep her, but on one condition, you two will have to take care of her
– For a second I didn't believe what my mother had said, I could have sworn she was going to be furious, I even thought that maybe she hit her head really hard, I had gone downstairs with Jay to finish cooking dinner while I left my mother resting, meanwhile I had one more problem that I had to deal with with Jay.
– Looks like we're going to have to cook dinner – Of course, yeah... no problem –
- It is good too? "Okay, that's great, I'll help you prepare dinner."

"Jay, are you sure everything's okay?" - Look, there's actually a little problem, you're welcome - – What would it be? "Okay, I have no idea how to do that—"
– Wait, you don't know how to cook? – To tell you the truth, I don't know –
– Wow, you can pin 3 guys at once –
"But you have no idea how to use a cleaver—"
- Look, it's not that I never wanted to learn how to cook, but... -
– I don't think I ever needed to, I don't know –
– My father always hired several people to take care of me and my mother all the time – – You know, drivers, maids, nannies, and great culinary chefs –
- Awn, who looks like daddy's little boy now -
– Look if I can skate, then you can cook –
– You can start by making the pasta, you can do that, right? –
'Of course I can... where do I begin?' - he said
– Starts by taking the noodles out of the packaging Jay –
- Then put it in a pan with water and wait for it to boil -
– Jay, do you miss your parents? –
– Sometimes I think about my mother –
- And every time I see you with your mother I keep imagining... -
– . . . What would it be like if my mom was here too –
"At least she didn't abandon you, did she?" –
– I know it's not the same, but... I don't know why it still hurts so much –
– Sometimes many people say that love hurts, the bad thing is that we never know when it will hurt – "You're right..." I had said with a tear running down my eyes.
– Oh sorry – It's okay, I understand you, my father abandoned me too –
- Well at least it's almost like it was... come here -
- It's okay, I'll take care of you now okay - Jay had told me taking me in his arms
while trying to calm me down
– Jay, fire – Hey wait, I guess the weather hasn't warmed up that much? –
– No Jay, the pan is on fire – Oh shit – I saw the pan on fire and immediately ran to
get the extinguisher, and ended up making a huge mess too
– Okay, dinner is over – Nate, I'm sorry I... –
- It's okay, but let me teach you the second rule of cooking -
– Always be aware of everything, luckily there is always a plan B – Which was always the salvation for most problems in the kitchen, I had called to order a pizza, meanwhile Jay and I cleaned the kitchen of every pasta disaster and there was still plenty of time for us to talk for a few minutes, until my mother came down and by the time the delivery man had arrived Jay offered to pay since he had finished dinner and caused the fire in the kitchen, we explained to my mother what had happened and she didn't care much, on the contrary fact what happened afterwards completely blew my mind
- Jay, it's a little late why don't you spend the night with us - at that exact same moment I almost choked on a piece of pepperoni
– Thank you Mrs. Hernandez, but I cannot accept –
– Not only can, but it will, I don't want my son's boyfriend out in the cold at night –
I don't know exactly what my mother had in mind, or maybe it's just the effect of the blow, but my mother was acting a little weird, well not that much since she told Jay to sleep on the couch of course, but there was still something weird about it. I tried to take the situation as naturally as possible, but for I just know that I woke up in my room with Belle in my bed lying across my legs, I don't remember exactly what happened but I woke up the next morning and there was a note from Jay under my pillow just saying, "Sorry for last night was a bit of a weird thing, but anyways I hope you slept very quietly, XOXO, Jay." I had certainly been very happy, I even thought it had been a dream, but for a second I really thought how great it would have been if I had slept next to Jay, but I ended up spending another night alone and completely lonely, I mean not so lonely, you know, plus I had a new roommate who always kept me company and also Belle always made me feel better, in a way,

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