The princes happy ending

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It was the next day and everyone at the dark cacao castle were eating breakfast dark choco was feeding poison mushroom since in his opinion moving his arms would worsen his condition. White lily was sleeping on hollyberry  and pure vanilla was talking with dark cacao. Red velvet and licorice were both feeding each other giggling while pomegranate watched them a small smile on her face. Caramel arrow was watching dark choco she smiled at the sight of the prince taking care of a child. Once everyone was down with breakfast the prince picked up everyone's plates and put them in the black dishwasher where the maids would come and wash them. "Come on my little shroom let's get you back to the medbay someone needs their bandages changed" the prince said as he picked up the little cookie before walking towards red velvet and licorice then pomegranate cookie helping them stand up. "Don't let go of my arm I don't think any of you are ready to walk by yourself" he told them sternly to get his point through the three cookies nodded at him before he started walking to the medbay. Red velvet was looking at the walls with curiosity he'd never seen something so secure and well made it almost looked like a prison but more bright. "Hey dark choco can I ask you something a bit personal if you don't mind?" "Sure go ahead I don't mind" "do you ever feel like you're trapped in a prison while living here?" "Yes, I do it feels like I'm trapped in a prison with no way out unless I get permission which I do. But I don't dare tell father anything it would be insulting all the hard work he did to ensure our safety" "but your thoughts matter to don't they?" "I learned a long time ago to not share what I think and to never step out of line and just follow orders dark enchantress taught me that long ago although she's back,the stuff she did and the trauma she caused still remains with us. We are like broken toys all we have is each other and we must stick together so we don't break it must've been so terrifying under her control I'm glad you guys aren't to hurt" "right...when did you become a way with words?" "I dunno,it just felt right to say at this moment anyways we're here" red velvet looked in front of him and saw the medbay door being open did they really just talk the entire way? Dark choco helped everyone sit on their beds changing the band aids slowly and carefully to not open up any wounds. After wrapping pomegranate cookies arms back up he left the medbay and started walking back to his room. After reaching his room he found his father and his wife staring at him with eyes full of worry and concern "uhm, is everything alright father?" "We heard what you were talking about with your friends why didn't you tell me you felt that way? I thought we talked about this" "sorry father I just didn't wanna make you mad" the prince looked down in shame before he suddenly felt an arm hug him tightly,it was his wife. "Please don't think that way you're feelings matter to you should've said something" she spoke softly. "Sorry..." "you didn't do anything wrong you're just learning to express how you feel I'll do my best to help you with this my son" "thank you,father"

The end

Word count:597

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