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Is he dreaming? He must be right?? How is this possible??

A million questions popped up in Hyunjin's mind. The photos and videos looked pretty real and it DID look like Jeongin but how?

"Hyung why are you crying? Did riki do something wrong?" He heard a little voice. Hyunjin broke out of his trance,to find riki hugging his waist with a pout on his lips.

He quickly bent down to match riki's height, almost immediately there were small arms wiping the tears off that hyunjin didn't even realize fell. "I'm sorry riki, Hyung just missed Jeongin, nothing else" He tried to reaasure riki with a smile on his face that didnt reach his eyes.

"So Riki where do you want to go first??" Hyunjiin put on his brave- bright face. He knows what happened ( an idea of it) but he isn't going to let it ruin Riki's Birthday. He is determined to find out how and why but not now.

"umm hyung I really really wish to go to an amusement park. I saw a lot of my friends talking about it the other day" Riki confessed with a nervous face.

"Well then off to the amusement park we go!!" Hyunjin exclaimed, energetically picking up riki and carrying him the car.


*Flash back*

"Hyung you know you can tell me anything right??" Jeongin asked hyunjin who was cuddling him, it was like....like he was afraid. Afraid that jeongin would leave him too. Like all the others did.

Hyunjin didn't have the best childhood, He wasn't that academically gifted which was a BIG problem. 7- year old hyunjin spent most of his time in tutor classes and that continued till high school. His parents made it very clear to him that he was a mistake and they were only gonna let him live under their roof if he got good grades

Hyunjin wished so greatly that he was intelligent, he hoped and hoped but God never answered. 

He was 16 when his mom kicked him out, told him that he should go in the ocean and drown himself, told him to kill himself, that he didn't deserve to live. That he deserved Nothing. 

And thats how hyunjin found himself working 4 jobs to make ends meet, he lived in the storage room of one of the cafes he worked at. He is forever thankful for the owner. he wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for the owner.

He obviously couldn't go to school, his mom removed him from the school he was studying at, refusing to pay for him.

So he lived (barely), worked till he had enough saved up to get somewhere to live, maybe continue his education.

It was hard for hyunjin, hard to see kids his age having the time of their lives, hard to see kids with good, healthy relationships with their parents, Hard to his former classmates come to the cafes after school to hangout, he knew they saw him but no one talked to him.

Hyunjin was going end it all one night but a stranger with small comforting smile saved him. Brought him out of that dark, dark world. Only for him to push hyunjin deeper into that hole years later.


To be continued.

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