Chapter3:Revival Of The Demon Clan

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Lilith POV
I awoke to the dark eternal night. My eyes and cheeks were moist, melancholic smile slowly emerged.' Seems that I still have some tears to shed', I thought bitterly. That disgusting dream. Elizabeth and Meliodas together that horrible night. I remember her sickening face so smug as if she had won. That bitch clung to him naked with that fake innocent face, as he look so shocked.

I quickly wiped my eyes as I heard my door opening. A small head of gold quietly sneaks in. Quiet giggles are heard as the little head tries to say quiet. The little head jumps onto the bed, little wings flapping with a loud.  " BOO" the little boy screamed and excitedly rammed into my chest. Nearly knocking the air out of my lungs. He is so young but has his father's hard head. I yelped slightly and laughed a little winded. " Oh, my goodness. Azrael you almost gave me a heart attack" I said dramatically while laughing at my little boy. Azrael laughed in a way that reminds so much of his father.' It almost hurts. No, my son is nothing like that cheating traitor'. The boy smiled his bright little grin " Good morning Momma"! He was still in his pajamas, golden hair even wilder than usual, the little red stricks in his hair sticking out everywhere. His emerald eyes shine brightly in the moonlight.

And this was how our mornings always started. I bathed him and dressed him. Azrael loves his bath time he always uses the time to try and get stories out of me. Like, about the past, my parents, or. . . . . His father and where he is. It hurts so much to see him wonder if his father is coming back. I always try to tell him the truth or at least a verdant of it. After I finished I let him loose with a few of the 10 Commandments watching over him. I go back in to get myself ready Zeldris following behind me. He can see the stress on my face hidden.
"How the hell do you explain to a child that his father left for another woman, caused a whole war, and locked them away? That's just not something you can bring up over breakfast or dinner! He doesn't deserve this" I told him falling onto my bed wings spread out. Zeldris sighs and pets my upper left wing"I know it's hard. As he gets older he wants to know he's going to get more and more curious about his father and where he is. Why isn't he with you? But you are strong and you've raised him alone all these years" I groan loudly kicking my feet like a child, and covering my face. " That stupid bastard, even when he's not here he still makes trouble" my voice wobbling as tears filled my eyes. Zeldris moved my hand and wrapped his arms around me, shushing me and rubbing my sides. A quiet sob rose in my chest as the tears became heavier " why the fuck do I miss him so much? Why do I still love him after everything he's put us through" I said sobbing heavily. My red hair was already a mess from sleep and now holds tears. Zeldris sighed and held me tightly " Because what you two had not many others ever accomplish. You love him no matter what he's done. Your heart yearns for him even though you don't want it to but it's going to be okay. Your son needs you your kingdom needs you but you need to realize you need to take time for yourself. You can't hold the world on your shoulders".

TIMESKIP-No one's pov:

"Have you gotten any information from him yet?" Lilith said her voice soft yet firm as she watched Azrael run around the garden with 2 beasts. One of the large heads of the 3rd lay at her feet. The two dragons run and tackle her son with gentle playfulness.

 The two dragons run and tackle her son with gentle playfulness

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Lilith chuckled softly as Azrael squealed with joy at his playmates

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Lilith chuckled softly as Azrael squealed with joy at his playmates. The 3-headed dog at her feet watches the boy with fierce protectiveness. The man before her, Chandler the pacifier demon, with a jolly smile at her son. "Yes, my lady, the ritual is almost complete All we need now is a bit of your power". Lilith nods and stands the beast beside her rises of attention. "Azrael my moon come along," Lilith said loud enough for the boy and his beasts to stop and run to her side." My stars, child you a mess," she said and waved her hand as new clothes appeared on the boy. (The outfit from the info sheet is just in dark purple and black. And little ankle boots).

Azrael smiled up at his mother as she placed him on the dog's back as they walked to the ritual room. She clapped as a large book floated down from the many shelves." Momma why are we here" he said with a curious gaze.

Lilith POV:

I smiled warmly at my son." Oh my moonlight, it is time for us to be free. No more shall be chained to this realm. We shall fly free and claim our honor back" I said with a fierce smirk. The shouts of the many demons watching and the 10 Commandments. Cheering for their much-awaited freedom. The magic circle began to glow a dark purple as I chanted lowly. My volume slowly rose as my long hair flew with the power. My eyes glowed black as my mark grew bigger and pulsed with power. Wings spread as my power grew. The Commandments fell to their knees the pressure overwhelming them. Luckily Azrael was in a perfect Cube safe from harm. He watched in awe at his mother's power. Sobek and Iris roared with joy and respect. Cerberus barked strongly his voice echoing. A large portal appeared as she stopped chanting. I looked back at Zeldris with a wicked smirk.

                           It's time

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