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Arin liked to think he was a good person, not worthy of any tragedy happening to him or his life. He was a simple kid, doing what normal kids do. He lived in a rural part of Ninjago City, somewhere that wasn't too expensive to live in but wasn't a complete dump either. He went to school, had some friends here and there, and had dreams. What kind of dreams? To become a world famous ninja of course! This dream was brought to life by the ninja of Ninjago, the elemental masters, the absolute coolest people on the planet! (Minus his mom and dad of course, because no one can top them, not even the ninja.)

Arin had seen the ninja a number of times, whether it be on a TV talk show, something he had always wanted to go to, or seeing them fighting bad guys. He always looked up to them as his heroes, and his parents always made sure that he saw something new about them. His parents, oh FSM his parents. They were so loving to him, always making sure to play with him if he needed it and indulging in his fantasies. One time, Arin had dressed up as the green ninja and his father took the role of Garmadon, and the 2 had an epic fight in the backyard. His mother always made sure to have a hot meal on the table, and always read him a bedtime story before he went to sleep.

And all of that, his wishful fantasies, his loving parents, his normal life, was all ripped away from him in just a few short moments. Suddenly, the sky opens up and then breaks completely. For some reason, he wakes up and he's a teenager. Strangely, the world of Ninjago has been mashed together with a variety of other worlds and realms. And, worst of all, he was completely lost in the world.

All of this had happened about 4 days ago, and Arin was starting to think he was going to die. He had tried to find his way back home in Ninjago City, but most of the streets were completely different and filled with estranged beings from someone's fever dream. Some people seem to have adapted far quicker than others, as seen by the multiple stands and chattering going around. He's overheard some conversations that the leaders of each respected merged area would be trying to have some kind of treaty soon, but he was never into politics.

Arin's feet have been carrying him for a couple of days now, not wanting to rest until he found his home, until he found his parents again, until they all laughed this off, until he had a warm meal, until he was told a bedtime story. But, deep in his heart, he knew that it would never happen. This was his new life now, lost and alone, with only the green ninja's mask to hold onto.

Arin didn't realize how deep in thought he was until he slammed right into a sign, the pain snapping him back into reality. He groaned, still outputted by his deeper voice, as he glanced up to see what it said, thanking any gods out there that it was written in his language.

"Ninjago City Junkyard," The sign read with a logo that couldn't be deciphered due to age. The words "Ninjago City" was oddly comforting, despite it being filled with, well, junk. He pushed his way past the rusted gate, the metal giving a loud screech from his efforts, and he stepped inside. Multiple familiar objects greeted him, all beat up and damaged in some way: The sign for the hotdog truck that came around his block every Sunday laid upside down, the "h" being missing and the red color already starting to fade, some shards of the vases he's seen in multiple flower shops were scattered into a corner, some children's toys from the Ninjago orphanage, the thought of what happened to them giving Arin even more nightmares, and even a full on Nindroid.

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