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^ Training Instructor Nami Inui

* you know sh*t's about to go down when an always closed eyes character opens his/her eyes.*


Akira's POV

Mana looked at me. I took the reins back from Tera. 

"Wanna walk together?" I started walking towards the training field and Mana followed me. 




"Did you know your hair is platinum white and your eyes are gold, just then?" She asked me.

"Uhm no, I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know." Silence.

(Tera, why did my hair and eyes changed colors?)

('Cause you were using my power? Kinda like how you turn into a wolf when you use Mirai's power?)

(Ok, I get that. But did my hair really have to change colors too?)

(I guess I can limit the change to your eyes but the power you can use in that form would also be more limited.)

(That's okay. I need to talk to father about this first. He can help us make a decision if we should advertise this new power or not.)




"What just happened?" She asks.

"Can you ask me about something else?" Again, silence.




"Did you really reject, Ichirou?"

"Yeah, I did."

"And he rejected the rejection?"

"Yes, he did."

"He probably wants some petty revenge."

"I figured as much." More silence.




"Hey mind if I ask you something, Mana?"

"No, go ahead."

"Why do you hang out with those three?"

(Mana's such a sweet girl, surprising since she came from that clan. She doesn't participate in the bullying her friends do and always says sorry to the victims afterwards. Doesn't change the fact she only stood by but her 'friends' aren't so bad either, the most they could do was pathetic insults. This was actually the first time in 3 months since school started that things almost got physical.)

"They're the only friends I have?"

"You sure? I think you need better friends. Those three probably only became your friends because Chiyama's your cousin."

"Yeah, I figured that out. But there wasn't anyone else who would talk to me besides them and well, I don't want to be left out."

"I've got a feeling those three tore down everyone else who wanted to get close to you. So, you would rely on them. Wanna sit with me and my friends from now on? That is, if you don't mind sitting with dirty half breed mongrels. " She suddenly grabbed my arm and hugged it. It was quite awkward because I'm short (5'0") while Mana is quite tall (5'10")

"Oh come on, Kira-chan, you know I never thought like that! We wouldn't even be talking together if I ever did." She tried desperately to explain herself to me.



(How is she related to that douche of a family?)

"I know, I know... you'll sit together with us later then?" She beamed a bright smile.

"Yes! I mean, I would love to, if you'll have me."

(So polite)

(Ahh.. I'm healing)

(Again... how is she related to that family?!)

"Of course, Mana. We'll be happy to have you. Now come on, we might be late. I don't want to run extra laps." I grabbed her hand and ran towards the training field.


Training Field

As we got to the training field, the bell rang signifying the start of class.

"Phew... barely safe."

"yeah... haa... haa... good thing we ran..." Mana was panting hard, trying to catch her breath.

(hmm??? I'm not as tired as I thought I would be. Did my endurance improve?)

"I'll go where my classmates are, Kira-chan. I'll sit with you guys later at lunch." She went to line-up with her class.

She's a sophomore while I'm a freshman so we don't line-up together. Physical training class is one of the few classes that has mixed grade levels. Others are spirit magic class, weapons class, lore class and shamanism class. Unlike the other classes though, where the students are so few they can barely be called a class that's why they became mixed grade levels to boost student count. Physical training is a huge class composed of multiple classes from across the grade levels.

"Alright wimps, we're running the obstacle course today. Get your weights and gather at the starting line. We're running in groups of 20 starting from the ones who got the slowest times last time up to those with the fastest. We'll see if you improved your time." Inui-sensei's voice sounded in our heads. Immediately people went to pick up their weighted bands to be worn in both wrists and ankles.

"Hey half breed! Your weighted bands are here." Some girls called me over. They pointed at some weighted bands near their feet. I sighed.

(They wanted me to pick it up myself, huh?) I walked towards them and picked up the weighted bands without too much difficulty.

(These seems a little heavier than what we usually use.)

(They're trying to slow down our time or humiliate us by destroying our balance or something.)

(They should've used heavier weights then.) I just shrugged my shoulders and secured the bands on my hands and feet. I proceeded to do some warm-ups while waiting for my group's turn. I'm part of the faster ones so I'll be going later. What I didn't know, Inui-sensei was watching me the entire time.


Author's note: 

Yeah I'm stopping here. The chapters getting kinda long.

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