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Saejin's POV

It's been 2 years since Baekhyun told the world about Park Saejin. I was scared as hell because the fans can be violent at times. But Baekhyun and Exo protected me and I've been at peace for 2 whole years. Crazy, right?! So, to sum it all up, Baekhyun and I have been dating for 8 years already! Even crazier! They've been askin' me to get married already and I always tell them, "It's up to Baek when it comes to that". I mean, am I the one who will propose? 

In all honestly, we've never talked about marriage, though I always dreamt about me walking down the aisle, wearing the most elegant and breathtaking wedding gown and then, there's Baekhyun standing infront of the altar with 11 hot wolves. But, of course I shrugged it all off. I can wait 10 more years until Baekhyun proposes..... ok maybe 5 more years.. or I can wait for a year.... aish, what am I thinking. He is very busy right now and he has no time to propose. I mean, c'mon? what are we talking about? We barely see each other. He's been really busy being an idol. I understand it of course. I'm freaking dating an idol. 12 out of billion of people in the world gets to marry these 12 dorks. And I'm part of that 12 people. I mean, not yet marrying. You know, just dating.. for 8 freaking years! How cool is that?!

So anyway, I'm here inside the practice room, sitting cross-legged, leaning against the mirror while watching Exo practicing. Baekhyun would always give me that eye smile that I love so much and that soft and beautiful smile. I'm just writing in my diary.. more like our diary. Remember the book he gave me? Well, yeah I still have that, but we bought another empty book to write new chapters of our life after the incident 2 years ago. We're cheesy right? Baekhyun promised me 2 years ago that he will do everything to make me happy and not be disappointed again because of his selfishness. And he did pretty well. We're living together again.. sometimes..when he's not busy and everything is great! Though we fight over little things, he will immediately climb the bed and apologize wearing his puppy face and aegyo. Who wouldn't resist that? then he will kiss me on the lips and.. okay it's our business only. *wink* 

Minutes passed, Exo is going out one by one until i'm left alone inside the practice room. Silence filled the room and I can only hear my breathing sounds. Awkward. What am I supposed to do now      sht. Somebody turned all the lights off. "What the actual fck" I murmured, I'm scared of the dark. I'm panicking already, but I stayed frozen because sht's got real. I cannot see anything except the light coming from my phone. Then suddenly, the door opened, "Thank God, what happened   " I was cut by the sound of the person playing the guitar.. the tune is familiar.. too familiar. Oh my god. Chanyeol is playing the guitar and then a person, I assume it's Kris because he's taller than Chanyeol, also entered the room with a candle on his hand and soon one by one they all entered with candles on their hands. Baekhyun is the last one to enter the room with a bouquet of flowers. The light coming from the candles are the only source of light inside the room and I couldn't see Baekhyun clearly. He settled the bouquet of flowers on the table and starts singing a song.. sht. No freaking way. 

Give me love like her,

'cause lately I've been waking up alone,

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,

Told you I'd let them go,

And that I'll fight my corner,

Maybe tonight I'll call ya,

After my blood turns into alcohol,

No, I just wanna hold ya.

He is singing the song he sang when he asked me to be his girlfriend 8 years ago. Exo is also singing in the background, but I couldn't care less because I was astonished. My mind is blank. I have no idea what's happening. Tell me, what the fck is happening? As soon as the song finished.. Baekhyun walked towards me and grabbed my hands. Just like the old times

"I'm sorry if it took me so long for this to happen." he looked me in the eyes. A look that says 'you-won't-regret-saying-yes-to-me' wait what? "What is happening, Bae  " I was cut again. Seriously? I've been cut twice today. "I know we've been through a lot for 8 years. I've been the worst 2 years ago.." "No, you're not and  " "and I regret everything." Okay make it thrice. "2 years ago, I learned to appreciate the things.. no let me change that, appreciate the people especially the person I love the most. Maybe, I acted like johnny bravo, you know, wants all the attention because he's good looking and very handsome like me." he smirked at me. Why am I dating this guy again? "And i've been brutally selfish and I thought I was protecting you but it turned out I was only protecting myself and my image. But hear this" he's shaking a little.

"18 years ago, I saw an Angel and I thought I had a Heart Attack because you're the most beautiful girl I laid my eyes on. Soon, we became best buddies and remember during our first Christmas Day together, we saw The First Snow. It was one magical evening for me. I asked my mom, "Mama..What is Love?" because everytime I see you, my heart beats rapidly like I just came from a marathon and I need a breathing Machine because you always take my breath away. Years passed, we became closer than before and told myself that I should Let Out The Beast inside me and Growl like a Wolf and have the courage to ask you out. You are the most precious thing than any Black Pearl that exists. I promise you that I can be your Peter Pan and I can fly you up the sky because you are The Star that illuminates my life everyday. Soon enough, you said Yes and I can call you my Baby already. When you said yes, it was actually like having Two Moons in one night because is it even possible that you said yes? I mean, of all people? Why me? But of course, I was Lucky enough to call you mine and be My Lady365 days I always feel the love and happines because you always give me love I want to experience everyday. But, things got worse when I became an idol. 2 years ago, I made you cry because I was self-obsessed and self-centered. I always wanted to tell you, "Baby, Don't Cry.." but I did not because I was scared. When you left me dumbfounded inside the apartment, it was My Turn To Cry. I was really hurt and I need to get you back. Soon enough, a month has passed and I had the courage to tell everyone about us. I had my Miracles in Decemeber that time because I was able to tell the world about Park Saejin and I got you back. I'm telling you all of these because it's our History together. And now, please Don't Go. I will give you everyday an XOXO of my love because I'm Overdose with your love."

I'm bawling like a baby. I'm speechless with his speech. I'm crying so bad that anytime now my eyes are going to fall off. My eyes are redder than blood. god who knows what i'm feeling now. It's like i'm going to be a wolf.. you see what I did there. I'm going to explode right now. I heard sniffings in the background.. are they actually crying with me? ohmygod. What is happening to the world. I'm just too fcking happy right now not to care what is happening. 

"Park Saejin" I froze..ohmygod. Is this a.... "Will you change that label of mine; boyfriend to husband?" he got down on one knee and presented a beautiful and aesthetic diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" proposal. Sht, he just proposed.. today.. December 5, 2015. WAIT WHAT?  TODAY IS DECEMBER 5? How can I speak right now when my throat is clogged with mucus with all the crying I did. I am just so happy to even say yes. I got down on my knees and kissed him tenderly. A kiss filled with commitment and love. I broke the kiss first and had the guts to say what he wants to hear from me. "YES. BAEKHYUN, YES YES YES YES. OHMYGOD YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I WAITED FOR THIS DAY TO HAPPEN. OHMYGOD YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW. GODDAMIT BAEKHYUN, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" and before he can speak, I kissed him again not wanting to break this. 

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