White lily cookie

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The ancients and dark choco were all in the medbay watching over their friends who were still unconscious. The prince was sitting a chair besides licorice cookies bed holding his hand gently while trying not to cry seeing his friend being hooked up to so many machines one showing his heartbeat. He looked around and saw his father along with the other ancients staring at white lily the one he once called mother. A mother,dark choco never had a mother until he joined dark enchantress cookies team meeting his friends in the process. He'd always admired poison mushrooms innocence as he still was a young child and he saw him as the sibling he never had and seeing him in a hospital bed was enough to make him go berserk. Then a groan was heard from behind him followed by a few gasps and tears of joy could be heard behind him. Feeling curious, he decided to walk towards his father who looked relieved as his shoulders slouched down his face holding a small smile now feeling more curious than ever he sat alongside his father and gasped seeing that white lily was now waking up. "My head..." "oh white lily cookie your back! It worked it worked!" Pure vanilla cheered as he hugged her not to tight but not to soft either he couldn't help it his friend since childhood was now back to her normal self after years or figuring out a way to bring her back it was finally over. With a sad smile dark choco stood up and started walking away not wanting to bother the reunion that was happening as he was walking to the other side of the room he heard a quiet angelic voice call his name "dark...choco...cookie" it was white lily calling out to him. He turned around and walked back slowly the other ancients making space for the prince to stare at her,for the first time he saw what the Real white lily cookie looked like. She had white long hair tied in a ponytail, white eyebrows and eyelashes along with her skin being champagne color. She has a white lily attached around her head, she wears a turquoise green and white robe with dark blue long fabrics on her arms and her hands overall,she looked like a true mother figure. "Mama?" The prince replied holding her hand with tears going down his face "I'm surprised you still call me that even after all this time" she replied back a small weak smile appearing on her face. "Don't talk to much mama you should rest the others haven't woken up but they are fine get some rest okay?" She gave a small nod before closing her eyes and falling asleep once again. "I didn't know you called her mom?" Hollyberry suddenly spoke up the prince simply shrugged "she's like a mother to me there's really not much to say" "very well then if it makes you happy then I don't think there's any reason to stop my son" "thanks you father I must attend to my friends now" the prince replied a hint of sadness in his voice as he walked up to where mushroom cookie was sleeping "please wake up soon.." was all the prince said before silently leaving the room heading for his own. Once he entered the room he saw that his wife had fallen asleep probably exhausted from all the training she had to do today the prince wished that he could change her position into princess but he knew his father would never accept it at least,that's what he thought. With those thoughts still lingering in his head he made his way to the bed laying down on it putting the blanket over him as well since it would be a cold night considering how much snow was falling. After a minute of thinking he suddenly heard a gentle knock at the door with a quiet "come in" his father entered holding a very tired yet happy mushroom cookie. Dark choco immediately got off the bed and ran to pick up the young cookie embracing him in a hug as he held him. Poison mushroom finding it funny for some reason,starting giggling into his shoulder happy that he had his friend back "missed youuu" "I missed you too,my little shroom" "oh? Creating names for your friends I see" his father spoke smiling at the scene in front of him "yeah,I've got a nickname for all of them except for mama!" "I see,well it's time to go poison mushroom you need some rest" the prince gave the young cookie one last hug before the cookie took the kings hand clutching the teddy bear the king bought him tightly as he walked out the door waving one last goodbye before the king closed the door gently as to not wake up the sleeping watcher. The prince went back to the bed covering himself into the blanket once more letting himself fall asleep I'm glad they're okay.

Word count:851

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