iii. my deers

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Emma and Rory got hit by a deer. Yes, you read it right. They got hit by a deer on their way to school. They were already late. They had fallen asleep, because they had been studying the entire night before. It was their third week at Chilton. It was a Wednesday and they both had very important tests on their first class. Rory had an English one and Emma had a Maths one. Now, they were late and having panic attacks because they got hit by a deer.

Their mother's jeep had a dent. Rory was petrified with her frozen hands still on the wheel. Emma was running around trying to see if the deer was okay and the Gilmores hate running.

"What do we do?" Emma asks getting in the car again.

"We drive to school and pray."

"I'm not religious, Rory."

"Pray!" She screams and hits the gas.

When they got to school the clock marked 8:20. They were 15 minutes late. They ran to class. The aftermath was war in the Gilmore's scale of fury and rage.

In Rory's English class Mr. Medina didn't let her take the test.

"Please." She begged.

"I'm sorry, those are the rules." Max Medina sad with actual pity on his facial expression.

"But you don't understand! I was up all night studying and then I missed my bus, so I had to drive -"

"Let's discuss this outside." He interrupts her, but Rory wasn't finished, not even close.

"So, I'm driving down this road, I stop, and me and my sister got hit by a deer."

"You hit a deer?"

Tristan was laughing in the back of the class.

"No, I got his by a deer." He made a pity face. "You don't believe me? I got antler prints om the side of my mother's car.

"Rory, c'mon."

"No! You have to let me take this test! I'm ready for this test. I know everything there is to know about Shakespeare.

"Okay, you need to calm down now." Mr. Medina was getting worried.

"I know his birthday, his mother's name..."

Paris whispered "Loser" to a girl named Louise. Rory snapped and now everybody was paying full attention to her blind rage ranting.

"And just what is wrong with you, huh?!" She turned to Paris. "You already have everything. You already have the grades and the status. What the hell is wrong with you that you have this constant need to be the biggest jerk in the entire world?"

"Okay. Let's go." This was Max Medina's failed attempt.

"Huh? What's up? What's up quippy? Why so silent?"

"Outside. Now." The teacher ordered.

Tristan stop laughing when Rory snapped at him.

"And for the last time, the name is Rory!" She screams her name and leaves.

In Emma's Maths class Mrs. Jackson also didn't let her take the test."

"Please. I beg. You have to let me take this test." She whispered to her professor.

"I'm sorry, Miss Gilmore. You were late. You can't take a test if you're late." Mrs. Jackson gave her a very sympathetic look. Emma hated that look with everything in her.

"Please. Please. I gave up my sleep so I could study, and because the universe hates me, I missed the bus and me and my sister had to drive here and we got hit by a deer."

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