Chapter 5: Lilith

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Meliodas's POV

A beautiful voice sang softly in the moonlit field. Flowers of many shades of blue, purple, and gold gently sway in the soft breeze. My head lay on something soft yet strong. The singing stopped as a soft hand played so gently with my hair and the voice sang so beautifully.
"Distant moon, so big and bright
Softest silver glowing through the night
High atop, the mountain gold" the beautiful voice sang as the hand ran through my hair softly. I open my eyes and see a beautiful woman with long dark red hair and lavender eyes, smiling at me. Her stomach slightly protruding from her waist.

"Sun unseen, the world is cold
Here I wait, and here I stand
Early morning northern hour hand
Studying in solitude, looking for a hidden clue- oh darling you're awake!" she sang as she finally noticed me staring at her. I could only stare at the beauty and majesty of this woman. Her long hair created a veil around us. Her soft eyes looked at me with more love than I had ever felt. Plump lips touch my forehead as she kisses me with care. " Oh love about the baby what names have you thought of," she said her warm voice sounding like heaven in my eyes. It's not too high not too low. ' Just right' I thought with a dreamy sigh. "Wait for baby, what baby," I say shocked. She laughs and moves so she is holding my cheeks in her hands." Darling, you have been working far too hard. Have you forgotten silly?? It ower baby" she said giggling at me. I look dumbfounded and gap like a fish.

She laughs louder and falls over on her back. Flowers enter her hair as petals fly and land on her so perfectly.' She looks just like a dream. She has to be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen I thought as a heavy blush appeared on my cheeks. The woman must have noticed because she pulled me down with her and hugged my head to her chest. I gasped but couldn't help but make myself comfortable. She giggles and smiles "So about those names"?? I thought and hummed "How about if a girl we name her after your mother or Seraphina. For a boy how about Azrael or Dionysus" I said with a proud smirk. She thought briefly but smiled brightly " I love it" she whispered in my ear softly. I blushed and looked up at her " I love you ma Meliodas" she whispered and kissed me. " I love you too ma Lilith".

I opened my eyes to see Elizabeth standing over me crying (as always). She jumps on me pressing her boobs into my chest. 'They aren't as soft as hers" I thought and hummed, smiling slightly and looking at Elizabeth. "There's no need to cry. By the way, where is everybody else" I said nonchalantly looking away. She sniffed" This is the king's castle in Camelot". She helped me up as we slowly walked to the others. King author is crying over Merlin's stone body and a mage is healing the other. " Sir Meliodas," the Author says drying his tears. "What happened, It's not like Galand to just slink away without finishing us off, and who was that voice I heard? It sounded like a woman " I said looking more serious as I mentioned the mysterious yet familiar voice. It sounded like the same voice from my dreams. A soft blush graced my face as I thought of the voice." Sir Meliodas are you of Your face is turning red" Elizabeth whisper-yells in my ear. I whine at her voice, it sounds so shrill and whiny. The voice from my dreams was as smooth as honey and warm. I nodded and removed myself from Elizabeth, walking towards King Arthur. Before Arthur can speak Gothwer speaks up" I was going to manipulate his memories but before I could a woman with long red hair appeared and stopped him" he said posing. " Looks like you're back in your original form Gothwer, but why are you just like that" I said as he walked up to us and undue his towel. Yep, he flashed us. " I have no clothes," he said stone-faced. "Can't you see that? Hey wait a second Are you okay now" I said deadpanning face turning to worry. " In what way" he says. "Well, you know. . . you remember " I said kinda of getting worried even more. Gothwer looks at us determined "No need to worry about me losing control! I got this bracelet It's one of Merlin's magic items. A prototype of the piece amulet. Created by the goddess of peace and creation herself Gaia". " Did you put that on yourself" but before I finish Merlin's voice spoke up in the form of a little black ball." I managed to put it on Gotham when he wasn't looking. I transferred my soul to the morning star Aldan" She said as the ball floated towards us. Authur breathed a sigh of relief " Thank goodness".

As Melin continued to explain I zoned out. My thoughts being filled with images of that woman. How is she so familiar to me. Her voice I heard in before completely passing out but also in my dream, so she has to be real. My hearts race just thinking about her and I can feel the mark on my forehead try to appear but I keep it down. How does she have such an affect ton me, I couldn't even see her face. So why is she in my head, I cant stop thinking about her. It feels like my soul is crying out for her. " the only known person, to ever break or cancel a commandments affects is the Goddess Lilith, but no one has seen her in over 3,000 years. Even goddess powers don't pale in lady Lilith's abilities in magic " Merlin's voice broke through my thoughts.' Lilith, what a beautiful name' I thought as a serene look melted upon my face. Merlin continued talked but all my thoughts revolved around that woman Lilith was she with the ten commandments. " So your telling us that the only known person strong enough to break the curse, Might be dead or just missing" Hawk shouted sweating profusely." No she isn't dead, and what happened today proved it. The woman that stopped Galand was Lilith" merlin said proudly.

Everyone gasped including me! That woman was Lilith " What does she look like, I couldn't see her face" I said before I could stop myself. " She has long dark red hair, lavender eyes, and 2-3 set of large black wings. She is the goddess of magic, night, dreams, tactical warfare. She is known to be benevolent and motherly. last anyone has seen of her is she was pregnant but that was thousands of years ago" merlin said thoughtfully. " how do you know so much about Lilith, lady merlin" Elizabeth said clutching my arm shaking. 'Pathetic' a voice in my head said. What the hell was that. Merlin's ball pulsed slightly " Its Lady Lilith and she was the patriot of Belialuin. Lady Lilith is called the mother of mages and the arts. Even the druids praise and worship her. Warriors and mages had shrines and temples dedicated to Lady Lilith. Even some families of knights praises her and give offering in hopes of glory and victory. Treat her name with due respect lady Elizabeth " Merlin ended harshly. Everyone flinched but me, I felt kind of happy and proud. Elizabeth hugged me tighter and hided behind me. Even Slader glared lowly at Elizabeth. Arthur spoke up know a bright look on his face" yes its true she one of the main goddess praised her along with Gaia, Hades, Laima and in some reigns Tefnut" he said proudly.

After assessing the sins

"As for the 10 commandments, Galand's power level is 26,000 depleted and we assume the other are equally as strong. That gives us a total of 260,000, not counting lady Lilith who's level I couldn't get a proper read on. But I had to roughly estimate it at around 28,000-29,000. If the commandants completely regain there magic power, it will be more than 300,00" Merlin said calmly. " we need to power up like crazy to even stand a chance" I said confidently flexing my arm that waste being strangled. Slader side eyed me " you make it sound so easy" he huffed." merlin did too" i argued. " Focus, if we are going to have a change in hell we need everyone to power up. including you Arthur, Elizabeth" Merlin said. Arthur hung his head and sighed" you giving me to much credit. I let you and my people down. I'm no protector I'm useless" he said shamefully.

Some where far away

Lilith pov:

My head shoot up and my eyes narrowed slightly as I stopped yelling at Galand."What's wrong Big sis" Zeldris said hand on the hilt of his sword. " I sense a child in doubt" I said seriously facing the west. The 10 commandments sweat dropped as Estarossa and Galand busted out laughing. " ARE YOU SERIOUS" Zeldris yelled in my ear. I pouted childishly and crossed my arms huffing "Yes you asshole, I can feel a precious baby being crushed emotionally. Zeldris huffed and walked away from me.


" You can count on me lady Merlin. If there's anything I can do, I'll do it!" Elizabeth said proudly. Merlin seemed unimpressed " I like that look in your eyed. it seems it time to search for you know who" she said to me. 'Oh him'. " i know who you mean the sin of pride, the lion sin, Escanor!" i said smirking.

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