The After of The End

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<If you hadn't read the description and disclaimer because I KNOW most of you didn't bother, this is what it said briefly: This is not the actual continuation of "Who made me a Princess?". This is *not* canon. This is only what I think/want to happen if it continued. Yes, the show has been finished and the only thing it will update are some side stories so if you'd like to read that, go ahead. If you haven't read all of it, i suggest you don't read this if you don't want to get spoiled, since this starts after the ending, meaning some minor spoilers of the end might be mentioned. Other than that...enjoy!>




Key <33:

slanted: thoughts

Bold: emphasis

. (dots) =squiggles hehe 🤭 




After the Coronation ceremony, Athanasia received new duties and more work to complete as the Crown Princess. The amount of work she received was ridiculous! It was equivalent to the amount she received when her dad was peeved at her for mentioning love at their regular father and daughter tea time, except now that was the daily amount and even sometimes the expected minimum. Of course her dad would help her sometimes, so she could manage it quicker. Either way, Athanasia was more than capable. Her strongest points after all, were adapting to situations well in all of her lives. In her 1st life, she had adapted to the cruelty and negligence she was given by her father and everyone around her and in her 2nd, she had to adapt to the harsh work place and relying only on herself to survive. Compared to all of that, of course this was a breeze for her. Though, no matter how capable she was, it still ate away at her time and she'd end up working until evening, having her meals while continuing to review and work. It was tiring, but it wasn't anything too straining; she still received the right amount of sleep a young girl would need to thrive and grow. She just didn't have as much time to herself. On top of all that, the thing giving her the most headache was not the back breaking amount of documents. It was the pile of invitations and gifts she'd receive everyday. There would be a ridiculous pile in front of the door waiting for her early in the morning, and it was even *more* ridiculous that it was compulsory to reply to all of those "loyal noble supporters". Athanasia didn't have to attend if they sent invitations though, which made things much easier, but it was still a pain to reply to every noble and also complete the behemoth pile of documents resting on her desk. She had thought on her debutante she received too much, but compared to this...that was nothing more than a grain of sand.

Today was the same, nothing out of the ordinary. Athanasia was busy early in the morning, getting the nuisance of letters out of the way, until she came across a specific one with yellow markings engraved on the edges of the letter. It was beautifully hand written and anyone could tell that the person who wrote this was incredibly skilled in the arts of calligraphy. They seemed to take great care sending this letter off to Athanasia, as it seemed to even have the scent of strawberries on the paper. 

Before Athanasia could even check to see who the letter was sent by, she could already tell who it was from and she started smiling faintly. 

She checked to find it was a letter sent from Mieta. 

It was a letter sent by Jeanette. 

Athanasia quickly opened the letter to see the contents inside. 

She unfolded the letter and inside it read:

Dear Princess,

I was thrilled to read your reply to my invitation here in Mieta! As soon as I heard your letter arrived, I was already buzzing with excitement, so naturally you can predict my reaction when I actually read the said letter. There are so many things I can't wait to show you here; I promise to give you a tour everywhere, during your stay. I told father about the news and he seemed to scoff hearing it, but I could tell there was a hint of joy in his eyes. I'm sure father is also excited to see you and Uncle! (He just won't admit it hehe). Either way, I'll be looking forward to your arrival here next week princess! We'll be sure to welcome you with open arms.

Sincerely, Jeanette xx.


After reading it, Athanasia continued to smile as she folded the letter back to how it was sent originally. She smiled warmly, thinking about the fun times she'll have with her close friend in a new town. Athanasia put the letter away and continued to look through the rest of those annoying letters, before starting her actual work.

Soon, the day fell and with it the night rose; a jewelled-eye girl was found sleeping on her desk, paper scattered everywhere.

This continued on for many nights, as she increased her work load to ensure she wouldn't fall behind when she'd visit Jeanette. She worked herself endlessly throughout the day until she'd pass out. Many of the maids were worried, but little do they know they're not the only ones worried for the little princess...

Athanasia only just finished her work and it was already 8:00 in the evening. She slowly walked outside to her balcony, the moonlight welcoming her as she slumped on the edge and looked out. She yawned, fatigue wrapping around her body, adding weights to her eyelids that felt like they were about to fall and shut tightly. She looked down to realise she hadn't even changed out of her day dress yet. She stood up, ready to go inside, until a deep voice suddenly spoke up.


Athanasia whipped her head around.

"GAH! Who's there?" 

Low chuckling could be heard as the shadowy figure stepped out and revealed itself...






Hii! I'm really sorry for making it this short. Originally it had more, but I realized that it was probably getting too long so I cut it and instead decided to make it chapter two! I've gotten inspiration from a dear friend of mine that I made here on wattpad! I've realised that not all wattpad chapters have to be particularly lengthy, so from now on I'm cutting it down a little. It would also probably fit my schedule better too! 🥲 

Thank you for reading this chapter though and I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be posting the next chapter very soon 🤭

*spoiler*: there is a lot of Lucathy in the next chapter!!

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