Chapter 8

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Baekhyun's POV

"I'm warning you, Baekhyun-ah" our manager was talking to me "once is okay to be caught, but if another issue circulated.." our manager sighed out of frustration, "you have to break-up". I did not move because I froze again just hearing those words. I was afraid to lose her. I was standing there dumbfounded and petrified. 

I did not change. But the fear and agitation I felt changed me. Call me a bastard and a fool, but I did everything for her. I was also afraid for her. Seeing our sasaeng fans and seeing it increase, I was afraid that they will hurt her. I was afraid that if they found out, they will abuse her like they do to our fans and what more to my own girlfriend? So I did the most foolish thing a boyfriend can do for love. I neglected my world. 

When her name circulated and started an issue, I was scared. So I have to say that she was my friend and she's just a fan. I know I've hurt her feelings, but that was for her. I started to act like Kayoung and I were dating so that they won't bother Saejin anymore. Since Kayoung and I are very popular for having the 'chemistry' on stage, I had to grab that chance and protect Saejin. Not noticing that I was already enjoying the acting. 

When we were given a break, I don't go to her or to our apartment because fans would be following me all day. So I spent my days with Kayoung or Exo. I go to clubs every night and I wanted to puke every time I go there, the sluts girls were disgusting me. I wish I was with Saejin.

November 19, 2013 (flashback)

I was so exhausted because of practice and Sehun wasn't there. However, I didn't bother to know where his whereabouts were. Someone was calling me and I didn't bother to look who was calling me and I felt dead-tired and weary that time, "What?!" I jeered, and I heard a crashing sound from the other line and I looked at my phone realizing it was Saejin who called me. I felt guilty, culpable, remorseful and blamewhorthy. And that time, I knew I was too much and decided to visit Saejin because it has been a week? a month? I didn't know anymore, I was too tired to solve math right now. As I went to our apartment, I saw Sehun hugging Saejin.. the man I hated the most. The man I despised so much and without thinking too much, I was furious and indignant that time and I burst. Everything was history. History because I lost her that day.

Oh Sehun. The man I loathed and despised so much. Why? Because he was acting like the boyfriend of Saejin every time. I noticed this during our trainee days. Every time Saejin visited me, Sehun would always talk to her.. no, I was not selfish, but I was jealous because Saejin was smiling and laughing and I was not the reason behind those laughter. But later on I dismissed those feelings because she was dating me. I trusted and loved her. Sehun and I became close buddies not until we debuted, I noticed how Sehun would always look at her with glint of happiness and.. admiration. They would always talk and Sehun seems to be.. happy. I thought it was just an admiration because they were friends, but every time they talk, it was not the same way Chanyeol and Saejin talked, like bestfriends.. it was more of a 'hey-your-boyfriend-sucks-and-I-will-steal-you-from-him'. I also noticed how Saejin was always smiling every time she was with him and not me. Sehun was always there to comfort her when I made her cry. I should be thankful, right? But no I won't and never will. Because of him, I accused her of cheating and why I lost her. Because of Sehun, I was being replaced. I was so stupid to think that he replaced me because all this time, I was really replaced because of my selfishness, 

Oh Sehun, you bastard. 

Park Chanyeol was the only person I told everything to. After we fought because I was being a douchebag to Saejin, I told him everything and because he is my bestfriend. He understood my situation, but he was still hurt for her, "You're so stupid, Baekhyun. You will lose her anytime now if you continue that stupidity of yours. I won't help you with this. I warned you already." 

Chanyeol was right. I had to fix this on my own.

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