Chapter 2: before. . . pt 2

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Two weeks later
Lilith sat in the gazebo, staring up at the evening sky. The moon was beginning to rise but its beauty did nothing to ease her heart. Her husband left about 2 hours ago and she felt lonely. "My lady, my lady" a maid cried out for her. Lilith turned and stood "What is it, Talia". "His Majesty wishes to see you," Talia said bowing before her. Lilith stood and motioned for Talia to leave gently. She sighed and teleported to the throne room." What is it _______". The demon king ushered her closer. She teleported to the arm of his throne and sat, hands on my stomach." My son how has he been treating you, my lady" he said calmly looking at her. Lilith looked down at her stomach and sighed gently." Trust me he's great but I have my fear about this war. The goddesses have gone too far, they have controlled the giants, fairies, and humans even the mages. They are the victims of the supreme deity's greed and vanity. She must be stopped at all costs and that little whore of a daughter of her's" Lilith spoke softly yet firmly. The demon king hummed closing his eyes in thought.

Time skip: hours later

Lilith walked out of the throne room only to run into Zeldris." Sister how are you feeling, Is the baby okay" he asked as he held out his hand asking to touch her stomach. She smiled and nodded "Yes we are well. The little ones are just more active than usual," she said as a sharp pain struck her. Zeldris held her hand as she stabilized her. " Oh f* that hurt," she said huffing. Zeldris looked at her worriedly. She gave a weak smile " It's fine darling. The baby's just kicking. Haha seems they have their father's strength". Zeldris smiled a youthful smile and chuckled "You strong too you know, Goddess of night and magic. Protector of mages, nocturnals, and all who roam in the night's dark embrace". Zeldris's serious look had a teasing undertone. Lilith's laughter sounded like bells and her joy seemed to brighten the halls. Lilith's large black wings unfurled with joy as the two walked. "So where too liberty or gazebo," Zeldris said jokingly. Lilith thought "How about neither. A dip in the hot springs sounds wonderfully". Zeldris zoned out for a moment and then scowled. Lilith looked curiously at Zeldris " I'm sorry big sis but Father needs me urgently". Lilith smiled gently "That's fine darling,' I'll be in the hot springs. Join me later for a rest. If I'm still there". Lilith hugged him and walked away, a hand cradling her belly.

Lilith teleported to the hot spring located in a beautiful forest in the mortal realm. Her sigh left her plump full lips and stripped bare. The cool breeze blows past her causing goose bumps. She slowly dips into the warm pool. The smooth rocks under her body feel wonderful. Massaging her tired body. The stress of the war and pregnancy weighed her body. The sounds of nature and night creatures fill her ears. She closed her tired eyes and rubbed her belly. Her large with her 8th month of pregnancy. She can feel her baby kicking and moving with joy. Lilith smiled sweetly "Oh my little one, how you've grown so big and strong. Just like your father. I wonder who y'all look more like. It doesn't matter I'll love you all the same, my sweet child"!

After hours of moonlit silence. The sun began to rise from the mountains, and a sound rang in her ears. It was weak and far away. Lilith arose from the water and dried off and dressed.

 Lilith arose from the water and dried off and dressed

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She inst-dried her hair and used magic to braid it. She walked silently to the sound. The voices became more and more familiar as she got closer.' Those voices. . . . . . Meliodas. . . . Elizabeth'.  She masked her presence and began to float to a clearing. Lilith's heart pounded in her chest her blood running cold as she gazed into the clearing. And just as quickly as her heart had begun it stopped. Her eyes widened as she stopped in her tracks. Tears filled her eyes and flowed down her face quickly. Her breathing all but stopped.

                    " Meli. . . odas".

That day Lilith saw her husband, her lover, and mate.

Having sex with that stupid bitch.


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