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Sanity is a madness put to good uses.

Warnings: Mentions of murdering

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Warnings: Mentions of murdering

All actions in this story are fictional and not recommended if you want to stay out of jail.

The rainbow room felt dull to me today. Without seeing Peter and playing our usual chess game has me upset. So instead I spend my time with 011, who was able to take my mind off of it for a while.

We sat and drew in the corner. She had convinced me not to draw Peter, as she had noticed that I was very upset without him here.

Instead, I drew her. As I was finishing up the final details of her face she turns to look at my paper. "I look pretty when you draw me." She mumbles. I turn to gaze at her. "Oh, 011. You are already very pretty."

She looks up at me, a smile forming on her face. "Really?" She asks excitedly. I nod. "Really."

Brenner had then stepped into the room with an orderly I haven't seen before. He greets the children and then walks over to me. "019, this is Warren. He'll help you with one-on-one training from now on." I glare at the strange man, who just looks at me with a straight face.

"Well, on with it you two." Brenner says as he waved us out of the room. "Hi, 019. I'm glad to be working with you." He says, his hand held out for a handshake. "Likewise." I say with a smile and start the walk to the usual training room, leaving Warren with his hand still stuck out. He jogged a bit to catch up with me.

We finally made it to the room. He goes in first, making me go in last. I close the door behind me, locking it. "What are we doing today?" I ask him.

He starts to explain the training, boring me to death. "Well, I got something more interesting we could do." I mutter, walking towards him. He quirks his eyebrow and smirks a bit. "Oh really?" I nod, humming a bit.

(TW) - Murder
I spot a pair of scissors resting on the table and pick them up swiftly, without him seeing. I hold them behind my back, then look up at him seductively. He smirks and grabs my chin, leaning in to kiss me. Just before our lips touch I take the scissors and stab them into his throat, causing his face to twist in pain.

I shove him back into the wall. "No one can replace my Peter. No one!" I rip the scissors out of his neck and then repeatedly stab him in the throat, causing him to scream out in pain before the life leaves his eyes.

I continue stabbing him regardless, blood splattering everywhere. All over my clothes and the wall. "You aren't anywhere close to being like him." I mutter as I finally stop.

The doors get kicked down, orderlies grabbing my arms, dragging me down the hall.

I'm forced down in the chair and strapped down yet again. Brenner stands in front of me. "Hm, now you go and kill one of our orderlies. Now that's not very nice." I chuckle. "You know what's not very nice? You, you son of a bitch." I yell spitting in his face. He wipes the spit off his face and nods toward the orderlies.

He steps back as they press the cold metal object back on my forehead. The shock sends through it, but I simply smile up at Brenner. "Totally worth it." They turn it up higher, causing me to scream out in pain.

I passed out from the pain and screaming too much. I'm almost positive I broke my vocal cords. As I'm passed out I start to dream, something I don't usually do.

I'm with Peter here, happy, cuddled into his side as he rubs his fingers across my back, soothing my body. He hums a soft tune in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. His lips press against my forehead. Then down my face, my nose, and my cheeks, before landing on my lips. The warmth of his lips fills up my body.

I woke up the next morning back in my bed

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I woke up the next morning back in my bed. The feeling of Peter being gone has hit me once again. I don't think I'll ever get over it.

I shift out of bed to change into new clothes. Once I have changed I open the door and make my way down the hall to the cafeteria. The smell of bacon and eggs fills my nose, also filling my empty heart.

Food has, and always will be, the way to my heart. If anyone ever buys me food I swear I will love them forever.

I spot 011 sitting at a table in the corner. I sit down in front of her and she smiles up at me. "You seem better today." She mentions. "They got my favorite breakfast." I mutter, a smile forming on my face.

The rest of the day had dragged by slowly. Brenner had sent another orderly to work with me. I had decided I wouldn't kill them... yet.

I gotta give the guys false hope. I'll give him a few days before I kill him. I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one can replace my Peter. I won't let anyone replace him. I'll get him back, it's just a matter of time.

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