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They wanted a monster, I decided to give them one.

It took them a while to find the body, 3 days in fact

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It took them a while to find the body, 3 days in fact. Prior to it being found I was consistently asked where she was, I had the same story every time. 'She disappeared after training. I don't know where she went.'

Some people didn't buy it, and weren't much surprised when they did find the body.

Knowing that I was the one who killed her, I went through the same thing as last time. This time, Peter was forced to sit in on the shock therapy. He had to watch me writhe in pain. Apparently, that didn't sit very well with him.

He nearly fought the orderly that had the object held to my temple. Peter had to be held back and restrained.

He never got any punishment for trying to fight them. According to Brenner just watching me was enough of a punishment.

Now I'm back in my room on lockdown yet again. I sit and stare at all the cracks in the wall, memorizing them. It seemed to have sped up the time because soon enough they came in with my dinner. It was the same girl as before, still as scared as ever.

This time I didn't have the energy to torment her, so I continued to stare at the wall. Out of the corner of my eye, I could spot her giving me a weird look.

"If you keep looking at me like that I'll kill you." She squeaks at the remark and runs out of the room. I shift my gaze to see what dinner was. Steak tips, they were decent.

I slowly munched on my food, staring off at the wall. I feel like I almost have no emotions, or thoughts even. I'm just completely spaced out.

After eating I decide I should go to sleep as I have nothing to entertain myself with. I pull the sheets up over my body, snuggling down into the bed. I miss the feeling of Peter beside me, cuddling me to sleep.

I start sobbing, I can do nothing but cry. I miss the feel of his cold hands running across my back, somehow setting my skin on fire. I miss every kiss, every hug, and every touch. I want nothing but him. What I would do to have him back in my arms, cuddling him to sleep.

I end up crying myself to sleep, my tears staining my face as I slept. My fingers dug into the pillow, cuddling it, imagining it was Peter.

Many months had gone by, me killing orderlies, getting sent off to lockdown

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Many months had gone by, me killing orderlies, getting sent off to lockdown. It became a cycle, and Brenner didn't like that.

He had started to give up, thinking that it would be better if he just gave me Peter back. It would prevent him from losing so many orderlies. He thought long and hard about it. Maybe it would be a good idea for him.

Peter's POV:

I have guards outside my door every night. They make sure I don't leave. I can never be truly alone. Part of me thinks that if I never did this with Y/n neither of us would have to deal with this. But I love her too much, I can't think of a life without her. She made my life here at the lab so much more bearable. I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything is okay.

The door opens and Brenner steps in. "What do you want now?" I ask him, annoyed at him for what he has put me and Y/n through. "Calm down. I just came to talk." He mutters as he sits down in the chair in the corner.

I sit back down on my bed, leaning forward so my elbows are on my knees. "What?" He takes a deep breath in, sighing loudly. "019 has been killing too many people. I realize now that if I continue to send new orderlies she'll just kill them all."

I look at him with a slight bit of confusion. "Okay, so what are you gonna do about this." He sighs. "I believe... that maybe it'll just be better if you two... if you two are put back together."

A shock of excitement shot through me. "Really? You, Brenner, are compromising with me?" I'm confused as ever, but still happy. "There's nothing else I can do about the situation." He mutters. "You are aware that we're most likely gonna continue with our relationship, right?" I ask him with a slight bit of hope.

"Yes, I'm aware. There's nothing I can do about it if I have to put you guys together again. Regardless of if I say no I know you're going to do it anyway." Brenner explains. I gape at him in shock. There is no way this man basically just said I could be in a relationship with Y/n. That's so out of place for him, but I'll take it. "Okay then."

Brenner nods before stepping out of the room. I feel myself start to smile, laughing to myself. I can have her back in my arms again, make her laugh and smile. I can't wait to hold her.

Why do I bother waiting, I can go to her now. I jump up and open the door. No more guards. I walk down the halls to where Y/n's room is. I open the door quietly and see her propped up in bed, staring at the wall. She then shifts her gaze, looking at me. She looks emotionless for a moment before it clicks. The biggest smile I have ever seen appeared on her face at that moment. "Peter?" She questions.

I nod, walking up to her, taking her face in my hands. She gasps in shock and jumps at me, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down with her.

She giggles loudly as I pepper kisses all across her face. "God I've missed you." She whispers, tears pouring down her face. "I love you, Y/n."

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