1 |Too Fucking Early

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A / N 

  Tweek is a femboy in this!!!

Tweeks POV:

Its two in the fucking morning.

For some background info, i just moved into this small town called 'south park' and if im being honest, this place looks like shit.

On the other side of town i swear i saw people having public sex.

its two in the fucking morning.

soon enough, i realized i was at our house.

it wasnt anything special really, since most of the houses look similar, just a different color.

"Tweek, Dear." a voice called snapping me out of my thoughts.

"go inside and look for your room,you can start decorating once you go in." my mom said.

no duh bitch its my fucking room you whore.

i nodded. " -NhGgh- would you like -ngh- h-help with any-anything?" i asked

"Thanks for the offer, but we dont want to overwork you. Plus you need to get some rest soon"

yeah bc you didnt put METH in my coffee bitch.

i just nodded and left the car now that she was starting to get on my nerves.

{ Tiiimeee skkkiiiiippp <3 }

it was around 9 on a sunday. i didnt know it would take so much time to set up a goddamm bed.

then again, it was too. fucking. early.

my man whore of a father said he wanted me to

"Go outside and explore my new hOMe"


i didn't want to get my ass beat so i put on a white shirt and a green jacket, buttoning it miserably since I was very shaky. I wore a white skirt, legwarmers and platforms. it surprisingly wasn't as cold as the temperature was normally, so I could go by with this on for now. to finish it off i put a star clip in my hair and walked out the door feeling perfect in every way.




around two hours later, i had seen most of SouthPark ( I couldn't bring myself to see the other side of town) and bought a few things, mainly hairclips and stickers.

it wasnt until an hour had passed and i realised that my... style wasnt liked around here. I dont give a rats ass but since i want to avoid trouble ill refrain from dressing this way

i thought it was cute.

fucking homophobe.

i started to walk home until i felt a few water droplets on my head. and then it suddenly started raining. hard.

too fucking early.

as i started to walk home i calmed down a bit, enjoying the sounds of the rain. when it rains, it seems so peaceful. the sound of rain falling everywhere.

i saw a flower (a tulipe most likely) and stood there watching how beautiful it looked in the light, as the shade of light pink seemed to be one of my favorite colors after green.

i stood there for a while so when i felt no more rain on my body but i saw more rain i was confused.

i immediately thought back to the underpants gnomes and screamed.

im sure people from the UK could hear, but i was scared for life. sooo.

i soon heard a small chuckle and turned around.

when i tell you i froze, i froze. he looked like he worked a lot but not to the point where it seemed unnatural. his eyes were a electric blue and they made my knees go weak. he was wearing a blue hat that was wet, and strands of his hair had started to come out. they were a perfect shade of black and it seemed smooth and soft. I did see that huge bulge in his pants but i decided that i would rather be laid later.

i looked him up and down and my face started to turn red. i could just feel it. but then i stared feeling lightheaded and blacked out before i could say anything.

674 Words

My first story! I'm new to this so it's really bad. I'm also sorry for how short it is, I'm on the verge of passing out and I'll try to make the next chapter longer. remember to drink water and don't stress urself <3 until we meet again, Jae.

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