ii. hellton

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The twins' blue pleated skirts were twirling, waltzing, dancing in the living room. They were nervously happy until they realized Lorelai hadn't come down yet. The girls ran up the stairs and found their mother asleep, surrounded by an excessive amount of pillows and messy bedsheets. Now, they were just nervous.

"Mom!" They shouted in unison.

"What? God. Hi."

"What are you doing?" Emma was perplexed.

"Having a heart attack." Lorelai turned around as if she was going back to sleep.

"I thought you were up! It's 7:10!" Rory screamed, also perplexed. She had no response from her mother. "It's 7:10!" She increased her already high volume.

"Stop it. It's a quarter to six."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is. I set the clock for a quarter to six, so it's -" Emma shows her the clock. "It's 7:10!"

The twins were panicking. There was a dry cleaning issue and Lorelai didn't have any other clean clothes than a pink tee and denim shorts. Lorelai was panicking too.

Somehow, they managed to arrive on time. It was probably due to Lorelai's extra speeding. They parked the car right by the entrance. Rory was biting her nails in the front seat Emma was shaking her leg in the backseat.

"Girls, stop it." The mother demanded.

"I'm really nervous."

"Me too." Emma agreed with her sister. "What if I can't find my classroom? What if we don't have the same lunch time?"

"What if the professors hate me? What if this was a mistake?" Rory continued her sister's ranting.

"What if I'm not enough?"

Silence showed up after Emma's words.

"Oh, honey. You are more than enough." She turned her gaze between the twins. "You're both amazing kids. You're earned this. You look beautiful in those uniforms, have I told you that? If I wasn't in such distress this morning, I would've had time to tear up. You are beautiful, please remember that. You just go in there and show them what smart really is. I love you." Lorelai kissed her daughters' foreheads before leaving the jeep.

"I love you too." The twins replied in a broken unison. Emma teared up a little as her mother spoke. There was a lonely tear falling down her cheek. She cleaned it up. Everything was going to be okay.


The three of them arrived at Headmaster Charleston's office and there was another person waiting for them: Emily Gilmore.

"Miss Gilmore, I'm Headmaster Charleston." He shaked Lorelai's hand.

"Hi. Wow. It's really nice to meet -" She notice her mother in the room. "Mom. What are you doing here?"

"I came to wish my granddaughters luck on their first day of school." Emily sort of ignored Lorelai and headed to the girls." Rory! Emma! You look wonderful in those uniforms!" She exclaimed.

"You didn't have to come all the way here, mom." Lorelai interfered.

"Nonsense. This gave me a chance to make sure that Hanlin here takes good care of my sweet girls."

"You're Hanlin." Lorelai points to the Headmaster.

"Harlin Charleston." He said.

"Hanlin's wife and I are in the Symphony Fundraising Committee together."

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