Hello Again

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(Y/n): Hello readers.. been awhile let's get back to it...

(Y/n): I will FUCK START your souls!! I'll make you mongoloid rock-chomping thundercunts scream harder than your mothers after her fourth failed coathanger abortion. I'm going to chop off your shriveled balls, put them where your eyes should be, put a sombrero on your head and beat you like a piñata. Hell, I'll make you shit so many bricks you'll put the Mexicans out of business. But fear NOT. Because in three years, I will turn you cock monarchs into fuckmasters of galactic destruction! I put in an order to the empire to send me a shitload of badasses and pillage-hungry murder machines. Instead all I got was you cupcake cockclowns and a side order of fucknuggets. I can tell at a glance that at least 50% of you are cocksuckers, and the other 50% are cocksuckers who've never been told to believe in themselves. I'm going to shove my boot so far and fast up your assholes it'll trigger a geological event. You all reek of poverty and animal abuse. Every breath you take is a stunning endorsement of abortion.You shitstains are a collective masterpiece of failure. You cockgoblins circle jerk each other to exhaustion every night.

(Y/n) revives Issei to break his spine again

Issei: Jeez! Holy FUCK, (Y/n)! I think you just permanently altered my spine! You should become, like, a chiropractor for hunchbacks! You could probably reset a Titan's vertebrae alone! You could probably commit seppuku with an acupuncture needle! I really don't know how to handle this! I've been crippled by your mutant strength, and my personal issues with having a fake friend adding me to the disability registry!



Author & readers: SHUT THE FUCK UP WE'RE READING!!!!!



"That's why you're a virgin"



While (Y/n)'s peerage went to go get him back from a crazed blue haired sexy psycho girl

Ira P.O.V

*RIP* *Thud*
Ira: Go-AHHG, Damn it. That's the 5th punching bag I've broken.

???: Did you seriously foget you can't say god? How do you forget that?

I turn to glare at the intruder, Azrael Nox. He's the other squad leader in the court, and even though we're the same rank he may aswell be my boss the way he trusts him. I turn to him as I thow away the bag.

Ira: Well excuse me, I guess I've been spending to much time with non-devils that they're vocabulary has rubbed off on me. What do you want? I'm in a bad mood, in case that wasn't obvious, and the last thing I want right now is comedy from the peanut gallery.

Azrael: Well, I figured I'd check up on you, Why are you so cranky anyway? I know you don't like losing but hey at least you didn't get kidnapped and, I can only assume, molested.
Ira: It's not JUST losing, it's losing to that shit stain that hurt Riser. I know you don't have any siblings so it's hard to understand, but I'm out for his head.

Azrael: Trust me I get being murderous over someone you care about being hurt, but don't you constantly complain about Riser? I assumed you hated him.

Ira: I don't hate Riser, I just get annoyed at him. He's an genuinely good guy, and more people would get that if he got over himself and did some self-reflecting.

Azrael: Right, well I can't say that I don't get that.

Ira: Why are you really here?

Azrael: What? Can't a man check up on his buddy every now and then.

Ira: You can, but I've known you long enough to know that that's not the only reason you'd be here.

Azrael: I'm checking in on every member before the next mission. The boss says it's a big one, and both squads plus Elizabeth are to be deployed.

Ira: Wow, both squads? They must really want that group dead if we're sending all of us. Is the gremory ex-peerage also to be bumped off.

Azrael: No, only if they explicitly aid the targets and fight against us. They aren't our targets so don't attack any of them.

Ira: I get you are proud to be a professional but it's unlike to expand on that so much. Oh wait, you know one of them, right? Well don't worry mate, I'll make sure to not target he-.

I get interrupted by being forced to the ground by Azrael's magic.

Azrael: I don't like what your implying there. My Loyalty is to the court, first and foremost.

I get back up when he stops holding me.

Ira: Jeez, learn to take a bloody joke mate.

I say as he wanders off, and I set up a new punching bag.

(New enemy group named: The Crimson Court)

Hope you enjoyed this small return now I'll have to take another 2 year break (I'm kidding) but I'll either remake this story completely OR add y'all let me know. BUH BYE SAY BYE ERI


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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