Chapter 4

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Saejin's POV

I sacrified for 2 years to save this relationship because that's how much I love him. I sacrificed for 2 years seeing him going to clubs, flirting with sluts girls, seeing him kiss a girl for a CF, seeing him being paired up to an actress that I know I am nothing compared to and he acted like they were dating. So rumors were spreading and he seems to be happy about that, and he treats me like a fan. How? Well, every time someone asks him about "Park Saejin" he always denied that they are friends and always tell them that she is just a fan. Yet, I still didn't do anything because I was protecting his image and was afraid to destroy his career because of me. A rumor spread once when my name suddenly came up as a big issue to the world because they saw a picture of me and Baekhyun hanging out. And what's new. Of course Baekhyun denied it and told them "She was my friend in high school, but now, she's just a fan of mine"

I sacrificed all of these things and still being a fcking 'martyr' as Chanyeol said. Chanyeol knows about everything because he was the only person I'm comfortable talking to "If Baekhyun is not my bestfriend nor an idol, I would fcking punch him using a puncher or even throw a motorcycle at him. Stop being a fcking martyr, Saejin-ah. You know you deserve a lot better." 

"But I love       "

"Vanished love you say. Does he love you now like he did before?"

And that was when the words stabbed me one by one. I was so stupid to be blinded by love because I was afraid to lose my bestfriend and Baekhyun. But realizations hit me. Was he even afraid to lose me?

Baekhyun's POV

"And just so you know, to make this straight, my father died today and you called me a slut because I was with a person giving me a comfort and love? Do you realize how much I needed a........." my mind and body froze and was paralyzed that time. I was dumbfounded and my head was down. What did I just do? I felt the guilt running through me that I wanted to punch my perfect face. But next thing I know, I was crying and I heard her say, "....whatever. I don't need to fcking explain to a person who never listens and who never cared." I lost her. That aching feeling every time I had to leave her because I needed to work and be an idol. The aching feeling every time I see her with Sehun. That aching feeling everytime she's smiling and laughing, but I was not the reason behind that smile and laughter. That aching feeling every time I see her pained face when I had to act that I'm dating Mun Kayoung because of my image and to gain more popularity. That aching feeling every time I see her cry and I was afraid to ask her because I'm afraid that I was the reason for it. I wanted to run after her, but I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid that when I run after her, she will be gone and the next thing I know.. a slap on my beautiful face. The stinging feeling when she slapped me and that was when it hit me. I was the worst and felt defeated. I wanted to stab myself for being so stupid. For being an asshole and a douchebag to her. When all she did is to give me love 

3rd POV

~No, it's my turn to cry, I'll cry now

I'll take all of your tears

It's my turn to cry, give them to me

Even those tears, this time~

Baekhyun fell down on his knees and who would have thought that an idol was crying because he was hurt. Not physically, but hurt because of love. He lost his world. "I'm sorry, Saejin. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" as tears started to fall down his cheeks. He was broken. His heart clenched tighlty and more tears started to fall. "Saranghae, Saejin-ah" 

~The faded photos that I alsmost threw away

It hurts so much that I can't look at them now~

Baekhyun forced his body to get out off bed. It's been a week since the biggest mistake he did happened. And yet, he never got the chance to talk to her because she never answered any calls nor texts from baekhyun. 

December 5, 2013 

He scrolled the photos on his phone and tears started to fall again as he laid his eyes on that particular picture when he proposed his love for her when they were in high school. It was the exact day as of today. December 5, 2007. It's been 6 years that they started dating. And now, it ended. That was the best day ever for both of them because they shared a lot of memories. They know each other since they were 2 years old. And fate dragged them back to each other again as they went to the same school in elementary and high school. When he asked her to be her boyfriend, the satisfaction, desire, intimacy and love they showed to each other was unconditional as they say. They've been dating for 4 years before Baekhyun got accepted to become a trainee. And things started smoothly. Saejin supported her boyfriend the day they debuted until he doesn't know because he never gave his attention to her when Exo started promoting 'Growl'. That was when they started to drift apart. Well to this part, Baekhyun started to drift and Saejin was trying her best to save this broken relationship. And only now that Baekhyun realized everything he did to her. "I'm sorry, Saejin. Please come back" was the last words he said before preparing for their comeback stage. 

"You'll be okay, Baek. Everything will be alright" Chen smiled to his broken friend as he cheered and enliven him up. Baekhyun, Chen, and Kyungsoo went to stage to perform.

"Okay, Exo! Get ready! In 5..4..3..2.." and the crew signaled someone and the music started to play.

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot see

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot hear

I see things that I couldn't see before

I hear things that I couldn't hear before

After you left me, I have grown a power that I didn't have before

As Baekhyun sang his part, his heart clenched tightly but he managed to continue. But as soon as they sang the part he was afraid that he'll breakdown..

The selfish me who has only thought about myself

The me who didn't know your feelings and ignored it

I couldn't believe myself that I have changed this much

Your love can still move me like this

No, he did not fall on his knees, but rather tears started to fall from his eyes. Chen noticed this, but he knew Baekhyun can do it.... he was wrong. Baekhyun stopped singing, but Chen saved this moment and he started to sing Baekhyun's part and he was so worried seeing his friend shocked at the moment and as Chen laid his eyes at the person Baekhyun was looking at.. he was shocked too.

It was Saejin. 

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