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Darkness blanketed the mysteries of day in Seoul city leading people to their humble abodes, letting silence break through the noisy and busy streets of Seoul.When most of the people were afraid of darkness, Taehyung himself doesn't know what was so enticing about the darkness and silence of the night.

All he knew ,it soothes his weary mind and makes his wounded heart feel at ease.So he decided to drive to the suburbs of Seoul, treating his eyes with the enchanting view of Seoul at night.Bottled up in his own thoughts , he was driving with one hand and kept his other elbow against the window rubbing his temple slowly to alleviate his headache.

When he was travelling aimlessly, he suddenly pressed his brakes, making him jerk forward,almost colliding with the windscreen of the car.He had to press the brakes because a little child around 12 to 13 carrying another infant in his arms was trying to cross the road. The older child didn't notice and was about to crash into Taehyung's car if he didn't press his brakes on time.

The child froze at his spot and looked at the car with his eyes widened and mouth hung low from shock. Taehyung quickly got out of his car and hugged the child along with the kid to make him recover from the shock.

He gently cupped his cheeks and looked for any injury and his eyes travelled to the kid who was laying limp in the older's arm.

He asked the older boy what happened and why he was roaming around with another child.

" This is my sister,ajusshi ,she is not opening her eyes and also not moving,"

The older child replied meekly and a few drops of tears rolled down his cheeks.Taehyung's heart squeezed hearing that and he quickly took the infant in his arms checking if the baby was still breathing and had fever or not.The infant had slight fever.

Taehyung kneeled ,holding the infant with his one arm and with his other arm caressed the boy's cheek lovingly and asked,

" Where is your parents' baby?Why are you roaming alone in the night.?"

The boy looked down and a fresh batch of tears started to flow immediately and Taehyung buried the boy's head on his neck.

He asked again, " What happened baby?" The boy sniffed and replied,

" I have no parents,they died and I live alone with my sister on the streets.When I felt my sister was burning , I asked for help from people but no one helped me.So I was trying to go to the hospital."

Taehyung felt a mixture of dejection and vexation overtaking his heart.He couldn't fathom the hardship these two little angels had to go through and how everyone turned a deaf ear to these poor souls.Without any delay , Taehyung made the boy sit on his car and put the infant on the boy's lap securing them with the seatbelt and rushed to his hospital.

Taehyung looked at the boy softly and patted his head,

" Don't worry bub , I am a doctor and I will help your sister."

Hearing Taehyung's words, instead of being happy the child pulled a long face and Taehyung asked him why he was sad.

" I don't have money ajusshi, but please save my sister.I promise I will work for you ,clean your house ,clean your shoes whatever you want me to do.Just save my sister,"

the boy pleaded with Taehyung and breaking Tae's heart into a million of pieces. He kept on looking at the innocent face of the boy who was determined to save his sister at any cost.

At such a tender age ,instead of playing and studying , he had to think about earning money.He always thought life was cruel to him but after seeing them ,his pain felt like a drop of water in the ocean. He thought there were more children like him suffering and thriving daily to make their ends meet. At that moment he decided to do something to improve the situation.

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