Chapter 9

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Baekhyun's POV

"Saejin? Is that you?" I saw a silhouette, but it was blurry. I don't know where I am right now. It was dark and.. empty. It was desolated. I saw the figure again and I was running after her endlessly until the silhouette was gone again. I stopped and panted. "I love you, Baekhyun-ah" I heard a trembling voice and I turned my back and saw Saejin. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a white dress and she was standing beside a black figure that I cannot determine who the man was. She was crying.. I tried to grab her hand, but she backed off.. leaving me dumbfounded and astounded. Agitation and fear was present on her eyes. I closed my eyes and when I opened it, I was surprised to see that we were  standing in the middle of a road. Leaving me paralyzed there, a car sunddenly ran over Saejin's figure and the next I did was to scream her name..

"Saaejiiiiiiiin!!!!!!" I woke up suddenly with sweat all over my body and my body was trembling. I was breathing heavily until Chanyeol woke up shocked. I was inside our dorm and decided to sleep here because our apartment brought so much pain on me. 

"aaaaahhh!!" I looked at Chanyeol and almost forgot about my nightmare because he looked horrible. He was the nightmare. "I'm sorry. I just had my nightmare.. again" Chanyeol sighed and he thought he had a heart attack. "Aissshhh, seriously Baekhyun-ah? I was having the time of my life! I was so close! So close on kissing Sandara noona! You sht!" and then Chanyeol went back to sleep again leaving me there breathless. 

I decided to grab a glass of water since I was still having a hard time breathing. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, "Seriously, Minseok-hyung? why is our fridge full of meat buns? Aish, this hyung." I was laughing just by the sight of the meat buns inside the fridge. I grabbed the glass of water and was about to drink it until, "Baekhyun-hyung."

Sehun's POV

I was staring at the ceiling while lying on my bed. Joonmyun-hyung was sleeping peacefully on the other bed. While I was dazing, "Saaejiiiiiiiin!!!!!!" I was shocked and almost choked as I heard someone scream. I knew it was Baekhyun and his nightmares again. Soon, I heard their door open since it was just beside ours. I decided to go to the kitchen to drink, but then I saw the physique I wasn't ready to see. "Baekhyun-hyung." 

Baekhyun's POV

"Baekhyun-hyung." I was shocked to see him. I wasn't ready to see him. My ego grabbed me and I just shrugged him off making my way to my room. He grabbed my arm pushing me a little. "We need to talk, hyung." I gave him a glare. but he ignored it. "You're being stupid right now." I snapped right at that moment.

"What did you just say? I'm being stupid? stupid for letting you be the 'boyfriend'?!" He scoffed.

"So what if I was the 'boyfriend'? atleast she felt she had a boyfriend who actually cared. I'm sorry to break this, but you! yourself, is a sellfish little bastard who wasted 18 years of friendship and 6 years of dating." he exclaimed but with a low voice. I tried to relax and calmed myself down.

"You don't know anything   "

"Yes I do. Acting like you don't care about her, acting like you and kayoung are a couple to avoid the issue about you and Saejin. I know every single detail about your stupidity. Hyung, I know how much you love her and how much she loves you. You became selfish because you're not thinking about what she will feel. You didn't tell her and she felt that you're falling out of love. Now tell me, was I at fault all this time? I made her feel special because you never did. You never told her about your intentions of protecting her, when all this time you were just protecting your heart and your egocentric image." every single word he just said stabbed my heart one by one. I was astonished and of course, being the selfish one,

"Why are you telling me all of these?" 

Sehun's POV

"Why are you telling me all of these?" I chuckled at the astonishment on his face and at his dumb question.

You see, while I was lying on my bed minutes ago, I was actually thinking of how stupid I was to actually think that Saejin will give me love. All this time, every time she was with me, all she talked about was Baekhyun. "Hey, how's Baekhyun?" "Baekhyun is great isn't?" "You know, Baekhyun and I are dating for 5 years already! how cool is that?!"  and yes, it hurts so much, but I have to face the reality. I concluded that Baekhyun and Saejin are dating for 6 years already and they know each other for 18 years and who am I to ruin that beautiful love story of them? 

"Hyung, are you really that ignorant and stupid? Do you realize that you ended a beautiful story just because you are being selfish. You only thought of yourself. While you were breaking her heart into pieces, I was always there to mend it. I was there to repair every piece that you damaged. To be honest, I thought I was building another book with another chapter with her. You know, our new love story. But then I realized how stupid I was. I was actually the bridge for your broken relationship. Who am I to ruin that beautiful love story? Although we're not in good terms right now, I still pity you and I'm going to help you to rebuild that shattered relationship. I am your friend. We are a family here. For our fans and for our image. Trust me, hyung.

Well, Sehun was not a bastard after all. Baekhyun thought as he listened cautiously to every word he just said. 

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